LeBron James F  #23

Current Team: Los Angeles Lakers

Born: Dec 30, 1984 (39 years old)

Birthplace/Hometown: Akron, Ohio

Nationality: United States

Height: 6-9 (206cm)     Weight: 250 (113kg)

Hand: Right

Website: http://www.lebronjames.com/

LeBron @kingjames @kingjames

Current NBA Status: Under Contract (Los Angeles Lakers)

Free Agent: PO-2024; UFA-2025

Agent: Rich Paul

Draft Entry: 2003 NBA Draft

Early Entry Info: 2003 Early Entrant

Drafted: Round 1, Pick 1, Cleveland Cavaliers

Pre-Draft Team: St. Vincent St. Mary High School (Ohio)

High School: St. Vincent St. Mary High School [Akron, Ohio]

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LeBron James Player Profile

NBA Career

20 Years Of Service - NBA's Top 75, 4x NBA Champion, 4x MVP, 4x Finals MVP, 13x All-NBA 1st, 5x All-NBA Defensive 1st, ROY, 20x All-Star

LeBron James 2023-2024 Game Log

NBA Regular Season Stats - Per Game

2003-04 CLE 79 79 39.5 20.94 7.87 18.89 .417 0.80 2.75 .290 4.39 5.82 .754 1.25 4.22 5.47 5.89 1.65 0.73 3.46 1.89
2004-05 CLE 80 80 42.4 27.19 9.94 21.05 .472 1.35 3.85 .351 5.96 7.95 .750 1.39 5.96 7.35 7.21 2.21 0.65 3.27 1.82
2005-06 CLE 79 79 42.5 31.37 11.08 23.08 .480 1.61 4.80 .335 7.61 10.30 .738 0.95 6.09 7.04 6.59 1.56 0.84 3.29 2.29
2006-07 CLE 78 78 40.9 27.33 9.90 20.78 .476 1.27 3.97 .319 6.27 8.99 .698 1.06 5.68 6.74 6.03 1.60 0.71 3.21 2.19
2007-08 CLE 75 74 40.4 30.00 10.59 21.89 .484 1.51 4.79 .315 7.32 10.28 .712 1.77 6.12 7.89 7.19 1.84 1.08 3.40 2.20
2008-09 CLE 81 81 37.7 28.44 9.74 19.91 .489 1.63 4.74 .344 7.33 9.41 .780 1.31 6.26 7.57 7.25 1.69 1.15 2.98 1.72
2009-10 CLE 76 76 39.0 29.71 10.11 20.11 .503 1.70 5.09 .333 7.80 10.17 .767 0.93 6.36 7.29 8.57 1.64 1.01 3.43 1.57
2010-11 MIA 79 79 38.8 26.72 9.59 18.78 .511 1.16 3.53 .330 6.37 8.39 .759 1.01 6.46 7.47 7.01 1.57 0.63 3.59 2.06
2011-12 MIA 62 62 37.5 27.15 10.02 18.85 .531 0.87 2.40 .362 6.24 8.10 .771 1.52 6.42 7.94 6.24 1.85 0.81 3.44 1.55
2012-13 MIA 76 76 37.9 26.79 10.07 17.82 .565 1.36 3.34 .406 5.30 7.04 .753 1.28 6.75 8.03 7.25 1.70 0.88 2.97 1.45
2013-14 MIA 77 77 37.7 27.13 9.96 17.57 .567 1.51 3.97 .379 5.70 7.60 .750 1.05 5.87 6.92 6.34 1.57 0.34 3.51 1.64
2014-15 CLE 69 69 36.1 25.26 9.04 18.54 .488 1.74 4.91 .354 5.43 7.65 .710 0.74 5.29 6.03 7.41 1.58 0.71 3.94 1.96
2015-16 CLE 76 76 35.6 25.26 9.70 18.63 .520 1.14 3.71 .309 4.72 6.46 .731 1.46 5.97 7.43 6.76 1.37 0.64 3.28 1.88
2016-17 CLE 74 74 37.8 26.41 9.95 18.16 .548 1.68 4.62 .363 4.84 7.18 .674 1.31 7.32 8.64 8.73 1.24 0.59 4.09 1.81
2017-18 CLE 82 82 36.9 27.45 10.45 19.27 .542 1.82 4.95 .367 4.73 6.48 .731 1.18 7.46 8.65 9.11 1.41 0.87 4.23 1.66
2018-19 LAL 55 55 35.2 27.36 10.15 19.91 .510 2.02 5.95 .339 5.05 7.60 .665 1.04 7.42 8.45 8.25 1.31 0.60 3.58 1.71
2019-20 LAL 67 67 34.6 25.34 9.60 19.45 .493 2.21 6.34 .348 3.94 5.69 .693 0.99 6.85 7.84 10.21 1.16 0.54 3.90 1.76
2020-21 LAL 45 45 33.4 25.02 9.38 18.29 .513 2.31 6.33 .365 3.96 5.67 .698 0.64 7.04 7.69 7.78 1.07 0.56 3.73 1.56
2021-22 LAL 56 56 37.2 30.27 11.43 21.80 .524 2.88 8.00 .359 4.54 6.00 .756 1.12 7.07 8.20 6.23 1.30 1.05 3.50 2.16
2022-23 LAL 55 54 35.5 28.91 11.07 22.16 .500 2.20 6.85 .321 4.56 5.95 .768 1.18 7.13 8.31 6.82 0.91 0.58 3.24 1.60
2023-24 LAL 71 71 35.3 25.66 9.65 17.87 .540 2.10 5.11 .410 4.27 5.69 .750 0.86 6.44 7.30 8.30 1.25 0.54 3.45 1.10
CAREER   1492 1490 37.9 27.13 9.94 19.65 .506 1.62 4.64 .348 5.62 7.64 .736 1.16 6.34 7.50 7.38 1.52 0.74 3.49 1.80

