Mike Wilks G  #10

Born: May 7, 1979 (45 years old)

Birthplace/Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Nationality: United States

Height: 5-10 (178cm)     Weight: 185 (84kg)

Current NBA Status: Unrestricted Free Agent

Draft Entry: 2001 NBA Draft

Drafted: Undrafted

Pre-Draft Team: Rice (Sr)

High School: Rufus King High School [Milwaukee, Wisconsin]

Jump to: NBA NCAA G League International High School FAQ

Mike Wilks Player Profile

NBA Career

9 Years Of Service - NBA Champion

NBA Regular Season Stats - Per Game

2002-03 * All Teams 46 7 15.0 3.20 1.09 3.22 .338 0.22 0.76 .286 0.80 1.02 .787 0.43 1.11 1.54 2.00 0.59 0.09 0.61 1.50
2002-03 * MIN 31 0 10.5 2.00 0.68 2.16 .313 0.13 0.58 .222 0.52 0.58 .889 0.35 0.61 0.97 1.61 0.35 0.10 0.39 1.00
2002-03 * ATL 15 7 24.3 5.67 1.93 5.40 .358 0.40 1.13 .353 1.40 1.93 .724 0.60 2.13 2.73 2.80 1.07 0.07 1.07 2.53
2003-04 HOU 26 0 5.6 1.92 0.65 1.38 .472 0.23 0.38 .600 0.38 0.46 .833 0.12 0.50 0.62 0.65 0.12 0.00 0.27 0.58
2004-05 SAN 48 0 5.8 1.69 0.67 1.60 .416 0.10 0.33 .313 0.25 0.33 .750 0.08 0.44 0.52 0.69 0.29 0.02 0.29 0.54
2005-06 * All Teams 46 0 7.6 1.87 0.63 1.96 .322 0.07 0.41 .158 0.54 0.89 .610 0.20 0.65 0.85 0.70 0.30 0.02 0.52 0.74
2005-06 * CLE 36 0 6.8 1.17 0.47 1.64 .288 0.06 0.39 .143 0.17 0.33 .500 0.17 0.58 0.75 0.50 0.22 0.03 0.42 0.75
2005-06 * SEA 10 0 10.5 4.40 1.20 3.10 .387 0.10 0.50 .200 1.90 2.90 .655 0.30 0.90 1.20 1.40 0.60 0.00 0.90 0.70
2006-07 SEA 47 4 11.4 3.62 1.40 3.00 .468 0.11 0.32 .333 0.70 0.89 .786 0.32 0.83 1.15 1.68 0.32 0.09 0.66 1.13
2007-08 * All Teams 15 0 12.5 2.73 1.13 2.40 .472 0.20 0.53 .375 0.27 0.27 1.000 0.33 0.93 1.27 0.93 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.87
2007-08 * DEN 8 0 15.2 3.00 1.25 2.88 .435 0.25 0.62 .400 0.25 0.25 1.000 0.50 1.00 1.50 0.75 0.62 0.00 0.62 1.12
2007-08 * WAS 4 0 11.1 1.25 0.50 1.00 .500 0.25 0.50 .500 0.00 0.00 .000 0.25 1.25 1.50 0.75 0.75 0.00 0.25 0.50
2007-08 * SEA 3 0 7.4 4.00 1.67 3.00 .556 0.00 0.33 .000 0.67 0.67 1.000 0.00 0.33 0.33 1.67 0.33 0.00 1.00 0.67
2009-10 OKC 4 0 14.8 4.00 1.50 3.00 .500 0.50 0.75 .667 0.50 1.00 .500 0.25 0.75 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.25
CAREER   232 11 9.7 2.55 0.94 2.33 .402 0.15 0.46 .321 0.53 0.72 .741 0.25 0.74 0.98 1.17 0.35 0.04 0.50 0.93

