Dwyane Wade SG  #3

Born: Jan 17, 1982 (42 years old)

Birthplace/Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Nationality: United States

Height: 6-4 (193cm)     Weight: 220 (100kg)

Hand: Right

dwyanewade @dwyanewade @DwyaneWade

Current NBA Status: Unrestricted Free Agent (Miami Heat)

Agent: Leon Rose, Austin Brown

Draft Entry: 2003 NBA Draft

Early Entry Info: 2003 Early Entrant

Drafted: Round 1, Pick 5, Miami Heat

Pre-Draft Team: Marquette (Jr)

High School: Harold L. Richards High School [Oak Lawn, Illinois]

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Dwyane Wade Player Profile

NBA Career

16 Years Of Service - NBA's Top 75, Hall of Fame Player, 3x NBA Champion, Finals MVP, 2x All-NBA 1st, 13x All-Star, #3 retired by MIA

NBA Regular Season Stats - Per Game

2003-04 MIA 61 56 34.9 16.25 6.08 13.08 .465 0.26 0.87 .302 3.82 5.11 .747 1.39 2.66 4.05 4.51 1.41 0.56 3.21 2.30
2004-05 MIA 77 77 38.6 24.08 8.18 17.12 .478 0.17 0.58 .289 7.55 9.90 .762 1.43 3.73 5.16 6.75 1.57 1.06 4.17 2.99
2005-06 MIA 75 75 38.6 27.20 9.32 18.84 .495 0.17 1.01 .171 8.39 10.71 .783 1.43 4.31 5.73 6.71 1.95 0.77 3.57 2.89
2006-07 MIA 51 50 37.9 27.39 9.25 18.86 .491 0.41 1.55 .266 8.47 10.49 .807 1.00 3.69 4.69 7.53 2.10 1.22 4.24 2.29
2007-08 MIA 51 49 38.3 24.59 8.61 18.37 .469 0.43 1.51 .286 6.94 9.16 .758 0.88 3.31 4.20 6.94 1.71 0.73 4.39 2.69
2008-09 MIA 79 79 38.6 30.20 10.81 22.01 .491 1.11 3.52 .317 7.47 9.76 .765 1.13 3.91 5.04 7.46 2.19 1.34 3.44 2.25
2009-10 MIA 77 77 36.3 26.56 9.34 19.62 .476 0.95 3.16 .300 6.94 9.12 .761 1.39 3.45 4.84 6.51 1.84 1.06 3.27 2.35
2010-11 MIA 76 76 37.1 25.54 9.11 18.22 .500 0.83 2.71 .306 6.50 8.58 .758 1.62 4.76 6.38 4.55 1.46 1.14 3.12 2.59
2011-12 MIA 49 49 33.2 22.08 8.49 17.08 .497 0.31 1.14 .268 4.80 6.06 .791 1.49 3.35 4.84 4.59 1.67 1.29 2.63 2.24
2012-13 MIA 69 69 34.6 21.20 8.25 15.84 .521 0.25 0.96 .258 4.46 6.16 .725 1.25 3.74 4.99 5.10 1.86 0.81 2.81 2.03
2013-14 MIA 54 53 32.9 19.04 7.69 14.09 .545 0.17 0.59 .281 3.50 4.78 .733 1.11 3.35 4.46 4.67 1.46 0.54 2.98 1.96
2014-15 MIA 62 62 31.8 21.47 8.21 17.48 .470 0.47 1.65 .284 4.58 5.97 .768 0.94 2.60 3.53 4.82 1.18 0.34 3.37 1.69
2015-16 MIA 74 73 30.5 19.04 7.30 15.99 .456 0.09 0.59 .159 4.35 5.49 .793 1.11 2.97 4.08 4.65 1.07 0.57 2.74 1.57
2016-17 CHI 60 59 29.9 18.27 6.90 15.92 .434 0.75 2.42 .310 3.72 4.68 .794 1.05 3.45 4.50 3.80 1.43 0.68 2.30 1.87
2017-18 * All Teams 67 3 22.9 11.42 4.46 10.18 .438 0.48 1.66 .288 2.01 2.82 .714 0.75 3.01 3.76 3.40 0.91 0.70 2.09 1.85
2017-18 * CLE 46 3 23.2 11.15 4.30 9.46 .455 0.50 1.52 .329 2.04 2.91 .701 0.85 3.09 3.93 3.54 0.91 0.70 2.00 1.83
2017-18 * MIA 21 0 22.3 12.00 4.81 11.76 .409 0.43 1.95 .220 1.95 2.62 .745 0.52 2.86 3.38 3.10 0.90 0.71 2.29 1.90
2018-19 MIA 72 2 26.2 15.04 5.78 13.33 .433 1.19 3.62 .330 2.29 3.24 .708 0.96 3.00 3.96 4.18 0.82 0.53 2.31 1.64
CAREER   1054 909 33.9 21.98 8.02 16.72 .480 0.52 1.78 .293 5.42 7.08 .765 1.19 3.49 4.68 5.41 1.54 0.84 3.16 2.21

