Richard Jefferson SF

Current Team: N/A

Born: Jun 21, 1980 (43 years old)

Birthplace/Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Nationality: United States

Height: 6-7 (201cm)     Weight: 233 (106kg)

Hand: Right

Current NBA Status: Unrestricted Free Agent (Denver Nuggets)

Draft Entry: 2001 NBA Draft

Early Entry Info: 2001 Early Entrant

Drafted: Round 1, Pick 13, Houston Rockets

Draft Rights Trade: HOU to NJN, Jun 27, 2001

Pre-Draft Team: Arizona (Jr)

High School: Moon Valley High School [Phoenix, Arizona]

Jump to: NBA NCAA National High School FAQ

Richard Jefferson Player Profile

NBA Career

17 Years Of Service - NBA Champion

NBA Regular Season Stats - Per Game

2001-02 NJN 79 9 24.3 9.39 3.42 7.48 .457 0.16 0.71 .232 2.39 3.35 .713 1.08 2.63 3.71 1.77 0.81 0.61 1.35 2.67
2002-03 NJN 80 80 36.0 15.53 5.70 11.39 .501 0.07 0.30 .250 4.05 5.45 .743 1.88 4.55 6.42 2.51 1.00 0.55 1.95 2.70
2003-04 NJN 82 82 38.2 18.48 6.77 13.60 .498 0.59 1.61 .364 4.35 5.71 .763 1.33 4.33 5.66 3.84 1.12 0.34 2.41 2.73
2004-05 NJN 33 33 41.1 22.21 7.21 17.09 .422 0.91 2.70 .337 6.88 8.15 .844 1.48 5.79 7.27 4.03 1.00 0.52 4.00 3.30
2005-06 NJN 78 78 39.2 19.50 6.35 12.88 .493 0.77 2.41 .319 6.04 7.44 .812 1.22 5.63 6.85 3.81 0.76 0.22 2.23 2.47
2006-07 NJN 55 53 35.6 16.31 5.51 12.09 .456 0.95 2.64 .359 4.35 5.93 .733 0.87 3.49 4.36 2.69 0.62 0.15 2.18 2.24
2007-08 NJN 82 82 39.0 22.65 7.55 16.20 .466 0.94 2.60 .362 6.61 8.28 .798 1.13 3.04 4.17 3.07 0.93 0.26 2.43 2.74
2008-09 MIL 82 82 35.8 19.60 6.55 14.90 .439 1.41 3.56 .397 5.09 6.32 .805 0.70 3.87 4.56 2.43 0.80 0.17 2.01 3.07
2009-10 SAN 81 70 31.1 12.27 4.47 9.57 .467 0.73 2.31 .316 2.60 3.54 .735 0.72 3.68 4.40 1.95 0.56 0.49 1.30 2.20
2010-11 SAN 81 81 30.4 11.00 3.75 7.93 .474 1.67 3.79 .440 1.83 2.41 .759 0.67 3.16 3.83 1.32 0.47 0.42 1.15 2.02
2011-12 * All Teams 63 44 27.7 9.17 3.22 7.75 .416 1.79 4.27 .420 0.94 1.35 .694 0.41 3.06 3.48 1.40 0.59 0.30 0.79 1.92
2011-12 * SAN 41 41 28.5 9.24 3.22 7.78 .414 1.95 4.63 .421 0.85 1.22 .700 0.44 3.05 3.49 1.34 0.61 0.29 0.78 2.02
2011-12 * GOS 22 3 26.4 9.05 3.23 7.68 .420 1.50 3.59 .418 1.09 1.59 .686 0.36 3.09 3.45 1.50 0.55 0.32 0.82 1.73
2012-13 GOS 56 1 10.1 3.14 1.11 2.43 .456 0.25 0.80 .311 0.68 0.95 .717 0.09 1.41 1.50 0.55 0.25 0.12 0.41 0.80
2013-14 UTH 82 78 27.0 10.13 3.59 7.98 .450 1.50 3.67 .409 1.46 1.98 .741 0.22 2.45 2.67 1.59 0.68 0.17 1.15 2.05
2014-15 DAL 74 18 16.8 5.84 1.95 4.38 .444 0.89 2.09 .426 1.05 1.54 .684 0.34 2.14 2.47 0.82 0.43 0.15 0.70 1.55
2015-16 CLE 74 5 17.9 5.54 1.93 4.22 .458 0.89 2.34 .382 0.78 1.18 .667 0.20 1.53 1.73 0.80 0.45 0.19 0.58 1.74
2016-17 CLE 79 13 20.4 5.67 1.94 4.34 .446 0.78 2.35 .333 1.01 1.37 .741 0.35 2.22 2.57 0.99 0.33 0.13 0.66 1.94
2017-18 DEN 20 0 8.2 1.50 0.60 1.35 .444 0.10 0.35 .286 0.20 0.35 .571 0.10 0.75 0.85 0.75 0.10 0.05 0.25 0.55
CAREER   1181 809 29.0 12.62 4.36 9.40 .464 0.88 2.34 .376 3.02 3.93 .768 0.78 3.22 4.00 2.04 0.67 0.29 1.50 2.23

