Derek Anderson G  #5

Born: Jul 18, 1974 (49 years old)

Birthplace/Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky

Nationality: United States

Height: 6-5 (196cm)     Weight: 194 (88kg)

Current NBA Status: Unrestricted Free Agent

Draft Entry: 1997 NBA Draft

Drafted: Round 1, Pick 13, Cleveland Cavaliers

Pre-Draft Team: Kentucky (Sr)

High School: Doss High School [Louisville, Kentucky]


Derek Anderson Player Profile

NBA Career

11 Years Of Service - NBA Champion

NBA Regular Season Stats - Per Game

1997-98 CLE 66 14 27.9 11.67 3.62 8.88 .408 0.26 1.27 .202 4.17 4.77 .873 0.83 2.00 2.83 3.44 1.30 0.20 1.94 2.06
1998-99 CLE 38 13 25.7 10.76 3.29 8.26 .398 0.55 1.82 .304 3.63 4.34 .836 0.53 2.34 2.87 3.82 1.26 0.11 2.16 1.92
1999-00 LAC 64 58 34.4 16.88 5.89 13.44 .438 0.86 2.78 .309 4.23 4.83 .877 1.25 2.78 4.03 3.44 1.41 0.17 2.61 2.33
2000-01 SAN 82 82 34.9 15.48 5.04 12.11 .416 1.23 3.09 .399 4.17 4.90 .851 0.91 3.51 4.43 3.67 1.46 0.17 2.01 2.29
2001-02 POR 70 29 26.6 10.81 3.53 8.74 .404 1.21 3.26 .373 2.54 2.97 .856 0.67 2.03 2.70 3.09 0.97 0.11 1.24 1.61
2002-03 POR 76 76 33.6 13.91 4.67 10.95 .427 1.53 4.36 .350 3.04 3.54 .859 0.70 2.78 3.47 4.28 1.18 0.21 1.68 1.86
2003-04 POR 51 46 35.5 13.61 4.51 12.00 .376 1.55 5.08 .305 3.04 3.69 .824 0.51 3.06 3.57 4.47 1.29 0.06 1.76 1.55
2004-05 POR 47 32 26.4 9.19 3.23 8.32 .389 1.23 3.21 .384 1.49 1.85 .805 0.53 2.19 2.72 3.04 0.77 0.09 1.49 1.89
2005-06 * All Teams 43 11 24.3 8.12 2.51 7.05 .356 0.93 3.12 .299 2.16 2.58 .838 0.49 2.84 3.33 2.35 0.53 0.14 1.26 2.28
2005-06 * MIA 23 3 20.2 5.78 1.74 5.65 .308 0.91 2.91 .313 1.39 1.65 .842 0.39 2.22 2.61 2.09 0.35 0.09 0.74 2.13
2005-06 * HOU 20 8 29.1 10.80 3.40 8.65 .393 0.95 3.35 .284 3.05 3.65 .836 0.60 3.55 4.15 2.65 0.75 0.20 1.85 2.45
2006-07 CHA 50 32 23.8 7.98 2.52 5.88 .429 1.08 3.04 .355 1.86 2.12 .877 0.58 1.68 2.26 2.66 1.04 0.14 1.12 2.30
2007-08 CHA 28 0 14.1 5.04 1.68 4.46 .376 0.68 1.86 .365 1.00 1.36 .737 0.32 1.54 1.86 1.57 0.43 0.04 0.89 1.75
CAREER   615 393 29.2 11.96 3.93 9.63 .408 1.05 3.07 .341 3.05 3.57 .853 0.72 2.52 3.23 3.39 1.12 0.14 1.71 2.00

