Greg Anthony PG  #50

Full Name: Gregory Anthony

Current Team: N/A

Born: Nov 15, 1967 (56 years old)

Birthplace/Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada

Nationality: United States

Height: 6-0 (183cm)     Weight: 176 (80kg)

Current NBA Status: Unrestricted Free Agent

Draft Entry: 1991 NBA Draft

Drafted: Round 1, Pick 12, New York Knicks

Pre-Draft Team: UNLV (Sr)

High School: Rancho High School [North Las Vegas, Nevada]


Greg Anthony Player Profile

NBA Career

11 Years Of Service

NBA Regular Season Stats - Per Game

1991-92 NYK 82 1 18.4 5.45 1.96 5.30 .370 0.10 0.67 .145 1.43 1.93 .741 0.40 1.26 1.66 3.83 0.72 0.11 1.20 2.07
1992-93 NYK 70 35 24.3 6.56 2.49 5.99 .415 0.06 0.43 .133 1.53 2.27 .673 0.60 1.83 2.43 5.69 1.61 0.17 1.49 2.01
1993-94 NYK 80 36 24.9 7.85 2.81 7.14 .394 0.60 2.00 .300 1.62 2.10 .774 0.54 1.82 2.36 4.56 1.43 0.16 1.59 2.04
1994-95 NYK 61 2 15.5 6.10 2.10 4.80 .437 0.92 2.54 .361 0.98 1.25 .789 0.11 0.93 1.05 2.62 0.82 0.11 0.93 1.62
1995-96 VAN 69 68 30.4 14.01 4.70 11.32 .415 1.30 3.93 .332 3.32 4.30 .771 0.42 2.10 2.52 6.90 1.68 0.16 2.32 1.99
1996-97 VAN 65 44 28.7 9.48 3.06 7.80 .393 1.35 3.66 .370 2.00 2.74 .730 0.38 2.45 2.83 6.26 1.98 0.06 1.98 1.88
1997-98 SEA 80 0 12.8 5.24 1.88 4.36 .430 0.82 1.99 .415 0.66 1.00 .663 0.23 1.16 1.39 2.56 0.80 0.04 1.14 1.21
1998-99 POR 50 0 16.1 6.38 2.08 5.02 .414 0.98 2.50 .392 1.24 1.78 .697 0.28 0.98 1.26 2.00 1.32 0.06 1.10 1.50
1999-00 POR 82 3 18.9 6.27 2.06 5.07 .406 1.07 2.84 .378 1.07 1.39 .772 0.21 1.41 1.62 2.54 0.72 0.11 1.04 1.74
2000-01 POR 58 0 14.8 4.86 1.67 4.36 .383 1.12 2.74 .409 0.40 0.60 .657 0.36 0.69 1.05 1.41 0.69 0.05 0.74 1.09
2001-02 * All Teams 60 38 25.2 7.90 3.05 7.92 .385 0.80 2.72 .294 1.00 1.52 .659 0.37 1.83 2.20 4.70 1.28 0.08 1.57 1.90
2001-02 * CHI 36 35 26.7 8.39 3.14 7.97 .394 0.81 2.50 .322 1.31 1.94 .671 0.44 2.00 2.44 5.64 1.36 0.11 1.61 2.00
2001-02 * MIL 24 3 23.0 7.17 2.92 7.83 .372 0.79 3.04 .260 0.54 0.88 .619 0.25 1.58 1.83 3.29 1.17 0.04 1.50 1.75
CAREER   757 227 20.9 7.26 2.53 6.27 .403 0.81 2.31 .349 1.40 1.91 .733 0.36 1.51 1.87 3.96 1.17 0.10 1.38 1.75