★ MVP Season☆ All-Star Season

NBA Regular Season Stats - Totals

2003-04 CLE 79 79 3,123 1,654 622 1,492 .417 63 217 .290 347 460 .754 99 333 432 465 130 58 273 149
2004-05 CLE 80 80 3,388 2,175 795 1,684 .472 108 308 .351 477 636 .750 111 477 588 577 177 52 262 146
2005-06 CLE 79 79 3,361.3 2,478 875 1,823 .480 127 379 .335 601 814 .738 75 481 556 521 123 66 260 181
2006-07 CLE 78 78 3,190.3 2,132 772 1,621 .476 99 310 .319 489 701 .698 83 443 526 470 125 55 250 171
2007-08 CLE 75 74 3,026.8 2,250 794 1,642 .484 113 359 .315 549 771 .712 133 459 592 539 138 81 255 165
2008-09 CLE 81 81 3,054 2,304 789 1,613 .489 132 384 .344 594 762 .780 106 507 613 587 137 93 241 139
2009-10 CLE 76 76 2,965.6 2,258 768 1,528 .503 129 387 .333 593 773 .767 71 483 554 651 125 77 261 119
2010-11 MIA 79 79 3,063 2,111 758 1,484 .511 92 279 .330 503 663 .759 80 510 590 554 124 50 284 163
2011-12 MIA 62 62 2,326.2 1,683 621 1,169 .531 54 149 .362 387 502 .771 94 398 492 387 115 50 213 96
2012-13 MIA 76 76 2,877.1 2,036 765 1,354 .565 103 254 .406 403 535 .753 97 513 610 551 129 67 226 110
2013-14 MIA 77 77 2,901.9 2,089 767 1,353 .567 116 306 .379 439 585 .750 81 452 533 488 121 26 270 126
2014-15 CLE 69 69 2,493.4 1,743 624 1,279 .488 120 339 .354 375 528 .710 51 365 416 511 109 49 272 135
2015-16 CLE 76 76 2,708.6 1,920 737 1,416 .520 87 282 .309 359 491 .731 111 454 565 514 104 49 249 143
2016-17 CLE 74 74 2,794.6 1,954 736 1,344 .548 124 342 .363 358 531 .674 97 542 639 646 92 44 303 134
2017-18 CLE 82 82 3,025.9 2,251 857 1,580 .542 149 406 .367 388 531 .731 97 612 709 747 116 71 347 136
2018-19 LAL 55 55 1,937.4 1,505 558 1,095 .510 111 327 .339 278 418 .665 57 408 465 454 72 33 197 94
2019-20 LAL 67 67 2,316.3 1,698 643 1,303 .493 148 425 .348 264 381 .693 66 459 525 684 78 36 261 118
2020-21 LAL 45 45 1,503.7 1,126 422 823 .513 104 285 .365 178 255 .698 29 317 346 350 48 25 168 70
2021-22 LAL 56 56 2,084.3 1,695 640 1,221 .524 161 448 .359 254 336 .756 63 396 459 349 73 59 196 121
2022-23 LAL 55 54 1,954.2 1,590 609 1,219 .500 121 377 .321 251 327 .768 65 392 457 375 50 32 178 88
2023-24 LAL 71 71 2,503.8 1,822 685 1,269 .540 149 363 .410 303 404 .750 61 457 518 589 89 38 245 78
CAREER   1492 1490 56,599.2 40,474 14,837 29,312 .506 2,410 6,926 .348 8,390 11,404 .736 1,727 9,458 11,185 11,009 2,275 1,111 5,211 2,682

★ MVP Season☆ All-Star Season

NBA Regular Season Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2003-04 CLE 79 79 12 0 1 0 0 2 .384 1.70 0.48 0.31 33 46 .418 2.34 2.49 4.83
2004-05 CLE 80 80 25 4 5 0 0 4 .470 2.20 0.68 0.38 41 39 .513 9.71 4.43 14.14
2005-06 CLE 79 79 21 5 10 0 0 0 .496 2.00 0.47 0.45 47 32 .595 11.71 4.24 15.94
2006-07 CLE 78 78 16 1 1 0 0 2 .441 1.88 0.50 0.43 47 31 .603 8.11 5.54 13.65
2007-08 CLE 75 74 31 7 7 0 0 2 .488 2.11 0.54 0.47 45 30 .600 10.88 4.46 15.34
2008-09 CLE 81 81 29 7 9 0 0 10 .462 2.44 0.57 0.47 66 15 .815 13.73 6.40 20.12
2009-10 CLE 76 76 31 4 9 0 0 4 .492 2.49 0.48 0.51 60 16 .789 13.58 5.03 18.61
2010-11 MIA 79 79 31 4 4 0 0 7 .449 1.95 0.44 0.45 57 22 .722 10.35 5.16 15.51
2011-12 MIA 62 62 23 0 2 0 0 3 .435 1.82 0.54 0.43 45 17 .726 10.09 4.22 14.31
2012-13 MIA 76 76 36 4 1 0 0 6 .447 2.44 0.57 0.40 61 15 .803 14.66 4.54 19.20
2013-14 MIA 77 77 12 1 3 0 0 5 .425 1.81 0.45 0.43 52 25 .675 12.43 3.59 16.02
2014-15 CLE 69 69 22 2 3 0 0 5 .429 1.88 0.40 0.41 50 19 .725 7.80 2.91 10.71
2015-16 CLE 76 76 28 3 0 0 0 4 .423 2.06 0.42 0.35 56 20 .737 9.79 4.14 13.92
2016-17 CLE 74 74 42 13 2 0 0 4 .460 2.13 0.30 0.40 51 23 .689 10.12 2.98 13.10
2017-18 CLE 82 82 52 18 4 0 0 5 .484 2.15 0.33 0.34 50 32 .610 11.09 2.85 13.94
2018-19 LAL 55 55 32 8 3 0 0 0 .426 2.30 0.37 0.38 28 27 .509 4.92 2.38 7.30
2019-20 LAL 67 67 46 13 1 0 0 2 .468 2.62 0.30 0.29 50 17 .746 6.23 3.50 9.73
2020-21 LAL 45 45 18 5 1 0 0 2 .411 2.08 0.29 0.31 30 15 .667 3.15 2.78 5.93
2021-22 LAL 56 56 21 6 3 0 0 1 .420 1.78 0.37 0.28 25 31 .446 5.50 2.19 7.69
2022-23 LAL 55 54 18 2 5 0 0 1 .404 2.11 0.28 0.27 30 25 .545 3.35 2.25 5.60
2023-24 LAL 71 71 27 5 3 1 0 3 .411 2.40 0.36 0.32 41 30 .577 5.86 2.75 8.61
CAREER   1492 1490 573 112 77 1 0 72 .446 2.11 0.44 0.39 965 527 .647 177.15 80.19 257.34