NBA Regular Season Stats - Totals

2002-03 * All Teams 46 7 688 147 50 148 .338 10 35 .286 37 47 .787 20 51 71 92 27 4 28 69
2002-03 * MIN 31 0 324 62 21 67 .313 4 18 .222 16 18 .889 11 19 30 50 11 3 12 31
2002-03 * ATL 15 7 364 85 29 81 .358 6 17 .353 21 29 .724 9 32 41 42 16 1 16 38
2003-04 HOU 26 0 145 50 17 36 .472 6 10 .600 10 12 .833 3 13 16 17 3 0 7 15
2004-05 SAN 48 0 278 81 32 77 .416 5 16 .313 12 16 .750 4 21 25 33 14 1 14 26
2005-06 * All Teams 46 0 347.6 86 29 90 .322 3 19 .158 25 41 .610 9 30 39 32 14 1 24 34
2005-06 * CLE 36 0 243 42 17 59 .288 2 14 .143 6 12 .500 6 21 27 18 8 1 15 27
2005-06 * SEA 10 0 104.6 44 12 31 .387 1 5 .200 19 29 .655 3 9 12 14 6 0 9 7
2006-07 SEA 47 4 533.8 170 66 141 .468 5 15 .333 33 42 .786 15 39 54 79 15 4 31 53
2007-08 * All Teams 15 0 187.9 41 17 36 .472 3 8 .375 4 4 1.000 5 14 19 14 9 0 9 13
2007-08 * DEN 8 0 121.5 24 10 23 .435 2 5 .400 2 2 1.000 4 8 12 6 5 0 5 9
2007-08 * WAS 4 0 44.3 5 2 4 .500 1 2 .500 0 0 .000 1 5 6 3 3 0 1 2
2007-08 * SEA 3 0 22.2 12 5 9 .556 0 1 .000 2 2 1.000 0 1 1 5 1 0 3 2
2009-10 OKC 4 0 59.1 16 6 12 .500 2 3 .667 2 4 .500 1 3 4 4 0 0 4 5
CAREER   232 11 2,239.3 591 217 540 .402 34 106 .321 123 166 .741 57 171 228 271 82 10 117 215

NBA Regular Season Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2002-03 * All Teams 46 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 .083 3.29 0.96 0.32 25 21 .543 0.30 0.39 0.69
2002-03 * MIN 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .057 4.17 0.92 0.27 20 11 .645 0.19 0.12 0.31
2002-03 * ATL 15 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 .147 2.62 1.00 0.36 5 10 .333 0.11 0.31 0.42
2003-04 HOU 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .040 2.43 0.43 0.33 14 12 .538 0.35 0.15 0.51
2004-05 SAN 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .037 2.36 1.00 0.21 40 8 .833 0.08 0.55 0.63
2005-06 * All Teams 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .037 1.33 0.58 0.46 20 26 .435 -0.57 0.34 -0.23
2005-06 * CLE 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .027 1.20 0.53 0.20 16 20 .444 -0.60 0.22 -0.38
2005-06 * SEA 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .069 1.56 0.67 0.94 4 6 .400 0.02 0.12 0.14
2006-07 SEA 47 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 .084 2.55 0.48 0.30 14 33 .298 0.64 0.05 0.70
2007-08 * All Teams 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .056 1.56 1.00 0.11 6 9 .400 0.03 0.19 0.22
2007-08 * DEN 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .054 1.20 1.00 0.09 5 3 .625 -0.02 0.22 0.20
2007-08 * WAS 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .036 3.00 3.00 0.00 1 3 .250 0.04 0.06 0.10
2007-08 * SEA 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .085 1.67 0.33 0.22 0 3 .000 0.01 -0.03 -0.02
2009-10 OKC 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .067 1.00 0.00 0.33 2 2 .500 0.01 -0.03 -0.03
CAREER   232 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 .058 2.32 0.70 0.31 121 111 .522 0.72 2.17 2.88