NBA Regular Season Stats - Totals

2001-02 NJN 79 9 1,917 742 270 591 .457 13 56 .232 189 265 .713 85 208 293 140 64 48 107 211
2002-03 NJN 80 80 2,878 1,242 456 911 .501 6 24 .250 324 436 .743 150 364 514 201 80 44 156 216
2003-04 NJN 82 82 3,135 1,515 555 1,115 .498 48 132 .364 357 468 .763 109 355 464 315 92 28 198 224
2004-05 NJN 33 33 1,355 733 238 564 .422 30 89 .337 227 269 .844 49 191 240 133 33 17 132 109
2005-06 NJN 78 78 3,058.4 1,521 495 1,005 .493 60 188 .319 471 580 .812 95 439 534 297 59 17 174 193
2006-07 NJN 55 53 1,956 897 303 665 .456 52 145 .359 239 326 .733 48 192 240 148 34 8 120 123
2007-08 NJN 82 82 3,200.3 1,857 619 1,328 .466 77 213 .362 542 679 .798 93 249 342 252 76 21 199 225
2008-09 MIL 82 82 2,938.7 1,607 537 1,222 .439 116 292 .397 417 518 .805 57 317 374 199 66 14 165 252
2009-10 SAN 81 70 2,520.3 994 362 775 .467 59 187 .316 211 287 .735 58 298 356 158 45 40 105 178
2010-11 SAN 81 81 2,458.6 891 304 642 .474 135 307 .440 148 195 .759 54 256 310 107 38 34 93 164
2011-12 * All Teams 63 44 1,748.2 578 203 488 .416 113 269 .420 59 85 .694 26 193 219 88 37 19 50 121
2011-12 * SAN 41 41 1,168.3 379 132 319 .414 80 190 .421 35 50 .700 18 125 143 55 25 12 32 83
2011-12 * GOS 22 3 579.9 199 71 169 .420 33 79 .418 24 35 .686 8 68 76 33 12 7 18 38
2012-13 GOS 56 1 568.4 176 62 136 .456 14 45 .311 38 53 .717 5 79 84 31 14 7 23 45
2013-14 UTH 82 78 2,212.6 831 294 654 .450 123 301 .409 120 162 .741 18 201 219 130 56 14 94 168
2014-15 DAL 74 18 1,244.2 432 144 324 .444 66 155 .426 78 114 .684 25 158 183 61 32 11 52 115
2015-16 CLE 74 5 1,325.6 410 143 312 .458 66 173 .382 58 87 .667 15 113 128 59 33 14 43 129
2016-17 CLE 79 13 1,613.7 448 153 343 .446 62 186 .333 80 108 .741 28 175 203 78 26 10 52 153
2017-18 DEN 20 0 163.4 30 12 27 .444 2 7 .286 4 7 .571 2 15 17 15 2 1 5 11
CAREER   1181 809 34,293.1 14,904 5,150 11,102 .464 1,042 2,769 .376 3,562 4,639 .768 917 3,803 4,720 2,412 787 347 1,768 2,637

NBA Regular Season Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2001-02 NJN 79 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 .140 1.31 0.60 0.45 51 28 .646 1.80 2.75 4.55
2002-03 NJN 80 80 11 1 0 0 0 1 .231 1.29 0.51 0.48 48 32 .600 5.44 4.32 9.77
2003-04 NJN 82 82 9 0 0 0 0 12 .309 1.59 0.46 0.42 47 35 .573 6.43 4.27 10.70
2004-05 NJN 33 33 9 0 1 1 0 2 .358 1.01 0.25 0.48 12 21 .364 0.85 1.80 2.65
2005-06 NJN 78 78 20 0 1 0 0 0 .298 1.71 0.34 0.58 49 29 .628 7.44 4.16 11.60
2006-07 NJN 55 53 1 0 0 0 0 1 .232 1.23 0.28 0.49 30 25 .545 2.07 1.47 3.54
2007-08 NJN 82 82 2 0 0 0 0 3 .305 1.27 0.38 0.51 34 48 .415 6.13 1.39 7.52
2008-09 MIL 82 82 2 0 0 0 0 3 .245 1.21 0.40 0.42 34 48 .415 4.21 2.38 6.59
2009-10 SAN 81 70 2 0 0 0 0 2 .167 1.50 0.43 0.37 49 32 .605 2.94 2.84 5.78
2010-11 SAN 81 81 1 0 0 0 0 3 .132 1.15 0.41 0.30 60 21 .741 3.73 2.07 5.80
2011-12 * All Teams 63 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 .121 1.76 0.74 0.17 33 30 .524 1.80 0.95 2.75
2011-12 * SAN 41 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 .119 1.72 0.78 0.16 28 13 .683 1.32 0.93 2.25
2011-12 * GOS 22 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .124 1.83 0.67 0.21 5 17 .227 0.48 0.05 0.54
2012-13 GOS 56 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .044 1.35 0.61 0.39 30 26 .536 0.40 0.50 0.90
2013-14 UTH 82 78 0 0 0 0 0 2 .144 1.38 0.60 0.25 25 57 .305 2.29 0.37 2.67
2014-15 DAL 74 18 2 0 0 0 0 0 .070 1.17 0.62 0.35 46 28 .622 1.35 0.98 2.33
2015-16 CLE 74 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 .071 1.37 0.77 0.28 51 23 .689 1.41 1.29 2.70
2016-17 CLE 79 13 1 0 0 0 0 5 .073 1.50 0.50 0.31 50 29 .633 1.30 0.71 2.02
2017-18 DEN 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .033 3.00 0.40 0.26 10 10 .500 0.06 0.02 0.08
CAREER   1181 809 60 1 2 1 0 35 .174 1.36 0.45 0.42 659 522 .558 49.06 30.93 79.99