NBA Regular Season Stats - Totals

1991-92 NYK 82 1 1,510 447 161 435 .370 8 55 .145 117 158 .741 33 103 136 314 59 9 98 170
1992-93 NYK 70 35 1,699 459 174 419 .415 4 30 .133 107 159 .673 42 128 170 398 113 12 104 141
1993-94 NYK 80 36 1,994 628 225 571 .394 48 160 .300 130 168 .774 43 146 189 365 114 13 127 163
1994-95 NYK 61 2 943 372 128 293 .437 56 155 .361 60 76 .789 7 57 64 160 50 7 57 99
1995-96 VAN 69 68 2,096 967 324 781 .415 90 271 .332 229 297 .771 29 145 174 476 116 11 160 137
1996-97 VAN 65 44 1,863 616 199 507 .393 88 238 .370 130 178 .730 25 159 184 407 129 4 129 122
1997-98 SEA 80 0 1,021 419 150 349 .430 66 159 .415 53 80 .663 18 93 111 205 64 3 91 97
1998-99 POR 50 0 806 319 104 251 .414 49 125 .392 62 89 .697 14 49 63 100 66 3 55 75
1999-00 POR 82 3 1,549 514 169 416 .406 88 233 .378 88 114 .772 17 116 133 208 59 9 85 143
2000-01 POR 58 0 856 282 97 253 .383 65 159 .409 23 35 .657 21 40 61 82 40 3 43 63
2001-02 * All Teams 60 38 1,514 474 183 475 .385 48 163 .294 60 91 .659 22 110 132 282 77 5 94 114
2001-02 * CHI 36 35 961 302 113 287 .394 29 90 .322 47 70 .671 16 72 88 203 49 4 58 72
2001-02 * MIL 24 3 553 172 70 188 .372 19 73 .260 13 21 .619 6 38 44 79 28 1 36 42
CAREER   757 227 15,851 5,497 1,914 4,750 .403 610 1,748 .349 1,059 1,445 .733 271 1,146 1,417 2,997 887 79 1,043 1,324

NBA Regular Season Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
1991-92 NYK 82 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 .143 3.20 0.60 0.36 51 31 .622 0.15 1.88 2.03
1992-93 NYK 70 35 5 0 0 0 0 0 .207 3.83 1.09 0.38 50 20 .714 0.95 3.53 4.48
1993-94 NYK 80 36 2 0 0 0 0 0 .195 2.87 0.90 0.29 55 25 .688 1.45 3.72 5.17
1994-95 NYK 61 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .129 2.81 0.88 0.26 41 20 .672 1.36 1.32 2.68
1995-96 VAN 69 68 9 0 0 0 0 0 .341 2.98 0.72 0.38 13 56 .188 2.79 1.89 4.68
1996-97 VAN 65 44 5 0 0 0 0 0 .272 3.16 1.00 0.35 9 56 .138 2.27 1.39 3.65
1997-98 SEA 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .119 2.25 0.70 0.23 60 20 .750 1.39 1.29 2.68
1998-99 POR 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .117 1.82 1.20 0.35 35 15 .700 1.32 1.38 2.70
1999-00 POR 82 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .125 2.45 0.69 0.27 59 23 .720 2.31 1.66 3.97
2000-01 POR 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .084 1.91 0.93 0.14 37 21 .638 0.89 0.74 1.63
2001-02 * All Teams 60 38 1 0 0 0 0 0 .222 3.00 0.82 0.19 16 44 .267 0.11 0.97 1.08
2001-02 * CHI 36 35 1 0 0 0 0 0 .264 3.50 0.84 0.24 9 27 .250 0.46 0.80 1.25
2001-02 * MIL 24 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .166 2.19 0.78 0.11 7 17 .292 -0.43 0.20 -0.23
CAREER   757 227 24 0 0 0 0 0 .176 2.87 0.85 0.30 426 331 .563 16.14 20.16 36.30