NBA Regular Season Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2002-03 * All Teams 46 7 .436 .372 3.51 8.38 6.03 19.16 14.24 2.09 0.43 13.26 141.08 4.90 0.99 100.3 107.4 9.39
2002-03 * MIN 31 0 .414 .343 4.13 6.47 5.36 20.28 13.81 1.78 0.66 12.37 142.45 6.59 0.93 102.3 109.0 9.19
2002-03 * ATL 15 7 .453 .395 2.95 10.44 6.70 19.93 14.58 2.39 0.22 14.17 143.51 3.41 1.05 98.6 105.1 9.90
2003-04 HOU 26 0 .606 .556 2.65 10.17 6.64 20.60 14.50 1.14 - 16.15 190.56 3.07 1.39 118.1 102.9 14.32
2004-05 SAN 48 0 .482 .448 1.70 8.63 5.23 18.45 14.28 2.71 0.26 16.44 147.81 2.93 1.05 100.5 98.5 10.93
2005-06 * All Teams 46 0 .398 .339 2.95 10.36 6.56 13.79 18.18 2.12 0.22 17.30 108.99 -0.76 0.96 82.8 107.1 5.77
2005-06 * CLE 36 0 .327 .305 2.83 10.57 6.57 11.06 18.92 1.76 0.31 15.05 93.10 -1.24 0.71 71.0 107.6 2.00
2005-06 * SEA 10 0 .503 .403 3.20 9.70 6.44 19.81 17.06 2.88 - 21.97 124.23 0.30 1.42 99.7 106.2 13.73
2006-07 SEA 47 4 .533 .486 3.32 8.85 6.05 23.15 16.27 1.48 0.58 16.22 158.71 4.08 1.21 109.4 114.2 12.73
2007-08 * All Teams 15 0 .543 .514 2.80 7.93 5.35 11.06 19.25 2.37 - 10.75 184.72 0.17 1.14 101.2 107.8 8.55
2007-08 * DEN 8 0 .503 .478 3.40 6.54 5.00 7.17 17.31 1.98 - 10.04 183.48 -0.77 1.04 96.6 101.4 6.48
2007-08 * WAS 4 0 .625 .625 2.69 12.33 7.72 10.13 20.00 3.77 - 5.45 100.00 2.40 1.25 121.9 104.3 10.41
2007-08 * SEA 3 0 .607 .556 - 5.74 2.45 38.83 23.29 2.08 - 23.43 155.56 1.34 1.33 103.0 127.0 16.45
2009-10 OKC 4 0 .581 .583 2.16 5.95 4.13 10.05 22.52 - - 13.90 166.67 -2.34 1.33 100.5 121.0 6.24
CAREER   232 11 .482 .433 3.01 8.85 5.96 18.46 16.03 1.94 0.33 15.03 146.36 2.87 1.09 101.0 106.7 9.98

More Mike Wilks NBA Stats »

NBA Transactions

Jun 27, 2001 - Mike Wilks went undrafted in the 2001 NBA Draft making him an Unrestricted FA.
Oct 1, 2001 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Sacramento Kings.
Oct 10, 2001 - The Sacramento Kings placed the contract of Mike Wilks on waivers.
Oct 12, 2001 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Sacramento Kings, became a free agent.
Aug 19, 2002 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Milwaukee Bucks.
Oct 28, 2002 - The Milwaukee Bucks placed the contract of Mike Wilks on waivers.
Oct 30, 2002 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Milwaukee Bucks, became a free agent.
Dec 24, 2002 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Atlanta Hawks.
Jan 7, 2003 - The Atlanta Hawks placed the contract of Mike Wilks on waivers.
Jan 9, 2003 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Atlanta Hawks, became a free agent.
Jan 10, 2003 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Atlanta Hawks.
Jan 20, 2003 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Atlanta Hawks, became a free agent.
Jan 20, 2003 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Atlanta Hawks.
Jan 30, 2003 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Atlanta Hawks, became a free agent.
Feb 12, 2003 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Minnesota Timberwolves.
Feb 22, 2003 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Minnesota Timberwolves, became a free agent.
Feb 22, 2003 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Minnesota Timberwolves.
Jun 30, 2003 - The Minnesota Timberwolves tendered a Qualifying Offer to make Mike Wilks a Restricted FA.
Jul 1, 2003 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Minnesota Timberwolves, became a free agent.
Sep 2, 2003 - The Minnesota Timberwolves withdrew their Qualifying Offer to make Mike Wilks an Unrestricted FA.
Sep 8, 2003 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Houston Rockets.
Jun 30, 2004 - The Houston Rockets tendered a Qualifying Offer to make Mike Wilks a Restricted FA.
Jul 1, 2004 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Houston Rockets, became a free agent.
Sep 7, 2004 - Mike Wilks signed a multi-year contract with the Houston Rockets as part of an eventual sign and trade to Chicago Bulls.
Sep 8, 2004 - Mike Wilks was acquired by the Chicago Bulls, along with Adrian Griffin, Eric Piatkowski and a TPE, from the Houston Rockets in exchange for Dikembe Mutombo.
Oct 20, 2004 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Chicago Bulls, became a free agent.
Oct 20, 2004 - The Chicago Bulls placed the contract of Mike Wilks on waivers.
Oct 26, 2004 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the San Antonio Spurs.
Jul 1, 2005 - Mike Wilks, previously with the San Antonio Spurs, became a free agent.
Oct 3, 2005 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Feb 23, 2006 - Mike Wilks was acquired by the Seattle SuperSonics, along with cash and a TPE, from the Cleveland Cavaliers in exchange for Flip Murray.
Jul 1, 2006 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Seattle SuperSonics, became a free agent.
Oct 2, 2006 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Seattle SuperSonics.
Jul 1, 2007 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Seattle SuperSonics, became a free agent.
Oct 18, 2007 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Denver Nuggets.
Oct 23, 2007 - The Denver Nuggets placed the contract of Mike Wilks on waivers.
Oct 25, 2007 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Denver Nuggets, became a free agent.
Oct 27, 2007 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Denver Nuggets.
Nov 28, 2007 - The Denver Nuggets placed the contract of Mike Wilks on waivers.
Nov 30, 2007 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Denver Nuggets, became a free agent.
Dec 19, 2007 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Washington Wizards.
Dec 31, 2007 - The Washington Wizards placed the contract of Mike Wilks on waivers.
Jan 3, 2008 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Washington Wizards, became a free agent.
Feb 29, 2008 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Seattle SuperSonics.
Mar 10, 2008 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Seattle SuperSonics, became a free agent.
Mar 11, 2008 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Seattle SuperSonics.
Mar 21, 2008 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Seattle SuperSonics, became a free agent.
Sep 17, 2008 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Orlando Magic.
Feb 19, 2009 - Mike Wilks was acquired by the Memphis Grizzlies, along with Adonal Foyle and a 2009 1st round pick (ORL own), from the Orlando Magic in exchange for Kyle Lowry.
Jul 1, 2009 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Memphis Grizzlies, became a free agent.
Jul 9, 2009 - The Memphis Grizzlies renounced their free-agent exception rights to Mike Wilks.
Sep 28, 2009 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Atlanta Hawks.
Oct 20, 2009 - The Atlanta Hawks placed the contract of Mike Wilks on waivers.
Oct 22, 2009 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Atlanta Hawks, became a free agent.
Nov 26, 2009 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Oklahoma City Thunder.
Dec 22, 2009 - The Oklahoma City Thunder placed the contract of Mike Wilks on waivers.
Dec 24, 2009 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Oklahoma City Thunder, became a free agent.
Dec 9, 2011 - Mike Wilks signed a contract with the Washington Wizards.
Dec 20, 2011 - The Washington Wizards placed the contract of Mike Wilks on waivers.
Dec 22, 2011 - Mike Wilks, previously with the Washington Wizards, became a free agent.