★ MVP Season☆ All-Star Season

NBA Regular Season Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2003-04 CLE 79 79 .488 .438 3.52 11.75 7.65 27.58 13.88 2.20 1.31 28.23 146.16 1.17 1.11 99.2 105.0 18.31
2004-05 CLE 80 80 .554 .504 3.78 17.00 10.24 32.84 11.77 2.79 1.15 29.73 157.27 3.67 1.29 113.5 103.8 25.67
2005-06 CLE 79 79 .568 .515 2.61 17.08 9.78 32.61 10.65 1.96 1.50 33.66 155.34 2.62 1.36 115.5 104.8 27.82
2006-07 CLE 78 78 .552 .507 2.94 16.57 9.57 29.35 11.47 2.08 1.34 31.06 149.32 2.02 1.32 111.6 100.6 24.39
2007-08 CLE 75 74 .568 .518 4.89 17.72 11.15 36.35 11.40 2.41 2.11 33.43 151.04 3.52 1.37 116.7 103.8 29.01
2008-09 CLE 81 81 .591 .530 4.29 18.95 11.91 38.13 11.01 2.42 2.41 33.82 161.24 5.08 1.43 121.6 99.4 31.68
2009-10 CLE 76 76 .604 .545 3.02 18.44 11.15 41.62 12.26 2.22 2.00 33.53 160.31 5.94 1.48 121.3 102.1 31.06
2010-11 MIA 79 79 .594 .542 3.30 18.57 11.41 34.90 13.79 2.13 1.28 31.51 159.92 2.82 1.42 116.3 101.9 27.38
2011-12 MIA 62 62 .605 .554 5.04 19.62 12.64 32.92 13.29 2.59 1.75 31.93 166.46 1.94 1.44 118.2 98.3 30.83
2012-13 MIA 76 76 .640 .603 4.38 20.84 13.05 35.94 12.45 2.36 1.91 30.07 172.38 4.97 1.50 124.7 101.4 31.46
2013-14 MIA 77 77 .649 .610 3.67 18.73 11.54 31.95 14.36 2.19 0.78 31.03 169.64 1.96 1.54 120.9 105.0 28.93
2014-15 CLE 69 69 .577 .535 2.44 16.50 9.68 37.57 15.25 2.28 1.54 32.38 155.21 2.80 1.36 112.7 104.5 25.85
2015-16 CLE 76 76 .588 .551 4.70 18.62 11.77 35.67 13.24 1.98 1.46 31.39 156.02 3.55 1.36 116.5 102.3 27.47
2016-17 CLE 74 74 .619 .594 3.98 20.68 12.63 40.22 16.11 1.64 1.27 29.85 158.44 4.57 1.45 119.5 108.5 26.90
2017-18 CLE 82 82 .621 .590 3.66 22.33 13.14 44.41 16.06 1.88 1.99 31.55 164.01 4.96 1.42 118.3 109.2 28.49
2018-19 LAL 55 55 .588 .560 3.18 21.62 12.64 38.54 13.35 1.74 1.37 31.78 151.41 5.29 1.37 114.9 108.7 25.73
2019-20 LAL 67 67 .577 .550 3.15 21.41 12.38 49.10 15.07 1.60 1.39 31.55 153.46 8.37 1.30 115.6 106.5 25.39
2020-21 LAL 45 45 .602 .576 2.21 22.81 12.81 40.20 15.23 1.54 1.46 31.83 157.57 4.35 1.37 114.6 105.3 24.08
2021-22 LAL 56 56 .619 .590 3.32 20.53 12.00 30.17 12.53 1.69 2.50 32.44 163.95 1.73 1.39 117.3 111.8 25.86
2022-23 LAL 55 54 .583 .549 3.69 20.77 12.52 32.19 11.55 1.21 1.39 33.22 158.81 3.59 1.30 114.8 113.8 23.47
2023-24 LAL 71 71 .630 .599 2.87 19.31 11.54 37.42 14.48 1.69 1.32 29.21 170.03 5.76 1.44 119.9 114.7 23.56
CAREER   1492 1490 .589 .547 3.58 18.77 11.34 35.94 13.18 2.06 1.58 31.49 158.98 3.79 1.38 116.2 105.2 26.96

★ MVP Season☆ All-Star Season

More LeBron James NBA Stats »

NBA Transactions

Jun 26, 2003 - The Cleveland Cavaliers selected LeBron James in Round 1 with Pick 1 in the 2003 NBA Draft.
Jul 3, 2003 - LeBron James signed a multi-year contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Apr 16, 2004 - The Cleveland Cavaliers exercised their Team Option to extend the contract of LeBron James.
Jul 18, 2006 - LeBron James signed a rookie scale extension with the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Jul 1, 2010 - LeBron James, previously with the Cleveland Cavaliers, became a free agent.
Jul 9, 2010 - LeBron James was acquired by the Miami Heat from the Cleveland Cavaliers in exchange for a conditional 2011 2nd round pick (OKC own), a Swap 2012 1st round picks, a 2012 2nd round pick (NOP own), a conditional 2013 1st round pick (MIA own) and a conditional 2015 1st round pick (MIA own).
Jul 9, 2010 - LeBron James signed a multi-year contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers as part of an eventual sign and trade to Miami Heat.
Jul 1, 2013 - LeBron James, previously with the Miami Heat, became a free agent.
Jun 24, 2014 - LeBron James exercised an Early Termination Option to void the remaining seasons on his contract.
Jul 11, 2014 - LeBron James signed a multi-year contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Jul 1, 2015 - LeBron James, previously with the Cleveland Cavaliers, became a free agent.
Jul 10, 2015 - LeBron James signed a multi-year contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Jul 1, 2016 - LeBron James, previously with the Cleveland Cavaliers, became a free agent.
Aug 12, 2016 - LeBron James signed a multi-year contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Jul 1, 2018 - LeBron James, previously with the Cleveland Cavaliers, became a free agent.
Jul 9, 2018 - LeBron James signed a multi-year contract with the Los Angeles Lakers.
Dec 3, 2020 - LeBron James voided his ability to extend his contract.
Dec 3, 2020 - LeBron James signed a veteran extension with the Los Angeles Lakers.
Aug 18, 2022 - LeBron James signed a veteran extension with the Los Angeles Lakers.

More NBA Transactions »

NBA Awards & Honors

Top 75 Greatest Player
NBA Champion - 2012, 2013, 2016, 2020
Michael Jordan Most Valuable Player - 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013
Bill Russell NBA Finals MVP - 2012, 2013, 2016, 2020
All-NBA First Team - 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020
All-NBA Second Team - 2005, 2007, 2021
All-NBA Third Team - 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024
Player Of The Month - Nov. 2004, Jan. 2005, Nov. 2005, Mar. 2006, Mar. 2007, Jan. 2008, Feb. 2008, Nov. 2008, Jan. 2009, Mar. 2009, Apr. 2009, Nov. 2009, Dec. 2009, Jan. 2010, Feb. 2010, Dec. 2010, Jan. 2011, Apr. 2011, Jan. 2012, Feb. 2012, Nov. 2012, Dec. 2012, Jan. 2013, Feb. 2013, Mar. 2013, Dec. 2013, Feb. 2014, Feb. 2015, Mar. 2015, Feb. 2016, Mar. 2016, Apr. 2016, Nov. 2016, Feb. 2017, Nov. 2017, Dec. 2017, Feb. 2018, Mar. 2018, Jan. 2020, Feb. 2020
Player Of The Week - 11/14/2004, 11/28/2004, 1/23/2005, 11/21/2005, 1/30/2006, 3/19/2006, 3/26/2006, 4/02/2006, 11/19/2006, 3/11/2007, 11/25/2007, 1/06/2008, 2/24/2008, 11/10/2008, 11/17/2008, 12/29/2008, 1/26/2009, 2/09/2009, 3/16/2009, 3/23/2009, 11/23/2009, 12/28/2009, 1/11/2010, 1/25/2010, 2/08/2010, 3/01/2010, 12/27/2010, 1/10/2011, 1/31/2011, 2/07/2011, 3/21/2011, 1/03/2012, 1/09/2012, 1/30/2012, 2/20/2012, 4/09/2012, 4/23/2012, 11/12/2012, 11/19/2012, 12/24/2012, 2/11/2013, 2/25/2013, 3/25/2013, 11/18/2013, 12/02/2013, 11/17/2014, 12/01/2014, 1/26/2015, 11/23/2015, 1/11/2016, 3/07/2016, 3/28/2016, 4/04/2016, 10/31/2016, 11/07/2016, 12/12/2016, 2/13/2017, 12/04/2017, 12/18/2017, 3/19/2018, 3/26/2018, 12/16/2019, 1/06/2020, 3/09/2020, 12/13/2021, 1/09/2023, 1/23/2023, 3/04/2024
All-NBA Defensive First Team - 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
All-NBA Defensive Second Team - 2014
Wilt Chamberlain Rookie Of The Year - 2004
All-Rookie First Team - 2004
Rookie Of The Month - Nov. 2003, Dec. 2003, Jan. 2004, Feb. 2004, Mar. 2004, Apr. 2004
J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award - 2017
NBA Cup MVP - 2024
NBA Cup All-Tournament Team - 2024