NBA Regular Season Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
1991-92 NYK 82 1 .443 .379 2.53 7.73 5.16 28.59 16.27 2.02 0.39 17.50 125.61 7.67 1.03 100.8 106.9 10.55
1992-93 NYK 70 35 .469 .420 2.84 8.16 5.58 33.01 17.54 3.38 0.48 15.11 122.16 9.71 1.10 105.4 99.8 13.73
1993-94 NYK 80 36 .487 .436 2.49 8.12 5.36 27.23 16.45 2.97 0.46 17.02 146.79 5.98 1.10 105.0 100.0 12.97
1994-95 NYK 61 2 .570 .532 0.91 6.86 3.99 27.09 14.87 2.78 0.55 18.58 158.76 5.32 1.27 113.1 105.8 14.81
1995-96 VAN 69 68 .530 .472 1.56 8.34 4.84 41.51 14.93 2.94 0.39 23.49 151.80 7.58 1.24 108.7 109.4 18.65
1996-97 VAN 65 44 .526 .479 1.53 9.97 5.69 36.25 18.06 3.75 0.16 17.75 149.26 7.76 1.21 108.6 109.1 16.44
1997-98 SEA 80 0 .545 .524 2.15 10.65 6.49 32.07 19.15 3.35 0.22 21.53 150.74 4.49 1.20 106.4 103.1 16.70
1998-99 POR 50 0 .550 .512 2.08 6.77 4.51 21.09 15.93 4.39 0.28 19.60 150.30 1.44 1.27 107.3 96.8 16.61
1999-00 POR 82 3 .551 .512 1.36 8.37 5.05 20.51 15.42 2.03 0.43 16.43 155.59 3.59 1.24 110.2 103.8 12.98
2000-01 POR 58 0 .525 .512 3.06 5.34 4.25 14.74 13.81 2.50 0.26 16.78 144.93 1.39 1.11 104.9 104.3 11.96
2001-02 * All Teams 60 38 .460 .436 1.69 8.53 5.10 31.05 15.43 2.70 0.25 18.61 133.91 6.22 1.00 96.7 107.7 12.62
2001-02 * CHI 36 35 .475 .444 1.90 8.87 5.32 36.91 15.43 2.72 0.31 17.90 138.74 8.07 1.05 100.1 106.2 14.05
2001-02 * MIL 24 3 .436 .423 1.31 7.97 4.71 22.31 15.43 2.67 0.13 19.81 125.17 3.02 0.91 89.9 110.0 10.06
CAREER   757 227 .510 .467 2.02 8.24 5.19 29.48 16.22 2.95 0.36 18.39 148.48 6.11 1.16 106.4 104.2 14.43

More Greg Anthony NBA Stats »

NBA Transactions

Jun 26, 1991 - The New York Knicks selected Greg Anthony in Round 1 with Pick 12 in the 1991 NBA Draft.
Oct 5, 1991 - Greg Anthony signed a multi-year contract with the New York Knicks.
Jun 24, 1995 - Greg Anthony was selected by the Vancouver Grizzlies in the Expansion Draft from the New York Knicks.
Jul 1, 1997 - Greg Anthony, previously with the Vancouver Grizzlies, became a free agent.
Aug 7, 1997 - The Vancouver Grizzlies renounced their free-agent exception rights to Greg Anthony.
Oct 9, 1997 - Greg Anthony signed a contract with the Seattle SuperSonics.
Jul 1, 1998 - Greg Anthony, previously with the Seattle SuperSonics, became a free agent.
Jan 22, 1999 - Greg Anthony signed a multi-year contract with the Portland Trail Blazers.
Jul 1, 2000 - Greg Anthony, previously with the Portland Trail Blazers, became a free agent.
Aug 13, 2000 - Greg Anthony signed a multi-year contract with the Portland Trail Blazers.
Jul 19, 2001 - Greg Anthony was acquired by the Chicago Bulls from the Portland Trail Blazers in exchange for a conditional 2002 2nd round pick (TOR own).
Mar 1, 2002 - The Chicago Bulls placed the contract of Greg Anthony on waivers.
Mar 5, 2002 - Greg Anthony, previously with the Chicago Bulls, became a free agent.
Mar 5, 2002 - Greg Anthony signed a contract with the Milwaukee Bucks.
Jun 1, 2002 - Greg Anthony retired from professional basketball.
Jul 1, 2002 - Greg Anthony, previously with the Milwaukee Bucks, became a free agent.
Jul 10, 2003 - The Milwaukee Bucks renounced their free-agent exception rights to Greg Anthony.