☆ All-Star Season

NBA Regular Season Stats - Totals

2003-04 MIA 61 56 2,128 991 371 798 .465 16 53 .302 233 312 .747 85 162 247 275 86 34 196 140
2004-05 MIA 77 77 2,974 1,854 630 1,318 .478 13 45 .289 581 762 .762 110 287 397 520 121 82 321 230
2005-06 MIA 75 75 2,892.7 2,040 699 1,413 .495 13 76 .171 629 803 .783 107 323 430 503 146 58 268 217
2006-07 MIA 51 50 1,930.6 1,397 472 962 .491 21 79 .266 432 535 .807 51 188 239 384 107 62 216 117
2007-08 MIA 51 49 1,954 1,254 439 937 .469 22 77 .286 354 467 .758 45 169 214 354 87 37 224 137
2008-09 MIA 79 79 3,048 2,386 854 1,739 .491 88 278 .317 590 771 .765 89 309 398 589 173 106 272 178
2009-10 MIA 77 77 2,792.5 2,045 719 1,511 .476 73 243 .300 534 702 .761 107 266 373 501 142 82 252 181
2010-11 MIA 76 76 2,823.2 1,941 692 1,385 .500 63 206 .306 494 652 .758 123 362 485 346 111 87 237 197
2011-12 MIA 49 49 1,625.2 1,082 416 837 .497 15 56 .268 235 297 .791 73 164 237 225 82 63 129 110
2012-13 MIA 69 69 2,390.5 1,463 569 1,093 .521 17 66 .258 308 425 .725 86 258 344 352 128 56 194 140
2013-14 MIA 54 53 1,774.7 1,028 415 761 .545 9 32 .281 189 258 .733 60 181 241 252 79 29 161 106
2014-15 MIA 62 62 1,970.9 1,331 509 1,084 .470 29 102 .284 284 370 .768 58 161 219 299 73 21 209 105
2015-16 MIA 74 73 2,258 1,409 540 1,183 .456 7 44 .159 322 406 .793 82 220 302 344 79 42 203 116
2016-17 CHI 60 59 1,792.2 1,096 414 955 .434 45 145 .310 223 281 .794 63 207 270 228 86 41 138 112
2017-18 * All Teams 67 3 1,536.1 765 299 682 .438 32 111 .288 135 189 .714 50 202 252 228 61 47 140 124
2017-18 * CLE 46 3 1,068.8 513 198 435 .455 23 70 .329 94 134 .701 39 142 181 163 42 32 92 84
2017-18 * MIA 21 0 467.4 252 101 247 .409 9 41 .220 41 55 .745 11 60 71 65 19 15 48 40
2018-19 MIA 72 2 1,885.3 1,083 416 960 .433 86 261 .330 165 233 .708 69 216 285 301 59 38 166 118
CAREER   1054 909 35,775.9 23,165 8,454 17,618 .480 549 1,874 .293 5,708 7,463 .765 1,258 3,675 4,933 5,701 1,620 885 3,326 2,328

☆ All-Star Season

NBA Regular Season Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2003-04 MIA 61 56 1 0 0 0 0 1 .315 1.40 0.44 0.39 34 27 .557 2.30 2.41 4.72
2004-05 MIA 77 77 16 1 1 0 0 7 .395 1.62 0.38 0.58 56 21 .727 6.80 3.96 10.76
2005-06 MIA 75 75 16 2 4 0 0 1 .431 1.88 0.54 0.57 48 27 .640 10.13 4.00 14.13
2006-07 MIA 51 50 15 0 3 0 0 4 .462 1.78 0.50 0.56 27 24 .529 6.16 2.60 8.76
2007-08 MIA 51 49 9 0 3 0 0 3 .435 1.58 0.39 0.50 10 41 .196 2.07 1.41 3.48
2008-09 MIA 79 79 20 0 13 0 0 12 .494 2.17 0.64 0.44 42 37 .532 10.37 4.30 14.67
2009-10 MIA 77 77 17 0 4 0 0 9 .434 1.99 0.56 0.46 45 32 .584 8.55 4.29 12.85
2010-11 MIA 76 76 10 1 4 0 0 12 .369 1.46 0.47 0.47 54 22 .711 8.10 4.39 12.49
2011-12 MIA 49 49 4 0 0 0 0 6 .352 1.74 0.64 0.35 32 17 .653 4.87 2.51 7.38
2012-13 MIA 69 69 4 0 0 0 0 5 .343 1.81 0.66 0.39 55 14 .797 6.21 3.18 9.38
2013-14 MIA 54 53 4 0 0 0 0 5 .322 1.57 0.49 0.34 36 18 .667 3.43 1.96 5.40
2014-15 MIA 62 62 3 0 2 0 0 2 .367 1.43 0.35 0.34 28 34 .452 2.30 1.31 3.61
2015-16 MIA 74 73 2 0 0 0 0 4 .312 1.69 0.39 0.34 43 31 .581 2.39 2.47 4.86
2016-17 CHI 60 59 2 0 0 0 0 6 .278 1.65 0.62 0.29 29 31 .483 1.05 2.52 3.58
2017-18 * All Teams 67 3 3 0 0 0 0 4 .199 1.63 0.44 0.28 37 30 .552 -0.42 1.53 1.10
2017-18 * CLE 46 3 2 0 0 0 0 2 .202 1.77 0.46 0.31 26 20 .565 0.35 0.81 1.16
2017-18 * MIA 21 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 .194 1.35 0.40 0.22 11 10 .524 -0.74 0.70 -0.04
2018-19 MIA 72 2 4 1 0 0 0 5 .250 1.81 0.36 0.24 35 37 .486 0.12 2.16 2.28
CAREER   1054 909 130 5 34 0 0 86 .359 1.71 0.49 0.42 611 443 .580 72.28 44.54 116.82