NBA Regular Season Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2001-02 NJN 79 9 .524 .468 4.96 12.25 8.59 11.69 13.14 1.75 1.81 19.06 140.22 -0.71 1.26 104.2 101.3 13.45
2002-03 NJN 80 80 .563 .504 5.97 14.45 10.21 12.06 12.39 1.46 1.15 19.69 149.37 -0.76 1.36 110.9 99.8 16.58
2003-04 NJN 82 82 .573 .519 4.11 13.34 8.73 18.72 13.04 1.58 0.69 22.77 162.42 0.39 1.36 109.6 100.5 18.12
2004-05 NJN 33 33 .537 .449 4.38 16.96 10.69 20.99 16.21 1.32 1.03 28.34 160.29 -3.28 1.30 101.3 103.7 16.93
2005-06 NJN 78 78 .603 .522 3.60 16.98 10.21 17.84 12.13 1.03 0.45 22.16 162.38 0.79 1.51 116.6 104.0 18.75
2006-07 NJN 55 53 .555 .495 2.89 11.47 7.20 13.14 12.92 0.91 0.33 21.93 154.74 -1.09 1.35 106.2 108.7 13.58
2007-08 NJN 82 82 .571 .495 3.36 9.03 6.19 14.95 10.90 1.24 0.51 26.11 162.58 -0.98 1.40 111.7 112.5 17.37
2008-09 MIL 82 82 .554 .487 2.19 13.34 7.52 11.72 10.22 1.16 0.40 24.65 164.17 -1.09 1.32 109.9 110.1 15.41
2009-10 SAN 81 70 .551 .505 2.75 13.62 8.29 9.59 10.43 0.93 1.14 18.28 151.78 0.01 1.28 110.0 106.8 13.08
2010-11 SAN 81 81 .612 .579 2.61 11.82 7.32 6.48 11.33 0.80 0.98 15.35 167.22 -0.88 1.39 116.0 108.9 12.42
2011-12 * All Teams 63 44 .550 .532 1.72 12.76 7.24 7.50 8.69 1.11 0.81 15.24 153.02 0.49 1.18 107.7 108.6 11.22
2011-12 * SAN 41 41 .556 .539 1.79 12.36 7.09 6.98 8.58 1.12 0.76 14.73 153.48 0.40 1.19 109.4 106.5 11.01
2011-12 * GOS 22 3 .540 .518 1.58 13.57 7.54 8.55 8.89 1.09 0.91 16.26 152.36 0.68 1.18 104.9 112.2 11.64
2012-13 GOS 56 1 .552 .507 0.99 14.84 8.11 8.15 12.62 1.24 0.95 14.32 148.40 -0.40 1.29 105.7 107.1 10.30
2013-14 UTH 82 78 .573 .544 0.91 10.81 5.70 9.58 11.47 1.34 0.50 16.94 159.89 -0.34 1.27 108.7 113.8 11.71
2014-15 DAL 74 18 .577 .546 2.18 13.94 8.02 7.00 12.20 1.30 0.72 15.25 155.45 -0.90 1.33 109.3 107.7 11.25
2015-16 CLE 74 5 .585 .564 1.30 9.52 5.48 6.47 10.93 1.28 0.86 13.45 150.65 -0.28 1.31 111.6 106.9 9.67
2016-17 CLE 79 13 .574 .536 1.98 11.57 6.94 6.64 11.75 0.81 0.50 12.21 152.01 - 1.31 111.4 113.8 8.25
2017-18 DEN 20 0 .499 .481 1.38 10.07 5.79 12.00 14.25 0.61 0.52 9.39 130.16 3.09 1.11 106.0 116.3 6.33
CAREER   1181 809 .567 .511 3.07 12.71 7.90 11.49 11.86 1.19 0.78 19.82 160.80 -0.47 1.34 110.1 107.5 14.41