* Since the 1946-1947 season

NBA Playoff Stats - Per Game

2005-06 CLE 13 13 46.5 30.77 11.23 23.62 .476 1.62 4.85 .333 6.69 9.08 .737 1.69 6.38 8.08 5.85 1.38 0.69 5.00 3.38
2006-07 CLE 20 20 44.6 25.05 8.30 19.95 .416 1.05 3.75 .280 7.40 9.80 .755 1.30 6.75 8.05 7.95 1.70 0.50 3.30 2.00
2007-08 CLE 13 13 42.5 28.15 8.69 21.15 .411 1.38 5.38 .257 9.38 12.85 .731 1.23 6.62 7.85 7.62 1.77 1.31 4.15 2.54
2008-09 CLE 14 14 41.4 35.29 11.36 22.29 .510 1.93 5.79 .333 10.64 14.21 .749 1.36 7.79 9.14 7.29 1.64 0.86 2.71 2.14
2009-10 CLE 11 11 41.8 29.09 9.64 19.18 .502 1.82 4.55 .400 8.00 10.91 .733 1.36 7.91 9.27 7.64 1.73 1.82 3.82 2.09
2010-11 MIA 21 21 43.9 23.67 8.29 17.76 .466 1.43 4.05 .353 5.67 7.43 .763 1.62 6.76 8.38 5.86 1.67 1.19 3.14 2.67
2011-12 MIA 23 23 42.8 30.30 10.91 21.83 .500 0.96 3.70 .259 7.52 10.17 .739 2.35 7.39 9.74 5.61 1.87 0.70 3.52 2.04
2012-13 MIA 23 23 41.8 25.91 9.22 18.78 .491 1.57 4.17 .375 5.91 7.61 .777 1.61 6.78 8.39 6.61 1.78 0.78 3.04 1.87
2013-14 MIA 20 20 38.2 27.40 9.60 17.00 .565 1.75 4.30 .407 6.45 8.00 .806 0.70 6.35 7.05 4.75 1.80 0.55 3.05 2.30
2014-15 CLE 20 20 42.2 30.05 11.35 27.20 .417 1.25 5.50 .227 6.10 8.35 .731 1.85 9.45 11.30 8.45 1.65 1.05 4.10 2.90
2015-16 CLE 21 21 39.1 26.29 10.43 19.86 .525 1.52 4.48 .340 3.90 5.90 .661 2.00 7.52 9.52 7.62 2.33 1.29 3.57 2.57
2016-17 CLE 18 18 41.3 32.83 12.06 21.33 .565 2.44 5.94 .411 6.28 9.00 .698 1.06 8.06 9.11 7.83 1.94 1.28 4.00 2.39
2017-18 CLE 22 22 41.9 34.00 12.50 23.18 .539 1.77 5.18 .342 7.23 9.68 .746 1.41 7.68 9.09 9.00 1.36 1.05 4.27 2.36
2019-20 LAL 21 21 36.3 27.62 10.19 18.19 .560 2.10 5.67 .370 5.14 7.14 .720 1.33 9.43 10.76 8.76 1.24 0.86 4.00 1.90
2020-21 LAL 6 6 37.3 23.33 9.00 19.00 .474 3.00 8.00 .375 2.33 3.83 .609 1.17 6.00 7.17 8.00 1.50 0.33 4.17 1.17
2022-23 LAL 16 16 38.7 24.50 9.19 18.44 .498 1.75 6.62 .264 4.38 5.75 .761 1.56 8.31 9.88 6.50 1.06 1.12 2.50 1.75
2023-24 LAL 5 5 40.8 27.80 11.20 19.80 .566 2.00 5.20 .385 3.40 4.60 .739 0.80 6.00 6.80 8.80 2.40 1.00 3.80 2.20
CAREER   287 287 41.3 28.44 10.20 20.54 .497 1.64 4.93 .332 6.40 8.64 .741 1.50 7.50 9.00 7.20 1.68 0.96 3.60 2.28

LeBron James Full Playoff History »

NBA Playoff Stats - Totals

2005-06 CLE 13 13 604.5 400 146 307 .476 21 63 .333 87 118 .737 22 83 105 76 18 9 65 44
2006-07 CLE 20 20 892.9 501 166 399 .416 21 75 .280 148 196 .755 26 135 161 159 34 10 66 40
2007-08 CLE 13 13 551.9 366 113 275 .411 18 70 .257 122 167 .731 16 86 102 99 23 17 54 33
2008-09 CLE 14 14 579.8 494 159 312 .510 27 81 .333 149 199 .749 19 109 128 102 23 12 38 30
2009-10 CLE 11 11 459.9 320 106 211 .502 20 50 .400 88 120 .733 15 87 102 84 19 20 42 23
2010-11 MIA 21 21 921.6 497 174 373 .466 30 85 .353 119 156 .763 34 142 176 123 35 25 66 56
2011-12 MIA 23 23 983.3 697 251 502 .500 22 85 .259 173 234 .739 54 170 224 129 43 16 81 47
2012-13 MIA 23 23 960.4 596 212 432 .491 36 96 .375 136 175 .777 37 156 193 152 41 18 70 43
2013-14 MIA 20 20 763.4 548 192 340 .565 35 86 .407 129 160 .806 14 127 141 95 36 11 61 46
2014-15 CLE 20 20 844.4 601 227 544 .417 25 110 .227 122 167 .731 37 189 226 169 33 21 82 58
2015-16 CLE 21 21 822.1 552 219 417 .525 32 94 .340 82 124 .661 42 158 200 160 49 27 75 54
2016-17 CLE 18 18 744.2 591 217 384 .565 44 107 .411 113 162 .698 19 145 164 141 35 23 72 43
2017-18 CLE 22 22 921.7 748 275 510 .539 39 114 .342 159 213 .746 31 169 200 198 30 23 94 52
2019-20 LAL 21 21 761.7 580 214 382 .560 44 119 .370 108 150 .720 28 198 226 184 26 18 84 40
2020-21 LAL 6 6 223.6 140 54 114 .474 18 48 .375 14 23 .609 7 36 43 48 9 2 25 7
2022-23 LAL 16 16 619.3 392 147 295 .498 28 106 .264 70 92 .761 25 133 158 104 17 18 40 28
2023-24 LAL 5 5 203.9 139 56 99 .566 10 26 .385 17 23 .739 4 30 34 44 12 5 19 11
CAREER   287 287 11,858.5 8,162 2,928 5,896 .497 470 1,415 .332 1,836 2,479 .741 430 2,153 2,583 2,067 483 275 1,034 655