More NBA Transactions »

NBA Awards & Honors

NBA Champion - 2005

* Since the 1946-1947 season

NBA Playoff Stats - Per Game

2002-03 MIN 4 0 1.8 0.75 0.25 0.50 .500 0.25 0.25 1.000 0.00 0.00 .000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2003-04 HOU 2 0 2.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 .000 0.00 0.00 .000 0.00 0.00 .000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00
CAREER   6 0 2.0 0.50 0.17 0.33 .500 0.17 0.17 1.000 0.00 0.00 .000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00

Mike Wilks Full Playoff History »

NBA Playoff Stats - Totals

2002-03 MIN 4 0 7 3 1 2 .500 1 1 1.000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2003-04 HOU 2 0 5 0 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
CAREER   6 0 12 3 1 2 .500 1 1 1.000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0

NBA Playoff Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2002-03 MIN 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .007 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 3 .250 0.02 -0.01 0.01
2003-04 HOU 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .017 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 2 .000 -0.02 -0.01 -0.03
CAREER   6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .010 1.00 0.00 0.00 1 5 .167 - -0.02 -0.01

NBA Playoff Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2002-03 MIN 4 0 .750 .750 - - - - - - - 13.12 150.00 - 1.50 142.1 124.6 14.87
2003-04 HOU 2 0 .000 .000 - - - 32.54 100.00 - - 9.80 0.00 -6.79 0.00 37.3 117.1 -3.71
CAREER   6 0 .750 .750 - - - 13.26 33.33 - - 11.73 150.00 -2.75 1.50 99.3 122.2 7.13

More Mike Wilks NBA Playoff Stats »

NBA Training Camp Experience

2001 NBA Training Camp - Sacramento Kings
2002 NBA Training Camp - Milwaukee Bucks
2003 NBA Training Camp - Houston Rockets
2004 NBA Training Camp - Chicago Bulls
2005 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
2006 NBA Training Camp - Seattle SuperSonics
2008 NBA Training Camp - Orlando Magic
2009 NBA Training Camp - Atlanta Hawks
2011 NBA Training Camp - Washington Wizards

NCAA Career

College: Rice (2001)

NCAA Season Stats - Per Game

1997-98 Rice Fr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1998-99 Rice So - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1999-00 Rice Jr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2000-01 Rice Sr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NCAA Awards & Honors

WAC All-Conference First Team - 2001
WAC All-Defensive Team - 2001

G League Career

G League Transactions

Oct 31, 2001 - The Mobile Revelers selected Mike Wilks in Round 12 with Pick 7 in the 2001 Annual G League Draft.
Dec 24, 2002 - The Atlanta Hawks called up Mike Wilks from the Huntsville Flight.
Feb 12, 2003 - The Minnesota Timberwolves called up Mike Wilks from the Huntsville Flight.