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NBA Transactions

Jun 27, 2001 - The Houston Rockets selected Richard Jefferson in Round 1 with Pick 13 in the 2001 NBA Draft.
Jun 27, 2001 - The draft rights to Richard Jefferson was acquired by the New Jersey Nets, along with the draft rights to Brandon Armstrong and the draft rights to Jason Collins, from the Houston Rockets in exchange for the draft rights to Eddie Griffin.
Jul 13, 2001 - Richard Jefferson signed a multi-year contract with the New Jersey Nets.
Oct 27, 2003 - The New Jersey Nets exercised their Team Option to extend the contract of Richard Jefferson.
Aug 13, 2004 - Richard Jefferson signed a rookie scale extension with the New Jersey Nets.
Jun 26, 2008 - Richard Jefferson was acquired by the Milwaukee Bucks from the New Jersey Nets in exchange for Bobby Simmons and Jianlian Yi.
Jun 23, 2009 - Richard Jefferson was acquired by the San Antonio Spurs from the Milwaukee Bucks in exchange for Bruce Bowen, Fabricio Oberto and Kurt Thomas.
Jun 30, 2010 - Richard Jefferson exercised an Early Termination Option to void the remaining seasons on his contract.
Jul 1, 2010 - Richard Jefferson, previously with the San Antonio Spurs, became a free agent.
Jul 21, 2010 - Richard Jefferson signed a multi-year contract with the San Antonio Spurs.
Mar 15, 2012 - Richard Jefferson was acquired by the Golden State Warriors, along with T.J. Ford and a conditional 2012 1st round pick (SAN own), from the San Antonio Spurs in exchange for Stephen Jackson.
Jun 1, 2013 - Richard Jefferson exercised a Player Option to extend his contract.
Jul 10, 2013 - Richard Jefferson was acquired by the Utah Jazz, along with Andris Biedrins, Brandon Rush, a 2014 1st round pick (GOS own), a 2016 2nd round pick (GOS own), a 2017 1st round pick (GOS own), a 2017 2nd round pick (GOS own), a 2018 2nd round pick (DEN own) and cash, from the Golden State Warriors in exchange for Randy Foye and Kevin Murphy.
Jul 1, 2014 - Richard Jefferson, previously with the Utah Jazz, became a free agent.
Jul 10, 2014 - The Utah Jazz renounced their free-agent exception rights to Richard Jefferson.
Jul 18, 2014 - Richard Jefferson signed a contract with the Dallas Mavericks.
Jul 1, 2015 - Richard Jefferson, previously with the Dallas Mavericks, became a free agent.
Jul 23, 2015 - The Dallas Mavericks renounced their free-agent exception rights to Richard Jefferson.
Aug 5, 2015 - Richard Jefferson signed a contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Jul 1, 2016 - Richard Jefferson, previously with the Cleveland Cavaliers, became a free agent.
Jul 28, 2016 - Richard Jefferson signed a multi-year contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Oct 14, 2017 - Richard Jefferson was acquired by the Atlanta Hawks, along with Kay Felder, a conditional 2020 2nd round pick (POR own), a Least Favorable 2019 2nd round pick and cash, from the Cleveland Cavaliers in exchange for the draft rights to Dimitrios Agravanis and the draft rights to Sergii Gladyr.
Oct 14, 2017 - The Atlanta Hawks placed the contract of Richard Jefferson on waivers.
Oct 16, 2017 - Richard Jefferson, previously with the Atlanta Hawks, became a free agent.
Oct 19, 2017 - Richard Jefferson signed a contract with the Denver Nuggets.
Jul 1, 2018 - Richard Jefferson, previously with the Denver Nuggets, became a free agent.
Oct 13, 2018 - Richard Jefferson retired from professional basketball.

More NBA Transactions »

NBA Awards & Honors

NBA Champion - 2016
Player Of The Week - 3/30/2003, 4/05/2004, 12/12/2004
All-Rookie Second Team - 2002
Rookie Of The Month - Jan. 2002