NBA Playoff Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2005-06 CLE 13 13 4 2 2 0 0 0 .508 1.17 0.28 0.38 7 6 .538 0.91 0.72 1.63
2006-07 CLE 20 20 8 0 1 0 0 1 .506 2.41 0.52 0.49 12 8 .600 2.16 1.64 3.80
2007-08 CLE 13 13 6 1 1 0 0 2 .525 1.83 0.43 0.61 7 6 .538 1.05 1.18 2.23
2008-09 CLE 14 14 7 1 4 0 0 0 .536 2.68 0.61 0.64 10 4 .714 3.80 1.16 4.96
2009-10 CLE 11 11 4 2 1 0 0 1 .495 2.00 0.45 0.57 6 5 .545 1.58 0.80 2.39
2010-11 MIA 21 21 8 1 0 0 0 0 .434 1.86 0.53 0.42 14 7 .667 2.47 1.44 3.92
2011-12 MIA 23 23 11 1 2 0 0 3 .473 1.59 0.53 0.47 16 7 .696 4.31 1.60 5.91
2012-13 MIA 23 23 7 3 0 0 0 4 .442 2.17 0.59 0.41 16 7 .696 3.82 1.47 5.29
2013-14 MIA 20 20 5 0 1 0 0 2 .405 1.56 0.59 0.47 13 7 .650 3.54 0.88 4.41
2014-15 CLE 20 20 14 3 3 0 0 1 .571 2.06 0.40 0.31 14 6 .700 1.54 1.44 2.99
2015-16 CLE 21 21 13 2 2 0 0 0 .471 2.13 0.65 0.30 16 5 .762 3.30 1.48 4.78
2016-17 CLE 18 18 10 3 2 0 0 2 .486 1.96 0.49 0.42 13 5 .722 3.25 1.04 4.29
2017-18 CLE 22 22 15 4 8 0 0 1 .583 2.11 0.32 0.42 12 10 .545 4.28 0.95 5.23
2019-20 LAL 21 21 16 5 1 0 0 1 .462 2.19 0.31 0.39 16 5 .762 3.11 1.24 4.35
2020-21 LAL 6 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 .495 1.92 0.36 0.20 2 4 .333 0.05 0.37 0.42
2022-23 LAL 16 16 9 0 1 1 0 2 .382 2.60 0.42 0.31 8 8 .500 1.26 0.96 2.22
2023-24 LAL 5 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 .481 2.32 0.63 0.23 1 4 .200 0.57 0.28 0.85
CAREER   287 287 141 28 29 1 0 20 .482 2.00 0.47 0.42 183 104 .638 38.56 19.55 58.10

NBA Playoff Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2005-06 CLE 13 13 .557 .510 4.37 16.22 10.35 28.11 15.33 1.68 1.27 33.80 154.62 -2.52 1.30 107.6 107.5 24.54
2006-07 CLE 20 20 .516 .442 3.40 17.88 10.59 37.41 11.97 2.12 0.95 29.71 145.11 4.80 1.26 109.1 98.8 24.88
2007-08 CLE 13 13 .525 .444 3.45 19.29 11.21 40.51 13.42 2.33 2.64 34.73 139.86 2.34 1.33 107.3 99.1 25.27
2008-09 CLE 14 14 .618 .553 4.35 23.56 14.23 39.50 8.68 2.22 1.80 36.42 159.17 5.51 1.58 128.0 100.1 39.79
2009-10 CLE 11 11 .607 .550 4.01 22.09 13.29 36.75 13.73 2.14 3.05 30.94 163.57 3.05 1.52 117.4 103.0 29.86
2010-11 MIA 21 21 .563 .507 4.59 18.21 11.57 27.55 13.00 2.11 2.24 26.86 158.22 1.85 1.33 112.9 102.2 24.90
2011-12 MIA 23 23 .576 .522 6.84 20.47 13.83 28.14 11.81 2.38 1.33 33.39 149.81 0.53 1.39 115.8 99.2 32.16
2012-13 MIA 23 23 .585 .532 4.85 19.72 12.41 30.52 12.09 2.34 1.60 29.24 164.29 3.44 1.38 117.8 101.0 29.98
2013-14 MIA 20 20 .668 .616 2.53 21.45 12.32 25.63 12.94 2.63 1.35 31.56 177.79 0.33 1.61 123.9 107.8 32.39
2014-15 CLE 20 20 .487 .440 4.90 24.29 14.73 45.22 11.72 2.07 2.11 37.59 137.51 3.76 1.10 104.7 99.6 26.72
2015-16 CLE 21 21 .585 .564 6.12 22.37 14.37 36.57 13.72 3.15 3.16 30.74 152.69 4.07 1.32 118.3 100.8 31.50
2016-17 CLE 18 18 .649 .622 3.13 21.62 12.84 33.76 13.65 2.32 2.60 31.60 167.38 2.95 1.54 125.5 108.3 31.15
2017-18 CLE 22 22 .619 .577 3.91 22.33 12.91 46.43 13.47 1.70 2.30 35.02 162.78 4.39 1.47 121.3 109.2 33.23
2019-20 LAL 21 21 .647 .618 4.36 30.46 17.49 42.04 15.79 1.68 2.32 30.41 165.00 5.23 1.52 124.1 106.6 31.68
2020-21 LAL 6 6 .564 .553 3.38 18.97 10.84 45.19 16.77 2.07 0.87 29.69 145.74 3.30 1.23 107.2 110.3 20.69
2022-23 LAL 16 16 .584 .546 4.55 21.60 13.56 27.43 10.65 1.34 2.61 26.65 152.33 4.79 1.33 117.6 109.6 23.72
2023-24 LAL 5 5 .637 .616 2.23 15.90 9.24 36.42 14.83 2.96 2.07 29.02 168.94 5.24 1.40 118.4 109.8 26.96
CAREER   287 287 .584 .536 4.38 21.27 12.96 34.85 12.89 2.17 2.02 31.69 156.94 3.06 1.38 116.4 103.9 29.27

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NBA Play-In Stats - Per Game

2020-21 LAL 1 1 34.9 22.00 7.00 17.00 .412 2.00 4.00 .500 6.00 9.00 .667 4.00 7.00 11.00 10.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00
2022-23 LAL 1 1 45.3 30.00 12.00 21.00 .571 3.00 6.00 .500 3.00 3.00 1.000 1.00 9.00 10.00 6.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 5.00
2023-24 LAL 1 1 40.9 23.00 6.00 20.00 .300 1.00 5.00 .200 10.00 10.00 1.000 0.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 0.00
CAREER   3 3 40.4 25.00 8.33 19.33 .431 2.00 5.00 .400 6.33 7.33 .864 1.67 8.33 10.00 8.33 2.00 1.67 2.67 2.33

NBA Play-In Stats - Totals

2020-21 LAL 1 1 34.9 22 7 17 .412 2 4 .500 6 9 .667 4 7 11 10 2 1 1 2
2022-23 LAL 1 1 45.3 30 12 21 .571 3 6 .500 3 3 1.000 1 9 10 6 1 2 5 5
2023-24 LAL 1 1 40.9 23 6 20 .300 1 5 .200 10 10 1.000 0 9 9 9 3 2 2 0
CAREER   3 3 121.1 75 25 58 .431 6 15 .400 19 22 .864 5 25 30 25 6 5 8 7