NBA Regular Season Stats - Totals

1997-98 CLE 66 14 1,839 770 239 586 .408 17 84 .202 275 315 .873 55 132 187 227 86 13 128 136
1998-99 CLE 38 13 978 409 125 314 .398 21 69 .304 138 165 .836 20 89 109 145 48 4 82 73
1999-00 LAC 64 58 2,201 1,080 377 860 .438 55 178 .309 271 309 .877 80 178 258 220 90 11 167 149
2000-01 SAN 82 82 2,859 1,269 413 993 .416 101 253 .399 342 402 .851 75 288 363 301 120 14 165 188
2001-02 POR 70 29 1,860 757 247 612 .404 85 228 .373 178 208 .856 47 142 189 216 68 8 87 113
2002-03 POR 76 76 2,555 1,057 355 832 .427 116 331 .350 231 269 .859 53 211 264 325 90 16 128 141
2003-04 POR 51 46 1,810 694 230 612 .376 79 259 .305 155 188 .824 26 156 182 228 66 3 90 79
2004-05 POR 47 32 1,239 432 152 391 .389 58 151 .384 70 87 .805 25 103 128 143 36 4 70 89
2005-06 * All Teams 43 11 1,046.8 349 108 303 .356 40 134 .299 93 111 .838 21 122 143 101 23 6 54 98
2005-06 * MIA 23 3 464.6 133 40 130 .308 21 67 .313 32 38 .842 9 51 60 48 8 2 17 49
2005-06 * HOU 20 8 582.2 216 68 173 .393 19 67 .284 61 73 .836 12 71 83 53 15 4 37 49
2006-07 CHA 50 32 1,190.4 399 126 294 .429 54 152 .355 93 106 .877 29 84 113 133 52 7 56 115
2007-08 CHA 28 0 396.2 141 47 125 .376 19 52 .365 28 38 .737 9 43 52 44 12 1 25 49
CAREER   615 393 17,974.4 7,357 2,419 5,922 .408 645 1,891 .341 1,874 2,198 .853 440 1,548 1,988 2,083 691 87 1,052 1,230

NBA Regular Season Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
1997-98 CLE 66 14 1 0 0 0 0 0 .205 1.77 0.67 0.54 40 26 .606 2.60 2.90 5.51
1998-99 CLE 38 13 2 0 0 0 0 0 .230 1.77 0.59 0.53 16 22 .421 1.02 1.07 2.09
1999-00 LAC 64 58 2 1 0 0 0 0 .267 1.32 0.54 0.36 7 57 .109 3.07 0.16 3.22
2000-01 SAN 82 82 3 0 0 0 0 0 .248 1.82 0.73 0.40 58 24 .707 5.60 4.14 9.74
2001-02 POR 70 29 1 0 0 0 0 0 .180 2.48 0.78 0.34 45 25 .643 3.86 1.53 5.39
2002-03 POR 76 76 2 0 0 0 0 0 .244 2.54 0.70 0.32 47 29 .618 5.93 1.99 7.92
2003-04 POR 51 46 0 0 0 0 0 2 .259 2.53 0.73 0.31 26 25 .510 2.63 1.17 3.81
2004-05 POR 47 32 0 0 0 0 0 1 .181 2.04 0.51 0.22 16 31 .340 0.83 0.59 1.43
2005-06 * All Teams 43 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 .143 1.87 0.43 0.37 22 21 .512 0.47 1.09 1.56
2005-06 * MIA 23 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .105 2.82 0.47 0.29 14 9 .609 0.13 0.38 0.51
2005-06 * HOU 20 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 .194 1.43 0.41 0.42 8 12 .400 0.35 0.75 1.10
2006-07 CHA 50 32 1 0 0 0 0 2 .144 2.38 0.93 0.36 20 30 .400 2.07 0.62 2.69
2007-08 CHA 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .094 1.76 0.48 0.30 3 25 .107 -0.03 0.06 0.03
CAREER   615 393 12 1 0 0 0 5 .209 1.98 0.66 0.37 300 315 .488 26.26 15.78 42.04