* Since the 1946-1947 season

NBA Playoff Stats - Per Game

2001-02 NJN 20 0 22.1 6.95 2.65 5.70 .465 0.00 0.10 .000 1.65 3.00 .550 0.80 3.80 4.60 1.25 0.55 0.45 1.30 2.00
2002-03 NJN 20 20 35.6 14.05 5.50 11.55 .476 0.00 0.15 .000 3.05 4.25 .718 1.45 4.90 6.35 2.35 0.80 0.20 2.30 3.35
2003-04 NJN 11 11 41.8 19.82 6.00 14.36 .418 0.82 3.00 .273 7.00 9.82 .713 1.27 5.00 6.27 3.82 1.27 0.73 3.91 3.18
2004-05 NJN 4 1 35.0 15.75 5.00 12.50 .400 0.50 2.50 .200 5.25 7.75 .677 2.00 3.50 5.50 2.25 0.75 0.00 2.00 3.50
2005-06 NJN 11 11 39.7 22.18 8.18 15.00 .545 1.09 2.64 .414 4.73 5.73 .825 0.64 3.45 4.09 4.09 0.91 0.36 2.73 2.91
2006-07 NJN 12 12 40.7 19.67 6.75 14.00 .482 1.08 3.33 .325 5.08 5.50 .924 0.33 5.25 5.58 2.25 0.75 0.42 2.25 2.00
2009-10 SAN 10 10 33.4 9.40 3.40 7.00 .486 0.10 0.50 .200 2.50 3.30 .758 0.80 4.50 5.30 1.80 0.60 0.60 1.50 2.00
2010-11 SAN 6 6 29.4 6.50 2.00 5.17 .387 1.00 2.83 .353 1.50 1.83 .818 0.33 3.83 4.17 0.83 0.50 0.50 1.00 2.17
2012-13 GOS 7 0 5.5 1.86 0.57 1.29 .444 0.29 0.43 .667 0.43 1.29 .333 0.29 0.71 1.00 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.00 0.71
2014-15 DAL 4 2 12.7 3.75 1.25 3.50 .357 0.75 2.00 .375 0.50 0.50 1.000 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.00 0.75 2.25
2015-16 CLE 21 2 18.2 5.43 2.10 4.00 .524 0.52 1.33 .393 0.71 0.95 .750 0.76 2.76 3.52 0.67 0.48 0.05 0.62 1.62
2016-17 CLE 14 0 12.8 3.93 1.14 2.71 .421 0.36 1.36 .263 1.29 2.00 .643 0.71 1.07 1.79 0.50 0.14 0.21 0.57 2.14
CAREER   140 75 27.4 10.79 3.82 8.09 .473 0.46 1.41 .325 2.69 3.69 .731 0.83 3.51 4.34 1.72 0.62 0.31 1.61 2.31

Richard Jefferson Full Playoff History »

NBA Playoff Stats - Totals

2001-02 NJN 20 0 441 139 53 114 .465 0 2 .000 33 60 .550 16 76 92 25 11 9 26 40
2002-03 NJN 20 20 712 281 110 231 .476 0 3 .000 61 85 .718 29 98 127 47 16 4 46 67
2003-04 NJN 11 11 460 218 66 158 .418 9 33 .273 77 108 .713 14 55 69 42 14 8 43 35
2004-05 NJN 4 1 140 63 20 50 .400 2 10 .200 21 31 .677 8 14 22 9 3 0 8 14
2005-06 NJN 11 11 437.2 244 90 165 .545 12 29 .414 52 63 .825 7 38 45 45 10 4 30 32
2006-07 NJN 12 12 488.8 236 81 168 .482 13 40 .325 61 66 .924 4 63 67 27 9 5 27 24
2009-10 SAN 10 10 333.7 94 34 70 .486 1 5 .200 25 33 .758 8 45 53 18 6 6 15 20
2010-11 SAN 6 6 176.3 39 12 31 .387 6 17 .353 9 11 .818 2 23 25 5 3 3 6 13
2012-13 GOS 7 0 38.8 13 4 9 .444 2 3 .667 3 9 .333 2 5 7 1 1 1 0 5
2014-15 DAL 4 2 50.7 15 5 14 .357 3 8 .375 2 2 1.000 0 2 2 1 2 0 3 9
2015-16 CLE 21 2 381.2 114 44 84 .524 11 28 .393 15 20 .750 16 58 74 14 10 1 13 34
2016-17 CLE 14 0 178.5 55 16 38 .421 5 19 .263 18 28 .643 10 15 25 7 2 3 8 30
CAREER   140 75 3,838.2 1,511 535 1,132 .473 64 197 .325 377 516 .731 116 492 608 241 87 44 225 323