More G League Transactions »

G League Awards & Honors

Jason Collier Sportsmanship Award - 2002

International Basketball Career

* International basketball history from 2000-2001

International Regular Season Stats - Per Game

2007-08 Mens Sana 1871 Siena Lega A 3 0 16.3 4.33 1.33 5.33 .250 0.00 1.00 .000 1.67 1.67 1.000 1.00 2.67 3.67 1.67 1.33 0.00 0.33 2.33
2010-11 Asseco Arka Gdynia Euroleague 9 2 13.3 3.33 1.11 3.78 .294 0.22 0.56 .400 0.89 1.22 .727 0.33 0.56 0.89 0.44 0.89 0.00 1.44 1.44

International Regular Season Stats - Totals

2007-08 Mens Sana 1871 Siena Lega A 3 0 49 13 4 16 .250 0 3 .000 5 5 1.000 3 8 11 5 4 0 1 7
2010-11 Asseco Arka Gdynia Euroleague 9 2 119.3 30 10 34 .294 2 5 .400 8 11 .727 3 5 8 4 8 0 13 13

International Regular Season Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team League GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2007-08 Mens Sana 1871 Siena Lega A 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .103 5.00 4.00 0.31 2 1 .667 0.02 0.20 0.22
2010-11 Asseco Arka Gdynia Euroleague 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .061 0.31 0.62 0.32 1 8 .111 -0.50 0.12 -0.38

International Regular Season Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team League GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2007-08 Mens Sana 1871 Siena Lega A 3 0 .357 .250 7.42 17.19 12.65 15.86 5.21 4.41 0.00 18.07 125.00 4.79 0.81 102.2 87.7 12.60
2010-11 Asseco Arka Gdynia Euroleague 9 2 .386 .324 3.13 5.10 4.12 6.22 25.08 3.82 0.00 20.95 142.14 -8.60 0.88 69.2 107.0 3.13

More Mike Wilks International Stats »

High School Basketball Career

Prep/High School: Rufus King High School [Milwaukee, Wisconsin]

Prep/High School Awards & Honors

Wisconsin Mr. Basketball - 1997

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the age of Mike Wilks?

Mike Wilks is 45 years old.

What is the height of Mike Wilks?

Mike Wilks is 5-10 (178cm) tall.

What is the weight of Mike Wilks?

Mike Wilks is 185 lbs (84kg).

What is the birthday of Mike Wilks?

Mike Wilks was born on May 7, 1979.

What position does Mike Wilks play?

Mike Wilks plays the G position.

What was the pre-draft team of Mike Wilks?

Mike Wilks was drafted out of Rice.

What high school did Mike Wilks attend?

Mike Wilks attended Rufus King High School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

What nationality is Mike Wilks?

Mike Wilks has a United States nationality.

Where was Mike Wilks born?

Mike Wilks was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

What is the jersey number of Mike Wilks?

Mike Wilks last wore the #10 jersey number.

How many NBA seasons has Mike Wilks played?

Mike Wilks played 7 seasons in the NBA.

What are the career averages of Mike Wilks?

Mike Wilks had career averages 2.5 points, 1.0 rebounds, 1.2 assists in 232 games.

What are the career totals of Mike Wilks?

Mike Wilks had career totals of 591 points, 228 rebounds, 271 assists, 10 blocks, 82 steals in 232 games.

How many teams has Mike Wilks been on?

Mike Wilks played for 9 NBA teams in his career - Atlanta Hawks, Cleveland Cavaliers, Denver Nuggets, Houston Rockets, Minnesota Timberwolves, Oklahoma City Thunder, San Antonio Spurs, Seattle SuperSonics, Washington Wizards.

When was Mike Wilks drafted?

Mike Wilks was undrafted in 2001.

What is Mike Wilks' career high in points?

Mike Wilks averaged a career high 4.0 points per game in 2009-2010.

What is Mike Wilks' career high in rebounds?

Mike Wilks averaged a career high 1.5 rebounds per game in 2002-2003.

What is Mike Wilks' career high in assists?

Mike Wilks averaged a career high 2.0 assists per game in 2002-2003.

What is the career PER of Mike Wilks'?

Mike Wilks had a career PER of 10.0.

How many championships has Mike Wilks won?

Mike Wilks has won 1 NBA championships.