NBA Regular Season Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
1997-98 CLE 66 14 .531 .422 3.76 8.73 6.29 21.25 15.01 2.50 0.54 21.50 148.32 1.28 1.31 107.3 100.6 15.34
1998-99 CLE 38 13 .529 .432 2.65 11.50 7.14 28.90 17.50 2.71 0.33 23.42 153.88 1.53 1.30 100.9 101.7 16.35
1999-00 LAC 64 58 .542 .470 3.90 9.56 6.59 17.98 14.36 2.09 0.34 23.44 162.44 -0.91 1.26 105.3 111.8 16.96
2000-01 SAN 82 82 .542 .467 3.12 10.86 7.18 18.07 12.36 2.23 0.34 21.92 166.59 1.27 1.28 109.3 99.7 17.14
2001-02 POR 70 29 .538 .473 2.94 9.09 5.98 18.58 11.01 1.96 0.33 19.42 163.22 3.11 1.24 113.7 106.2 15.58
2002-03 POR 76 76 .556 .496 2.51 10.02 6.27 20.56 11.87 1.89 0.47 19.45 163.59 3.53 1.27 114.6 105.7 16.87
2003-04 POR 51 46 .499 .440 1.75 9.92 5.95 21.65 11.47 2.03 0.12 20.69 150.53 3.57 1.13 106.2 106.2 15.13
2004-05 POR 47 32 .503 .463 2.40 9.26 5.94 19.32 14.02 1.57 0.23 18.49 157.75 2.09 1.10 103.6 110.7 11.82
2005-06 * All Teams 43 11 .496 .422 2.52 13.29 8.16 16.08 13.31 1.18 0.46 18.35 149.28 1.29 1.15 102.3 106.6 10.77
2005-06 * MIA 23 3 .453 .388 2.46 12.62 7.79 15.48 10.38 0.90 0.33 16.41 146.32 3.19 1.02 100.9 108.5 8.60
2005-06 * HOU 20 8 .527 .448 2.55 13.77 8.42 17.22 15.28 1.43 0.57 20.06 151.23 -0.30 1.25 103.2 104.6 12.69
2006-07 CHA 50 32 .586 .520 2.78 8.89 5.69 17.67 14.12 2.30 0.46 15.17 166.12 2.77 1.36 116.4 110.7 13.67
2007-08 CHA 28 0 .497 .452 2.56 12.99 7.61 18.64 15.00 1.59 0.19 19.25 147.82 1.10 1.13 98.3 114.8 9.90
CAREER   615 393 .534 .463 2.91 10.12 6.54 19.66 13.25 2.05 0.36 20.46 160.22 1.90 1.24 108.1 106.1 15.36

More Derek Anderson NBA Stats »

NBA Transactions

Jun 25, 1997 - The Cleveland Cavaliers selected Derek Anderson in Round 1 with Pick 13 in the 1997 NBA Draft.
Jul 7, 1997 - Derek Anderson signed a multi-year contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Aug 4, 1999 - Derek Anderson was acquired by the Los Angeles Clippers, along with Johnny Newman and a TPE, from the Cleveland Cavaliers in exchange for Lamond Murray.
Jul 1, 2000 - Derek Anderson, previously with the Los Angeles Clippers, became a free agent.
Aug 2, 2000 - Derek Anderson signed a multi-year contract with the San Antonio Spurs.
Jul 1, 2001 - Derek Anderson, previously with the San Antonio Spurs, became a free agent.
Jul 24, 2001 - Derek Anderson was acquired by the Portland Trail Blazers, along with Steve Kerr and a 2003 2nd round pick (SAN own), from the San Antonio Spurs in exchange for Steve Smith.
Jul 24, 2001 - Derek Anderson signed a multi-year contract with the San Antonio Spurs as part of an eventual sign and trade to Portland Trail Blazers.
Aug 10, 2005 - The Portland Trail Blazers utilized the amnesty provision on the contract of Derek Anderson.
Aug 10, 2005 - Derek Anderson, previously with the Portland Trail Blazers, became a free agent.
Aug 23, 2005 - Derek Anderson signed a multi-year contract with the Houston Rockets.
Feb 23, 2006 - Derek Anderson was acquired by the Miami Heat, along with a TPE, from the Houston Rockets in exchange for Gerald Fitch and a TPE.
Jun 30, 2006 - Derek Anderson exercised a Player Option to extend his contract.
Sep 12, 2006 - The Miami Heat placed the contract of Derek Anderson on waivers.
Sep 14, 2006 - Derek Anderson, previously with the Miami Heat, became a free agent.
Nov 28, 2006 - Derek Anderson signed a contract with the Charlotte Bobcats.
Jul 1, 2007 - Derek Anderson, previously with the Charlotte Bobcats, became a free agent.
Sep 27, 2007 - Derek Anderson signed a contract with the Charlotte Bobcats.
Jul 1, 2008 - Derek Anderson, previously with the Charlotte Bobcats, became a free agent.
Nov 1, 2008 - Derek Anderson retired from professional basketball.
Jul 12, 2012 - The Charlotte Bobcats renounced their free-agent exception rights to Derek Anderson.