NBA Play-In Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2020-21 LAL 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 .459 10.00 2.00 0.53 1 0 1.000 0.11 0.10 0.21
2022-23 LAL 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 .474 1.20 0.20 0.14 1 0 1.000 0.06 0.15 0.20
2023-24 LAL 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .429 4.50 1.50 0.50 1 0 1.000 0.01 0.10 0.12
CAREER   3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 .455 3.12 0.75 0.38 3 0 1.000 0.32 0.28 0.60

NBA Play-In Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2020-21 LAL 1 1 .525 .471 10.97 21.33 15.88 50.05 4.55 2.77 2.80 26.19 157.84 16.21 1.29 125.8 100.2 28.77
2022-23 LAL 1 1 .672 .643 2.62 26.50 13.86 29.61 18.30 1.09 5.61 26.04 207.14 -2.26 1.43 113.7 95.2 21.37
2023-24 LAL 1 1 .471 .325 - 23.41 11.58 37.66 7.58 3.51 3.72 29.50 150.00 9.76 1.15 104.8 100.2 23.46
CAREER   3 3 .554 .483 4.37 23.68 13.63 38.86 10.57 2.41 4.00 27.14 169.47 6.93 1.29 115.5 98.3 24.19

NBA All-Star Weekend Competitions

Eastern All-Star Fan Vote Selection - 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Western All-Star Fan Vote Selection - 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Kobe Bryant All-Star MVP - 2006, 2008, 2018
Rising Stars Challenge Participant - 2004, 2005
Skills Challenge Participant - 2006, 2007

* Since the 1946-1947 season

NBA All-Star Game Stats - Totals

2005 East 1 1 31 13 6 13 .462 1 4 .250 0 1 .000 1 7 8 6 2 0 3 0
2006 East 1 1 31 29 12 21 .571 4 10 .400 1 5 .200 2 4 6 2 2 0 1 2
2007 East 1 1 32 28 11 20 .550 4 8 .500 2 2 1.000 0 6 6 6 1 0 4 0
2008 East 1 1 30 27 12 22 .545 2 7 .286 1 1 1.000 1 7 8 9 2 2 4 3
2009 East 1 1 27 20 8 19 .421 2 5 .400 2 2 1.000 0 5 5 3 0 0 3 0
2010 East 1 1 32 25 10 22 .455 1 6 .167 4 4 1.000 1 4 5 6 4 0 2 1
2011 East 1 1 32.3 29 10 18 .556 0 3 .000 9 10 .900 2 10 12 10 0 0 4 3
2012 East 1 1 32.2 36 15 23 .652 6 8 .750 0 0 .000 0 6 6 7 0 0 4 2
2013 East 1 1 30 19 7 18 .389 3 7 .429 2 4 .500 0 3 3 5 1 0 4 0
2014 East 1 1 33.1 22 11 22 .500 0 7 .000 0 0 .000 1 6 7 7 3 0 1 0
2015 East 1 1 31.8 30 11 21 .524 4 12 .333 4 5 .800 1 4 5 7 2 0 4 1
2016 East 1 1 20.2 13 6 13 .462 1 5 .200 0 0 .000 0 4 4 7 0 0 4 0
2017 East 1 1 19.5 23 10 17 .588 3 8 .375 0 0 .000 0 3 3 1 0 0 4 2
2018 Team LeBron 1 1 31.3 29 12 17 .706 4 8 .500 1 1 1.000 0 10 10 8 1 0 5 2
2019 Team LeBron 1 1 26.5 19 9 17 .529 1 8 .125 0 1 .000 2 6 8 4 0 2 1 1
2020 Team LeBron 1 1 18.8 23 9 20 .450 2 10 .200 3 4 .750 2 3 5 6 1 2 6 1
2021 Team LeBron 1 1 12.8 4 2 7 .286 0 3 .000 0 0 .000 0 2 2 4 0 1 1 0
2022 Team LeBron 1 1 36.3 24 11 24 .458 2 11 .182 0 0 .000 1 5 6 8 3 1 3 0
2023 Team LeBron 1 1 14.4 13 6 11 .545 1 5 .200 0 0 .000 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 1
2024 West 1 1 13.8 8 4 10 .400 0 3 .000 0 0 .000 0 4 4 3 0 0 1 0
TOTAL   20 20 536 434 182 355 .513 41 138 .297 29 40 .725 14 100 114 113 22 8 59 19
AVERAGES   20 20 26.8 21.70 9.10 17.75 .513 2.05 6.90 .297 1.45 2.00 .725 0.70 5.00 5.70 5.65 1.10 0.40 2.95 0.95

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NBA Rising Stars Challenge Stats - Totals

2004 Rookies 1 1 30 33 15 26 .577 3 10 .300 0 0 .000 0 5 5 6 3 0 2 1
2005 Sophomores 1 1 27 20 9 16 .563 1 3 .333 1 2 .500 0 3 3 4 1 0 2 2
TOTAL   2 2 57 53 24 42 .571 4 13 .308 1 2 .500 0 8 8 10 4 0 4 3
AVERAGES   2 2 28.5 26.50 12.00 21.00 .571 2.00 6.50 .308 0.50 1.00 .500 0.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 1.50

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NBA Preseason Stats - Per Game

2010-11 MIA 6 6 27.0 24.17 7.67 15.50 .495 1.00 2.00 .500 7.83 10.00 .783 0.33 5.00 5.33 4.83 1.17 0.83 2.00 0.83
2011-12 MIA 2 2 28.2 23.00 9.00 15.00 .600 0.00 0.50 .000 5.00 7.00 .714 0.50 3.50 4.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 1.00
2012-13 MIA 7 7 26.2 13.71 5.29 11.14 .474 0.14 1.29 .111 3.00 4.14 .724 0.86 4.14 5.00 5.86 2.00 0.14 2.29 1.00
2013-14 MIA 6 6 25.0 15.17 5.83 11.67 .500 0.83 2.17 .385 2.67 4.00 .667 0.33 3.67 4.00 3.83 1.17 0.33 1.50 1.67
2014-15 CLE 5 5 24.4 15.00 4.80 9.60 .500 1.60 3.20 .500 3.80 5.20 .731 0.60 3.40 4.00 5.00 0.60 0.40 3.00 1.00
2015-16 CLE 2 2 24.0 11.00 4.50 14.00 .321 1.50 4.00 .375 0.50 1.00 .500 0.00 3.50 3.50 4.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 2.50
2016-17 CLE 3 3 18.7 13.33 5.67 8.33 .680 0.33 0.67 .500 1.67 3.00 .556 0.00 3.33 3.33 3.33 2.00 0.33 1.33 0.67
2017-18 CLE 1 1 29.7 17.00 8.00 13.00 .615 1.00 3.00 .333 0.00 1.00 .000 0.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 4.00
2018-19 LAL 4 4 15.8 13.75 4.50 7.50 .600 1.00 1.50 .667 3.75 4.50 .833 0.00 4.75 4.75 3.75 0.75 0.25 2.25 1.00
2019-20 LAL 4 4 19.8 14.75 5.00 10.25 .488 0.75 2.00 .375 4.00 5.00 .800 0.75 3.25 4.00 6.25 0.75 0.00 1.75 0.75
2020-21 LAL 2 2 19.7 15.50 5.00 10.50 .476 1.50 3.00 .500 4.00 7.50 .533 1.00 4.00 5.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 5.50 1.50
2021-22 LAL 3 3 24.4 18.67 7.67 16.00 .479 1.00 4.00 .250 2.33 2.67 .875 0.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 1.33 0.67 3.67 1.67
2022-23 LAL 4 4 18.9 15.50 5.25 10.75 .488 1.25 4.00 .313 3.75 4.75 .789 0.75 4.25 5.00 2.25 0.75 0.00 1.50 1.00
2023-24 LAL 3 3 18.8 13.67 4.33 9.33 .464 1.67 4.00 .417 3.33 5.00 .667 0.00 3.67 3.67 4.33 0.33 0.33 2.00 1.33
CAREER   52 52 23.0 16.08 5.75 11.46 .502 0.92 2.38 .387 3.65 5.00 .731 0.42 4.04 4.46 4.25 1.17 0.35 2.37 1.21