More NBA Transactions »

NBA Playoff Stats - Per Game

1991-92 NYK 12 0 17.8 5.25 1.58 3.83 .413 0.42 1.00 .417 1.67 2.75 .606 0.33 1.08 1.42 3.42 1.33 0.08 1.08 2.33
1992-93 NYK 15 0 16.0 3.93 1.60 4.00 .400 0.20 0.93 .214 0.53 0.93 .571 0.27 1.73 2.00 3.47 0.87 0.07 0.73 1.73
1993-94 NYK 25 3 17.4 4.88 1.80 5.12 .352 0.72 2.44 .295 0.56 0.96 .583 0.36 0.72 1.08 2.36 0.76 0.32 1.24 2.20
1994-95 NYK 11 0 12.3 4.27 1.36 3.45 .395 0.64 2.09 .304 0.91 1.00 .909 0.18 0.73 0.91 1.36 0.18 0.18 0.55 2.45
1997-98 SEA 9 0 13.1 3.56 1.33 4.44 .300 0.56 2.11 .263 0.33 0.89 .375 0.33 0.78 1.11 1.11 0.56 0.11 1.22 1.89
1998-99 POR 13 0 17.3 5.15 1.38 4.23 .327 0.62 2.38 .258 1.77 2.62 .676 0.31 0.77 1.08 2.46 1.00 0.08 0.69 2.00
1999-00 POR 15 0 14.2 4.00 1.27 3.47 .365 0.67 2.07 .323 0.80 1.07 .750 0.13 0.93 1.07 1.67 0.87 0.27 0.80 1.80
2000-01 POR 2 0 8.5 2.50 1.00 3.00 .333 0.50 1.50 .333 0.00 0.00 .000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
CAREER   102 3 15.7 4.46 1.51 4.17 .362 0.56 1.90 .294 0.88 1.37 .643 0.27 0.94 1.22 2.29 0.80 0.18 0.92 2.04

Greg Anthony Full Playoff History »

NBA Playoff Stats - Totals

1991-92 NYK 12 0 213 63 19 46 .413 5 12 .417 20 33 .606 4 13 17 41 16 1 13 28
1992-93 NYK 15 0 240 59 24 60 .400 3 14 .214 8 14 .571 4 26 30 52 13 1 11 26
1993-94 NYK 25 3 436 122 45 128 .352 18 61 .295 14 24 .583 9 18 27 59 19 8 31 55
1994-95 NYK 11 0 135 47 15 38 .395 7 23 .304 10 11 .909 2 8 10 15 2 2 6 27
1997-98 SEA 9 0 118 32 12 40 .300 5 19 .263 3 8 .375 3 7 10 10 5 1 11 17
1998-99 POR 13 0 225 67 18 55 .327 8 31 .258 23 34 .676 4 10 14 32 13 1 9 26
1999-00 POR 15 0 213 60 19 52 .365 10 31 .323 12 16 .750 2 14 16 25 13 4 12 27
2000-01 POR 2 0 17 5 2 6 .333 1 3 .333 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2
CAREER   102 3 1,597 455 154 425 .362 57 194 .294 90 140 .643 28 96 124 234 82 18 94 208

NBA Playoff Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
1991-92 NYK 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .147 3.15 1.23 0.72 6 6 .500 0.16 0.47 0.62
1992-93 NYK 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .133 4.73 1.18 0.23 9 6 .600 0.18 0.32 0.51
1993-94 NYK 25 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .128 1.90 0.61 0.19 14 11 .560 -0.32 0.63 0.31
1994-95 NYK 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .082 2.50 0.33 0.29 6 5 .545 0.16 0.20 0.36
1997-98 SEA 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .069 0.91 0.45 0.20 4 5 .444 -0.39 -0.01 -0.40
1998-99 POR 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .131 3.56 1.44 0.62 7 6 .538 0.30 0.20 0.50
1999-00 POR 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .091 2.08 1.08 0.31 9 6 .600 0.08 0.35 0.44
2000-01 POR 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .031 0.00 1.00 0.00 0 2 .000 -0.04 - -0.04
CAREER   102 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .114 2.49 0.87 0.33 55 47 .539 0.16 2.14 2.29