NBA Playoff Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2001-02 NJN 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .109 0.96 0.42 0.53 11 9 .550 -0.04 0.52 0.48
2002-03 NJN 20 20 2 0 0 0 0 1 .230 1.02 0.35 0.37 14 6 .700 0.37 1.14 1.51
2003-04 NJN 11 11 2 0 0 0 0 0 .319 0.98 0.33 0.68 7 4 .636 0.61 0.68 1.29
2004-05 NJN 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .216 1.12 0.38 0.62 0 4 .000 0.03 0.03 0.06
2005-06 NJN 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 .358 1.50 0.33 0.38 5 6 .455 1.02 0.40 1.42
2006-07 NJN 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 2 .276 1.00 0.33 0.39 6 6 .500 0.88 0.73 1.61
2009-10 SAN 10 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 .143 1.20 0.40 0.47 4 6 .400 0.17 0.25 0.42
2010-11 SAN 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 .084 0.83 0.50 0.35 2 4 .333 0.05 0.16 0.20
2012-13 GOS 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .017 0.00 0.00 1.00 4 3 .571 0.06 0.02 0.08
2014-15 DAL 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 .035 0.33 0.67 0.14 1 3 .250 -0.02 -0.03 -0.05
2015-16 CLE 21 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 .072 1.08 0.77 0.24 16 5 .762 0.65 0.35 0.99
2016-17 CLE 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .039 0.88 0.25 0.74 9 5 .643 0.14 0.03 0.17
CAREER   140 75 5 0 0 0 0 5 .153 1.07 0.39 0.46 79 61 .564 3.68 3.83 7.50

NBA Playoff Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2001-02 NJN 20 0 .495 .465 3.92 19.92 11.66 9.16 15.62 1.31 1.62 16.80 101.49 -2.08 1.22 94.1 102.2 11.54
2002-03 NJN 20 20 .523 .476 4.53 16.39 10.26 12.07 14.63 1.20 0.45 19.99 119.38 -2.09 1.22 101.2 100.8 13.20
2003-04 NJN 11 11 .530 .446 3.75 13.25 8.75 18.99 17.30 1.62 1.33 25.00 140.34 -3.24 1.38 98.6 95.3 17.04
2004-05 NJN 4 1 .495 .420 5.89 13.12 9.07 12.35 11.17 1.12 - 23.18 127.74 -1.42 1.26 100.8 114.9 12.76
2005-06 NJN 11 11 .633 .582 1.91 11.31 6.41 20.27 13.47 1.25 0.86 24.53 178.46 - 1.48 116.5 109.9 21.10
2006-07 NJN 12 12 .599 .521 1.00 15.11 8.20 10.76 12.05 1.00 0.84 22.06 173.14 -1.91 1.40 110.2 101.5 17.27
2009-10 SAN 10 10 .556 .493 2.74 15.36 9.06 8.21 15.07 0.95 1.45 13.90 144.33 -0.92 1.34 105.6 110.9 11.40
2010-11 SAN 6 6 .544 .484 1.29 15.56 8.26 4.57 14.34 0.90 1.22 11.16 155.82 -1.54 1.26 101.3 107.5 8.01
2012-13 GOS 7 0 .502 .556 6.69 14.38 10.82 3.50 - 1.29 2.06 14.88 144.44 1.65 1.44 113.9 109.9 12.95
2014-15 DAL 4 2 .504 .464 - 4.25 2.05 2.44 16.78 1.85 - 14.49 173.21 -4.28 1.07 91.1 118.2 4.10
2015-16 CLE 21 2 .614 .589 5.03 17.72 11.47 5.38 12.29 1.39 0.25 12.84 166.67 -1.02 1.36 119.6 107.9 13.09
2016-17 CLE 14 0 .547 .487 6.85 9.26 8.12 5.03 13.72 0.55 1.44 14.51 132.71 -1.86 1.45 111.3 118.7 7.86
CAREER   140 75 .556 .501 3.51 14.93 9.21 10.36 14.20 1.19 0.96 18.89 152.81 -1.69 1.33 106.0 106.7 14.10

More Richard Jefferson NBA Playoff Stats »

NBA All-Star Weekend Competitions

Rising Stars Challenge Participant - 2003
Slam Dunk Contest Participant - 2003

* Since the 1946-1947 season

NBA Rising Stars Challenge Stats - Totals

2003 Sophomores 1 1 24 21 10 14 .714 0 0 .000 1 2 .500 2 1 3 4 3 0 3 0
TOTAL   1 1 24 21 10 14 .714 0 0 .000 1 2 .500 2 1 3 4 3 0 3 0
AVERAGES   1 1 24.0 21.00 10.00 14.00 .714 0.00 0.00 .000 1.00 2.00 .500 2.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 0.00

More Richard Jefferson NBA All-Star Stats »