NBA Preseason Stats - Totals

2010-11 MIA 6 6 161.8 145 46 93 .495 6 12 .500 47 60 .783 2 30 32 29 7 5 12 5
2011-12 MIA 2 2 56.3 46 18 30 .600 0 1 .000 10 14 .714 1 7 8 2 1 2 3 2
2012-13 MIA 7 7 183.2 96 37 78 .474 1 9 .111 21 29 .724 6 29 35 41 14 1 16 7
2013-14 MIA 6 6 150.1 91 35 70 .500 5 13 .385 16 24 .667 2 22 24 23 7 2 9 10
2014-15 CLE 5 5 122.1 75 24 48 .500 8 16 .500 19 26 .731 3 17 20 25 3 2 15 5
2015-16 CLE 2 2 48 22 9 28 .321 3 8 .375 1 2 .500 0 7 7 8 6 0 6 5
2016-17 CLE 3 3 56.2 40 17 25 .680 1 2 .500 5 9 .556 0 10 10 10 6 1 4 2
2017-18 CLE 1 1 29.7 17 8 13 .615 1 3 .333 0 1 .000 0 5 5 3 1 1 8 4
2018-19 LAL 4 4 63.2 55 18 30 .600 4 6 .667 15 18 .833 0 19 19 15 3 1 9 4
2019-20 LAL 4 4 79.2 59 20 41 .488 3 8 .375 16 20 .800 3 13 16 25 3 0 7 3
2020-21 LAL 2 2 39.4 31 10 21 .476 3 6 .500 8 15 .533 2 8 10 6 2 0 11 3
2021-22 LAL 3 3 73.3 56 23 48 .479 3 12 .250 7 8 .875 0 15 15 12 4 2 11 5
2022-23 LAL 4 4 75.6 62 21 43 .488 5 16 .313 15 19 .789 3 17 20 9 3 0 6 4
2023-24 LAL 3 3 56.5 41 13 28 .464 5 12 .417 10 15 .667 0 11 11 13 1 1 6 4
CAREER   52 52 1,194.5 836 299 596 .502 48 124 .387 190 260 .731 22 210 232 221 61 18 123 63

NBA Preseason Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2010-11 MIA 6 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 .377 2.42 0.58 0.65 3 3 .500 1.08 0.23 1.31
2011-12 MIA 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .274 0.67 0.33 0.47 1 1 .500 0.27 0.05 0.32
2012-13 MIA 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 2 .336 2.56 0.88 0.37 3 4 .429 0.46 0.38 0.84
2013-14 MIA 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 .301 2.56 0.78 0.34 4 2 .667 0.55 0.16 0.71
2014-15 CLE 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 .253 1.67 0.20 0.54 4 1 .800 0.51 0.02 0.53
2015-16 CLE 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .283 1.33 1.00 0.07 0 2 .000 -0.24 0.09 -0.14
2016-17 CLE 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .231 2.50 1.50 0.36 2 1 .667 0.23 0.12 0.35
2017-18 CLE 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .324 0.38 0.12 0.08 0 1 .000 -0.11 0.02 -0.09
2018-19 LAL 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 .202 1.67 0.33 0.60 2 2 .500 0.31 0.08 0.39
2019-20 LAL 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 .269 3.57 0.43 0.49 2 2 .500 0.44 0.11 0.55
2020-21 LAL 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .200 0.55 0.18 0.71 2 0 1.000 -0.16 0.08 -0.08
2021-22 LAL 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .294 1.09 0.36 0.17 0 3 .000 - 0.08 0.08
2022-23 LAL 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 .240 1.50 0.50 0.44 0 4 .000 0.17 0.05 0.22
2023-24 LAL 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .208 2.17 0.17 0.54 1 2 .333 0.16 -0.02 0.14
CAREER   52 52 4 0 0 0 0 3 .276 1.80 0.50 0.44 24 28 .462 3.64 1.36 5.00

NBA Preseason Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2010-11 MIA 6 6 .607 .527 1.49 24.13 12.39 43.98 9.13 2.26 2.72 36.54 177.80 4.52 1.56 123.3 97.9 41.84
2011-12 MIA 2 2 .636 .600 2.72 14.46 9.39 8.14 7.66 0.85 3.53 32.00 131.43 -2.73 1.53 116.9 99.4 32.25
2012-13 MIA 7 7 .529 .481 3.91 17.29 10.89 45.88 14.99 3.80 0.44 26.82 130.96 5.96 1.23 106.5 91.6 25.88
2013-14 MIA 6 6 .565 .536 1.54 19.03 9.76 35.10 10.05 2.39 1.33 27.50 155.13 4.25 1.30 111.8 97.5 27.47
2014-15 CLE 5 5 .631 .583 2.86 14.91 9.13 34.43 20.15 1.28 1.42 27.18 173.08 1.40 1.56 117.0 108.0 26.80
2015-16 CLE 2 2 .381 .375 - 18.67 9.15 38.10 17.20 6.49 - 34.62 119.64 -1.42 0.79 70.2 92.9 11.84
2016-17 CLE 3 3 .691 .700 - 18.37 9.78 35.09 12.14 5.10 1.53 26.10 173.56 4.53 1.60 121.4 92.7 36.10
2017-18 CLE 1 1 .632 .654 - 15.69 8.25 22.64 37.31 1.60 3.27 30.11 94.87 -18.91 1.31 74.4 105.0 11.04
2018-19 LAL 4 4 .725 .667 - 30.32 16.36 42.27 19.18 2.03 1.26 29.59 210.00 1.41 1.83 123.0 101.2 36.46
2019-20 LAL 4 4 .592 .524 3.90 18.81 10.95 51.32 12.32 1.76 - 28.64 166.28 11.80 1.44 124.8 98.9 33.55
2020-21 LAL 2 2 .562 .548 6.00 22.13 14.39 26.67 28.50 2.36 - 43.00 150.95 -17.13 1.48 86.9 102.6 12.74
2021-22 LAL 3 3 .543 .510 - 18.04 9.67 32.15 17.59 2.42 2.78 33.39 160.42 -3.87 1.17 95.8 103.8 21.10
2022-23 LAL 4 4 .604 .547 4.07 19.98 12.60 31.60 10.46 1.77 - 30.87 159.03 - 1.44 109.8 109.0 24.19
2023-24 LAL 3 3 .592 .554 - 21.11 10.80 36.51 14.78 0.78 1.65 29.70 154.76 4.54 1.46 113.9 118.2 23.16
CAREER   52 52 .588 .542 2.11 19.19 10.86 36.85 14.76 2.45 1.35 30.22 161.95 1.96 1.40 110.2 100.8 28.30