NBA Playoff Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
1991-92 NYK 12 0 .520 .467 2.27 7.53 4.87 31.31 17.68 4.28 0.34 16.16 143.58 7.72 1.37 109.8 102.8 14.48
1992-93 NYK 15 0 .446 .425 2.02 12.97 7.53 32.26 14.26 2.89 0.29 14.53 118.57 10.58 0.98 107.7 106.7 13.29
1993-94 NYK 25 3 .440 .422 2.40 5.08 3.70 23.75 18.28 2.41 1.43 18.16 123.00 2.09 0.95 91.5 103.5 8.78
1994-95 NYK 11 0 .549 .487 2.07 7.65 4.97 19.18 12.29 0.83 1.27 17.94 160.82 3.20 1.24 113.2 107.9 10.53
1997-98 SEA 9 0 .368 .363 3.15 6.82 5.05 13.21 20.18 2.41 0.68 21.98 93.82 -3.92 0.80 74.1 115.7 2.59
1998-99 POR 13 0 .479 .400 2.25 5.45 3.87 26.72 11.40 3.27 0.36 17.47 126.18 5.78 1.22 104.8 103.3 14.14
1999-00 POR 15 0 .508 .462 1.19 8.23 4.73 20.23 16.89 3.43 1.53 16.43 143.80 2.39 1.15 100.0 100.7 12.54
2000-01 POR 2 0 .417 .417 - - - - 14.29 3.03 - 18.88 66.67 -5.74 0.83 71.0 110.4 2.90
CAREER   102 3 .468 .429 2.16 7.36 4.77 24.64 16.19 2.86 0.88 17.29 129.90 4.17 1.07 99.3 105.0 11.10

More Greg Anthony NBA Playoff Stats »

NBA Training Camp Experience

1996 NBA Training Camp - Vancouver Grizzlies
1998 NBA Training Camp - Portland Trail Blazers
1999 NBA Training Camp - Portland Trail Blazers
2000 NBA Training Camp - Portland Trail Blazers
2001 NBA Training Camp - Chicago Bulls

NCAA Career

College: UNLV (1991)

NCAA Season Stats - Per Game

1986-87 Portland Fr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1987-88 N/A Trans - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1988-89 UNLV So - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1989-90 UNLV Jr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1990-91 UNLV Sr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the age of Greg Anthony?

Greg Anthony is 56 years old.

What is the height of Greg Anthony?

Greg Anthony is 6-0 (183cm) tall.

What is the weight of Greg Anthony?

Greg Anthony is 176 lbs (80kg).

What is the birthday of Greg Anthony?

Greg Anthony was born on Nov 15, 1967.

What position does Greg Anthony play?

Greg Anthony plays the PG position.

What was the pre-draft team of Greg Anthony?

Greg Anthony was drafted out of UNLV.

What high school did Greg Anthony attend?

Greg Anthony attended Rancho High School in North Las Vegas, Nevada.

What nationality is Greg Anthony?

Greg Anthony has a United States nationality.

Where was Greg Anthony born?

Greg Anthony was born in Las Vegas, Nevada.

What is the jersey number of Greg Anthony?

Greg Anthony last wore the #50 jersey number.

How many NBA seasons has Greg Anthony played?

Greg Anthony played 11 seasons in the NBA.

What are the career averages of Greg Anthony?

Greg Anthony had career averages 7.3 points, 1.9 rebounds, 4.0 assists, 1.2 steals in 757 games.

What are the career totals of Greg Anthony?

Greg Anthony had career totals of 5,497 points, 1,417 rebounds, 2,997 assists, 79 blocks, 887 steals in 757 games.

How many teams has Greg Anthony been on?

Greg Anthony played for 6 NBA teams in his career - Chicago Bulls, Milwaukee Bucks, New York Knicks, Portland Trail Blazers, Seattle SuperSonics, Vancouver Grizzlies.

When was Greg Anthony drafted?

Greg Anthony was drafted in the 1st round (#12 overall) of the 1991 NBA Draft by the New York Knicks.

What is Greg Anthony's career high in points?

Greg Anthony averaged a career high 14.0 points per game in 1995-1996.

What is Greg Anthony's career high in rebounds?

Greg Anthony averaged a career high 2.8 rebounds per game in 1996-1997.

What is Greg Anthony's career high in assists?

Greg Anthony averaged a career high 6.9 assists per game in 1995-1996.

What is the career PER of Greg Anthony's?

Greg Anthony had a career PER of 14.4.