More NBA Transactions »

NBA Awards & Honors

NBA Champion - 2006
Player Of The Week - 3/11/2001
All-Rookie Second Team - 1998

* Since the 1946-1947 season

NBA Playoff Stats - Per Game

1997-98 CLE 4 0 25.8 10.75 2.50 5.50 .455 0.00 0.00 .000 5.75 6.50 .885 0.00 2.25 2.25 2.75 1.25 0.25 3.00 2.50
2000-01 SAN 7 7 27.7 7.71 2.29 8.71 .262 0.86 3.14 .273 2.29 3.00 .762 0.43 2.29 2.71 2.43 0.43 0.00 2.14 1.43
2001-02 POR 3 0 25.3 14.67 4.33 10.00 .433 0.67 2.00 .333 5.33 6.00 .889 1.00 1.33 2.33 2.33 0.67 0.00 2.00 0.33
2002-03 POR 2 2 11.0 1.00 0.50 2.00 .250 0.00 0.50 .000 0.00 0.50 .000 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50
2005-06 MIA 8 0 8.2 3.00 0.75 2.50 .300 0.62 1.75 .357 0.88 1.00 .875 0.00 1.12 1.12 0.62 0.25 0.00 0.38 1.62
CAREER   24 9 19.2 6.96 1.92 5.71 .336 0.54 1.79 .302 2.58 3.08 .838 0.29 1.58 1.88 1.67 0.50 0.04 1.54 1.46

Derek Anderson Full Playoff History »

NBA Playoff Stats - Totals

1997-98 CLE 4 0 103 43 10 22 .455 0 0 .000 23 26 .885 0 9 9 11 5 1 12 10
2000-01 SAN 7 7 194 54 16 61 .262 6 22 .273 16 21 .762 3 16 19 17 3 0 15 10
2001-02 POR 3 0 76 44 13 30 .433 2 6 .333 16 18 .889 3 4 7 7 2 0 6 1
2002-03 POR 2 2 22 2 1 4 .250 0 1 .000 0 1 .000 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
2005-06 MIA 8 0 65.6 24 6 20 .300 5 14 .357 7 8 .875 0 9 9 5 2 0 3 13
CAREER   24 9 460.6 167 46 137 .336 13 43 .302 62 74 .838 7 38 45 40 12 1 37 35

NBA Playoff Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
1997-98 CLE 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .196 0.92 0.42 1.18 1 3 .250 0.11 0.10 0.20
2000-01 SAN 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 .153 1.13 0.20 0.34 4 3 .571 -0.48 0.15 -0.33
2001-02 POR 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .213 1.17 0.33 0.60 0 3 .000 0.20 0.01 0.21
2002-03 POR 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .015 0.00 0.00 0.25 0 2 .000 -0.07 -0.03 -0.10
2005-06 MIA 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .039 1.67 0.67 0.40 5 3 .625 0.04 0.12 0.16
CAREER   24 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 .113 1.08 0.32 0.54 10 14 .417 -0.13 0.33 0.20