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NBA Training Camp Experience

2003 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
2004 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
2005 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
2006 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
2007 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
2008 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
2009 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
2010 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2011 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2012 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2013 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2014 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
2015 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
2016 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
2017 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
2018 NBA Training Camp - Los Angeles Lakers
2019 NBA Training Camp - Los Angeles Lakers
2020 NBA Training Camp - Los Angeles Lakers
2021 NBA Training Camp - Los Angeles Lakers
2022 NBA Training Camp - Los Angeles Lakers
2023 NBA Training Camp - Los Angeles Lakers

National Basketball Career

Nationality: United States

FIBA Senior Team Events Stats

2012 Olympic Games 8 24:57 13.3 5.5 9.1 .603 0.8 2.5 .300 1.5 2.0 .750 5.4 5.5 1.4 0.3 1.0 1.8 Gold
2012 Team USA Exhibitions 5 25:50 18.6 7.2 12.2 .590 1.2 2.4 .500 3.0 4.8 .625 4.8 4.0 1.8 0.2 2.4 1.6 -
2008 Olympic Games 8 24:45 15.5 6.2 10.4 .602 1.6 3.5 .464 1.4 3.0 .458 5.2 3.8 2.4 1.0 2.1 2.0 Gold
2007 FIBA AmeriCup 10 22:12 18.1 7.3 9.6 .760 2.3 3.7 .622 1.2 1.8 .667 3.6 4.7 1.5 0.5 1.7 1.2 Gold
2006 FIBA World Cup 9 24:13 14.1 6.0 10.2 .587 0.9 2.7 .333 1.2 2.2 .550 4.8 4.1 1.6 0.3 2.8 1.7 Bronze
2004 Olympic Games 8 11:30 5.4 2.4 4.0 .594 0.4 1.2 .300 0.2 0.2 1.000 1.0 1.6 0.8 0.0 1.1 0.9 Bronze
AVERAGES   48 22:03 14.0 5.8 9.1 .632 1.2 2.7 .450 1.3 2.2 .606 4.1 4.0 1.5 0.4 1.8 1.5 -
TOTAL   48 1058:47 674 276 437 .632 59 131 .450 63 104 .606 196 191 74 19 88 72 -

Other National Team Experience

USA Training Camp - 2017
USA Training Camp - 2015

High School Basketball Career

Prep/High School: St. Vincent St. Mary High School [Akron, Ohio]

High School Special Event Stats

2003 McDonalds All-American 1 00:00 27 12 24 .500 0 5 .000 3 4 .750 0 7 0 0 0 0
2003 Jordan Classic 1 34:00 34 13 30 .433 3 10 .300 5 6 .833 12 6 1 1 4 3

Prep/High School Awards & Honors

McDonalds All-American MVP - 2003
Jordan Classic MVP - 2003
Morgan Wootten National Player of the Year - 2003
Naismith Prep Player of the Year - 2003
Gatorade Player of the Year - 2002, 2003
Ohio Gatorade Player of the Year - 2002, 2003
Parade Player of the Year - 2002, 2003
Parade All-American First Team - 2002, 2003
Parade All-American Second Team - 2001
USA TODAY's High School Player of the Year - 2002, 2003
USA TODAY's All-USA First Team - 2001, 2002, 2003
Mr. Basketball USA - 2002, 2003
Ohio Mr. Basketball - 2001, 2002, 2003

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the age of LeBron James?

LeBron James is 39 years old.

What is the height of LeBron James?

LeBron James is 6-9 (206cm) tall.

What is the weight of LeBron James?

LeBron James is 250 lbs (113kg).

What is the birthday of LeBron James?

LeBron James was born on Dec 30, 1984.

Which hand does LeBron James player with?

LeBron James is right-handed.

What position does LeBron James play?

LeBron James plays the SF position.

What was the pre-draft team of LeBron James?

LeBron James was drafted out of St. Vincent St. Mary High School (Ohio).

What high school did LeBron James attend?

LeBron James attended St. Vincent St. Mary High School in Akron, Ohio.

What nationality is LeBron James?

LeBron James has a United States nationality.

Where was LeBron James born?

LeBron James was born in Akron, Ohio.

What is the jersey number of LeBron James?

LeBron James last wore the #23 jersey number.

What team does LeBron James play for?

LeBron James current players for the Los Angeles Lakers.

Who is LeBron James' agent?

LeBron James' agent is Rich Paul.

How many NBA seasons has LeBron James played?

LeBron James played 21 seasons in the NBA.

What are the career averages of LeBron James?

LeBron James had career averages 27.1 points, 7.5 rebounds, 7.4 assists, 0.7 blocks, 1.5 steals in 1,492 games.

What are the career totals of LeBron James?

LeBron James had career totals of 40,474 points, 11,185 rebounds, 11,009 assists, 1,111 blocks, 2,275 steals in 1,492 games.

When can LeBron James become a free agent?

LeBron James has a free agent status of PO-2024; UFA-2025.

How many teams has LeBron James been on?

LeBron James played for 3 NBA teams in his career - Cleveland Cavaliers, Los Angeles Lakers, Miami Heat.

When was LeBron James drafted?

LeBron James was drafted in the 1st round (#1 overall) of the 2003 NBA Draft by the Cleveland Cavaliers.

What is LeBron James' career high in points?

LeBron James averaged a career high 31.4 points per game in 2005-2006.

What is LeBron James' career high in rebounds?

LeBron James averaged a career high 8.6 rebounds per game in 2017-2018.

What is LeBron James' career high in assists?

LeBron James averaged a career high 10.2 assists per game in 2019-2020.

What is the career PER of LeBron James'?

LeBron James had a career PER of 27.0.

How many championships has LeBron James won?

LeBron James has won 4 NBA championships.

How many times did LeBron James win Michael Jordan Most Valuable Player?

LeBron James won MVP 4 times.

How many times did LeBron James win Bill Russell NBA Finals MVP?

LeBron James won Finals MVP 4 times.

How many times did LeBron James win All-NBA First Team?

LeBron James won All-NBA 1st 13 times.

How many times did LeBron James win All-NBA Defensive First Team?

LeBron James won All-NBA Defensive 1st 5 times.

How many times did LeBron James win Wilt Chamberlain Rookie Of The Year?

LeBron James won ROY 1 time.

How many All-Star teams has LeBron James been on?

LeBron James is a 20x All-Star.

What is LeBron James' Facebook account?

LeBron James' Facebook account is LeBron.

What is LeBron James' Instagram account?

LeBron James' Instagram account is @kingjames.

What is LeBron James' X (formerly Twitter) account?

LeBron James' X (formerly Twitter) account is @kingjames.