NBA Preseason Stats - Per Game

2010-11 SAN 6 6 25.7 9.67 2.83 6.83 .415 0.83 1.67 .500 3.17 4.17 .760 0.33 3.33 3.67 1.50 0.67 0.50 0.67 1.67
2011-12 SAN 2 2 17.8 5.50 2.00 4.00 .500 1.50 2.00 .750 0.00 0.00 .000 0.50 2.50 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00
2012-13 GOS 7 0 14.6 3.29 0.86 3.43 .250 0.57 1.43 .400 1.00 2.43 .412 0.29 2.29 2.57 1.29 0.71 0.29 0.86 1.43
2013-14 UTH 7 6 21.1 8.00 2.86 5.71 .500 0.86 2.00 .429 1.43 2.29 .625 0.14 4.14 4.29 1.71 0.29 0.29 1.71 2.00
2014-15 DAL 8 3 15.1 8.50 2.88 6.62 .434 0.88 2.25 .389 1.88 3.50 .536 0.75 1.62 2.38 1.12 1.00 0.12 0.75 1.75
2015-16 CLE 6 5 22.8 11.17 3.50 7.00 .500 1.67 4.17 .400 2.50 3.00 .833 0.17 4.33 4.50 0.67 0.67 0.00 1.50 2.50
2016-17 CLE 4 1 13.4 3.00 0.75 2.00 .375 0.50 1.50 .333 1.00 1.00 1.000 0.00 2.25 2.25 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.75
2017-18 CLE 3 0 21.8 6.33 2.00 6.33 .316 0.00 1.67 .000 2.33 3.67 .636 0.67 2.67 3.33 1.00 0.67 0.33 1.00 0.33
CAREER   43 23 19.0 7.30 2.33 5.47 .426 0.86 2.14 .402 1.79 2.77 .647 0.35 2.93 3.28 1.16 0.58 0.21 0.95 1.65

NBA Preseason Stats - Totals

2010-11 SAN 6 6 154.1 58 17 41 .415 5 10 .500 19 25 .760 2 20 22 9 4 3 4 10
2011-12 SAN 2 2 35.5 11 4 8 .500 3 4 .750 0 0 .000 1 5 6 2 0 0 0 4
2012-13 GOS 7 0 102.4 23 6 24 .250 4 10 .400 7 17 .412 2 16 18 9 5 2 6 10
2013-14 UTH 7 6 147.6 56 20 40 .500 6 14 .429 10 16 .625 1 29 30 12 2 2 12 14
2014-15 DAL 8 3 121.2 68 23 53 .434 7 18 .389 15 28 .536 6 13 19 9 8 1 6 14
2015-16 CLE 6 5 137 67 21 42 .500 10 25 .400 15 18 .833 1 26 27 4 4 0 9 15
2016-17 CLE 4 1 53.7 12 3 8 .375 2 6 .333 4 4 1.000 0 9 9 2 0 0 1 3
2017-18 CLE 3 0 65.4 19 6 19 .316 0 5 .000 7 11 .636 2 8 10 3 2 1 3 1
CAREER   43 23 816.7 314 100 235 .426 37 92 .402 77 119 .647 15 126 141 50 25 9 41 71

NBA Preseason Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2010-11 SAN 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 .116 2.25 1.00 0.61 4 2 .667 0.34 0.19 0.53
2011-12 SAN 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .094 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 1 .500 0.11 - 0.11
2012-13 GOS 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .057 1.50 0.83 0.71 5 2 .714 -0.16 0.15 -0.01
2013-14 UTH 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 .131 1.00 0.17 0.40 1 6 .143 0.16 0.07 0.23
2014-15 DAL 8 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .109 1.50 1.33 0.53 4 4 .500 0.23 0.13 0.35
2015-16 CLE 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 .126 0.44 0.44 0.43 1 5 .167 0.27 0.06 0.33
2016-17 CLE 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .034 2.00 0.00 0.50 2 2 .500 0.06 - 0.06
2017-18 CLE 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .082 1.00 0.67 0.58 0 3 .000 -0.08 0.05 -0.03
CAREER   43 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 .097 1.22 0.61 0.51 18 25 .419 0.95 0.64 1.59

NBA Preseason Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2010-11 SAN 6 6 .558 .476 1.40 14.06 7.70 8.76 7.14 1.30 1.52 15.45 167.46 1.24 1.41 117.1 99.1 15.49
2011-12 SAN 2 2 .688 .688 3.17 16.46 9.70 10.00 - - - 9.95 125.00 3.54 1.38 141.6 106.3 14.16
2012-13 GOS 7 0 .365 .333 2.38 17.17 10.15 12.29 16.01 2.52 1.53 16.96 106.18 - 0.96 77.4 96.5 7.07
2013-14 UTH 7 6 .595 .575 0.68 21.31 10.59 13.65 20.33 0.66 1.09 16.82 155.36 -2.59 1.40 100.5 102.3 13.66
2014-15 DAL 8 3 .521 .500 5.46 12.28 8.80 12.92 8.41 3.20 0.77 25.45 135.86 - 1.28 105.5 100.7 19.63
2015-16 CLE 6 5 .671 .619 0.83 21.78 11.26 5.43 15.27 1.45 - 19.21 173.33 -4.54 1.60 110.1 105.3 16.82
2016-17 CLE 4 1 .615 .500 - 18.71 9.55 5.14 9.29 - - 8.81 170.83 0.59 1.50 115.6 110.1 9.29
2017-18 CLE 3 0 .398 .316 3.36 14.89 8.83 6.87 11.18 1.45 1.47 17.54 95.22 -1.47 1.00 82.0 104.3 7.10
CAREER   43 23 .546 .504 2.04 17.30 9.62 9.77 12.49 1.51 0.93 17.56 147.48 -0.90 1.34 103.5 102.2 13.96