☆ All-Star Season

NBA Regular Season Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2003-04 MIA 61 56 .530 .475 4.61 8.83 6.72 24.75 17.33 2.19 1.27 24.88 151.36 -0.61 1.24 101.7 102.4 17.54
2004-05 MIA 77 77 .561 .483 4.51 10.80 7.79 30.82 16.26 2.14 2.03 30.89 152.94 0.86 1.41 109.5 103.6 23.00
2005-06 MIA 75 75 .577 .499 4.56 12.58 8.75 32.80 13.17 2.65 1.52 32.56 144.91 2.30 1.44 115.7 103.8 27.35
2006-07 MIA 51 50 .583 .502 3.27 11.12 7.35 39.57 15.28 2.88 2.48 34.32 156.39 2.08 1.45 113.1 103.9 28.14
2007-08 MIA 51 49 .549 .480 2.76 10.69 6.66 35.41 16.39 2.32 1.49 32.54 151.23 0.62 1.34 104.2 110.1 21.14
2008-09 MIA 79 79 .574 .516 3.46 12.24 7.81 40.19 11.57 3.02 2.85 36.17 157.29 4.03 1.37 115.2 105.1 30.31
2009-10 MIA 77 77 .562 .500 4.55 11.09 7.86 35.96 12.16 2.70 2.39 34.85 153.69 3.03 1.35 113.5 103.4 27.85
2010-11 MIA 76 76 .580 .522 5.49 14.33 10.18 23.48 12.42 2.06 2.43 31.59 156.31 -0.23 1.40 113.9 102.9 25.55
2011-12 MIA 49 49 .559 .506 5.53 11.49 8.63 27.14 11.76 2.63 3.12 31.22 155.61 1.29 1.29 112.0 100.5 26.30
2012-13 MIA 69 69 .571 .528 4.70 12.70 8.90 26.15 13.16 2.82 1.93 29.36 150.29 1.72 1.34 111.8 103.4 23.86
2013-14 MIA 54 53 .588 .551 4.45 12.16 8.50 25.17 15.55 2.32 1.41 27.80 155.91 0.40 1.35 109.5 106.0 21.38
2014-15 MIA 62 62 .534 .483 3.63 9.48 6.64 31.63 14.36 1.95 0.90 34.63 152.14 -0.51 1.23 102.8 108.7 21.31
2015-16 MIA 74 73 .517 .459 4.26 10.68 7.58 27.50 12.97 1.79 1.43 31.77 140.87 1.20 1.19 103.4 105.9 20.34
2016-17 CHI 60 59 .508 .457 3.71 12.53 8.06 22.42 11.34 2.41 1.82 29.47 153.74 0.79 1.15 103.5 105.7 18.57
2017-18 * All Teams 67 3 .500 .462 3.60 14.49 9.06 23.97 15.47 1.94 2.60 25.96 144.10 0.78 1.12 98.0 108.8 14.86
2017-18 * CLE 46 3 .519 .482 4.09 14.70 9.43 24.52 15.70 1.93 2.56 24.27 148.52 1.55 1.18 101.9 110.8 15.75
2017-18 * MIA 21 0 .465 .427 2.53 14.01 8.24 22.73 15.04 1.98 2.71 29.80 137.39 -0.99 1.02 90.7 104.5 12.85
2018-19 MIA 72 2 .510 .478 3.88 12.16 8.01 26.25 13.51 1.53 1.83 27.91 147.10 1.87 1.13 102.0 109.5 15.86
CAREER   1054 909 .554 .495 4.19 11.70 8.03 29.67 13.73 2.35 1.99 31.21 153.76 1.34 1.31 109.0 105.2 23.33