NBA Playoff Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
1997-98 CLE 4 0 .643 .455 - 12.71 6.35 23.21 26.41 2.84 0.86 22.47 133.92 -5.00 1.95 105.1 107.8 16.43
2000-01 SAN 7 7 .384 .311 1.70 8.85 5.32 15.64 17.60 0.82 - 20.89 129.69 -1.92 0.89 75.7 104.8 4.91
2001-02 POR 3 0 .580 .467 4.24 6.11 5.14 19.12 13.66 1.39 - 25.49 165.56 -1.73 1.47 111.6 110.2 20.66
2002-03 POR 2 2 .225 .250 4.85 - 2.66 - 18.38 - - 11.72 25.00 -4.82 0.50 50.7 124.1 -4.03
2005-06 MIA 8 0 .510 .425 - 16.41 8.34 11.92 11.31 1.62 - 18.97 153.21 0.51 1.20 105.7 102.9 10.50
CAREER   24 9 .492 .383 1.80 9.87 5.82 15.40 17.91 1.41 0.18 21.27 147.59 -2.30 1.22 94.1 107.3 10.45

More Derek Anderson NBA Playoff Stats »

NBA Training Camp Experience

1997 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
1998 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
1999 NBA Training Camp - Los Angeles Clippers
2000 NBA Training Camp - San Antonio Spurs
2001 NBA Training Camp - Portland Trail Blazers
2002 NBA Training Camp - Portland Trail Blazers
2003 NBA Training Camp - Portland Trail Blazers
2004 NBA Training Camp - Portland Trail Blazers
2005 NBA Training Camp - Houston Rockets
2007 NBA Training Camp - Charlotte Hornets

NCAA Career

College: Kentucky (1997)

NCAA Season Stats - Per Game

1992-93 Ohio State Fr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1993-94 Ohio State So - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1994-95 N/A Trans - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1995-96 Kentucky Jr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1996-97 Kentucky Sr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NCAA Awards & Honors

Great Alaska Shootout All-Tournament Team - 1997

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the age of Derek Anderson?

Derek Anderson is 49 years old.

What is the height of Derek Anderson?

Derek Anderson is 6-5 (196cm) tall.

What is the weight of Derek Anderson?

Derek Anderson is 194 lbs (88kg).

What is the birthday of Derek Anderson?

Derek Anderson was born on Jul 18, 1974.

What position does Derek Anderson play?

Derek Anderson plays the G position.

What was the pre-draft team of Derek Anderson?

Derek Anderson was drafted out of Kentucky.

What high school did Derek Anderson attend?

Derek Anderson attended Doss High School in Louisville, Kentucky.

What nationality is Derek Anderson?

Derek Anderson has a United States nationality.

Where was Derek Anderson born?

Derek Anderson was born in Louisville, Kentucky.

What is the jersey number of Derek Anderson?

Derek Anderson last wore the #5 jersey number.

How many NBA seasons has Derek Anderson played?

Derek Anderson played 11 seasons in the NBA.

What are the career averages of Derek Anderson?

Derek Anderson had career averages 12.0 points, 3.2 rebounds, 3.4 assists, 1.1 steals in 615 games.

What are the career totals of Derek Anderson?

Derek Anderson had career totals of 7,357 points, 1,988 rebounds, 2,083 assists, 87 blocks, 691 steals in 615 games.

How many teams has Derek Anderson been on?

Derek Anderson played for 7 NBA teams in his career - Charlotte Hornets, Cleveland Cavaliers, Houston Rockets, Los Angeles Clippers, Miami Heat, Portland Trail Blazers, San Antonio Spurs.

When was Derek Anderson drafted?

Derek Anderson was drafted in the 1st round (#13 overall) of the 1997 NBA Draft by the Cleveland Cavaliers.

What is Derek Anderson's career high in points?

Derek Anderson averaged a career high 16.9 points per game in 1999-2000.

What is Derek Anderson's career high in rebounds?

Derek Anderson averaged a career high 4.4 rebounds per game in 2000-2001.

What is Derek Anderson's career high in assists?

Derek Anderson averaged a career high 4.5 assists per game in 2003-2004.

What is the career PER of Derek Anderson's?

Derek Anderson had a career PER of 15.4.

How many championships has Derek Anderson won?

Derek Anderson has won 1 NBA championships.