More Richard Jefferson NBA Preseason Stats »

NBA Training Camp Experience

2001 NBA Training Camp - New Jersey Nets
2002 NBA Training Camp - New Jersey Nets
2003 NBA Training Camp - New Jersey Nets
2004 NBA Training Camp - New Jersey Nets
2005 NBA Training Camp - New Jersey Nets
2006 NBA Training Camp - New Jersey Nets
2007 NBA Training Camp - New Jersey Nets
2008 NBA Training Camp - Milwaukee Bucks
2009 NBA Training Camp - San Antonio Spurs
2010 NBA Training Camp - San Antonio Spurs
2011 NBA Training Camp - San Antonio Spurs
2012 NBA Training Camp - Golden State Warriors
2013 NBA Training Camp - Utah Jazz
2014 NBA Training Camp - Dallas Mavericks
2015 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
2016 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
2017 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers

NCAA Career

College: Arizona (2001)

NCAA Season Stats - Per Game

1998-99 Arizona Fr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1999-00 Arizona So - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2000-01 Arizona Jr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NCAA Awards & Honors

Pac-12 All-Freshman Team - 1999
NCAA Final Four All-Tournament Teams (AP) - 2001

National Basketball Career

Nationality: United States

FIBA Senior Team Events Stats

2004 Olympic Games 8 18:30 6.8 2.2 7.0 .321 0.8 2.9 .261 1.5 2.8 .545 2.8 1.0 0.3 0.4 1.4 2.1 Bronze
AVERAGES   8 18:30 6.8 2.2 7.0 .321 0.8 2.9 .261 1.5 2.8 .545 2.8 1.0 0.3 0.4 1.4 2.1 -
TOTAL   8 148:00 54 18 56 .321 6 23 .261 12 22 .545 22 8 2 3 11 17 -

High School Basketball Career

Prep/High School: Moon Valley High School [Phoenix, Arizona]

High School Special Event Stats

1998 McDonalds All-American 1 00:00 0 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 0 0

Prep/High School Awards & Honors

Parade All-American Fourth Team - 1998
USA TODAY's All-USA Third Team - 1998

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the age of Richard Jefferson?

Richard Jefferson is 43 years old.

What is the height of Richard Jefferson?

Richard Jefferson is 6-7 (201cm) tall.

What is the weight of Richard Jefferson?

Richard Jefferson is 233 lbs (106kg).

What is the birthday of Richard Jefferson?

Richard Jefferson was born on Jun 21, 1980.

Which hand does Richard Jefferson player with?

Richard Jefferson is right-handed.

What position does Richard Jefferson play?

Richard Jefferson plays the SF position.

What was the pre-draft team of Richard Jefferson?

Richard Jefferson was drafted out of Arizona.

What high school did Richard Jefferson attend?

Richard Jefferson attended Moon Valley High School in Phoenix, Arizona.

What nationality is Richard Jefferson?

Richard Jefferson has a United States nationality.

Where was Richard Jefferson born?

Richard Jefferson was born in Los Angeles, California.

How many NBA seasons has Richard Jefferson played?

Richard Jefferson played 17 seasons in the NBA.

What are the career averages of Richard Jefferson?

Richard Jefferson had career averages 12.6 points, 4.0 rebounds, 2.0 assists, 0.7 steals in 1,181 games.

What are the career totals of Richard Jefferson?

Richard Jefferson had career totals of 14,904 points, 4,720 rebounds, 2,412 assists, 347 blocks, 787 steals in 1,181 games.

How many teams has Richard Jefferson been on?

Richard Jefferson played for 8 NBA teams in his career - Cleveland Cavaliers, Dallas Mavericks, Denver Nuggets, Golden State Warriors, Milwaukee Bucks, New Jersey Nets, San Antonio Spurs, Utah Jazz.

When was Richard Jefferson drafted?

Richard Jefferson was drafted in the 1st round (#13 overall) of the 2001 NBA Draft by the Houston Rockets.

What is Richard Jefferson's career high in points?

Richard Jefferson averaged a career high 22.6 points per game in 2007-2008.

What is Richard Jefferson's career high in rebounds?

Richard Jefferson averaged a career high 7.3 rebounds per game in 2004-2005.

What is Richard Jefferson's career high in assists?

Richard Jefferson averaged a career high 4.0 assists per game in 2004-2005.

What is the career PER of Richard Jefferson's?

Richard Jefferson had a career PER of 14.4.

How many championships has Richard Jefferson won?

Richard Jefferson has won 1 NBA championships.