☆ All-Star Season

More Dwyane Wade NBA Stats »

NBA Transactions

Jun 26, 2003 - The Miami Heat selected Dwyane Wade in Round 1 with Pick 5 in the 2003 NBA Draft.
Aug 18, 2003 - Dwyane Wade signed a multi-year contract with the Miami Heat.
Jun 17, 2005 - The Miami Heat exercised their Team Option to extend the contract of Dwyane Wade.
Jul 12, 2006 - Dwyane Wade signed a rookie scale extension with the Miami Heat.
Jul 1, 2010 - Dwyane Wade, previously with the Miami Heat, became a free agent.
Jul 9, 2010 - Dwyane Wade signed a multi-year contract with the Miami Heat.
Jul 1, 2013 - Dwyane Wade, previously with the Miami Heat, became a free agent.
Jun 28, 2014 - Dwyane Wade exercised an Early Termination Option to void the remaining seasons on his contract.
Jul 15, 2014 - Dwyane Wade signed a multi-year contract with the Miami Heat.
Jul 1, 2015 - Dwyane Wade, previously with the Miami Heat, became a free agent.
Jul 10, 2015 - Dwyane Wade signed a contract with the Miami Heat.
Jul 1, 2016 - Dwyane Wade, previously with the Miami Heat, became a free agent.
Jul 7, 2016 - The Miami Heat renounced their free-agent exception rights to Dwyane Wade.
Jul 15, 2016 - Dwyane Wade signed a multi-year contract with the Chicago Bulls.
Jun 20, 2017 - Dwyane Wade exercised a Player Option to extend his contract.
Sep 25, 2017 - The Chicago Bulls placed the contract of Dwyane Wade on waivers.
Sep 27, 2017 - Dwyane Wade, previously with the Chicago Bulls, became a free agent.
Sep 27, 2017 - Dwyane Wade signed a contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Feb 8, 2018 - Dwyane Wade was acquired by the Miami Heat from the Cleveland Cavaliers in exchange for a conditional 2024 2nd round pick (MIA own).
Jul 1, 2018 - Dwyane Wade, previously with the Miami Heat, became a free agent.
Sep 18, 2018 - Dwyane Wade signed a contract with the Miami Heat.
Jul 1, 2019 - Dwyane Wade, previously with the Miami Heat, became a free agent.

More NBA Transactions »

NBA Awards & Honors

Top 75 Greatest Player
NBA Champion - 2006, 2012, 2013
Bill Russell NBA Finals MVP - 2006
All-NBA First Team - 2009, 2010
All-NBA Second Team - 2005, 2006, 2011
All-NBA Third Team - 2007, 2012, 2013
Player Of The Month - Dec. 2004, Feb. 2006, Dec. 2008, Feb. 2009, Mar. 2010, Dec. 2010
Player Of The Week - 2/22/2004, 11/07/2004, 12/05/2005, 1/01/2006, 1/14/2007, 2/04/2007, 2/11/2007, 11/24/2008, 12/08/2008, 3/09/2009, 3/08/2010, 3/29/2010, 12/13/2010, 1/03/2011, 3/14/2011, 3/11/2013, 12/23/2013, 3/23/2015, 2/01/2016
All-NBA Defensive Second Team - 2005, 2009, 2010
All-Rookie First Team - 2004
PBWA Magic Johnson Award - 2019
NBA Community Assist Award - 2013

* Since the 1946-1947 season

NBA Playoff Stats - Per Game

2003-04 MIA 13 13 39.2 18.00 6.62 14.54 .455 0.23 0.62 .375 4.54 5.77 .787 1.23 2.77 4.00 5.62 1.31 0.31 4.15 3.46
2004-05 MIA 14 14 40.8 27.43 9.71 20.07 .484 0.07 0.71 .100 7.93 9.93 .799 1.64 4.07 5.71 6.64 1.57 1.14 4.43 3.07
2005-06 MIA 23 23 41.7 28.43 9.52 19.17 .497 0.61 1.61 .378 8.78 10.87 .808 1.22 4.65 5.87 5.74 2.22 1.13 3.91 3.09
2006-07 MIA 4 4 40.5 23.50 9.00 21.00 .429 0.00 1.25 .000 5.50 8.00 .688 1.75 3.00 4.75 6.25 1.25 0.50 5.75 3.25
2008-09 MIA 7 7 40.7 29.14 9.71 22.14 .439 2.57 7.14 .360 7.14 8.29 .862 0.57 4.43 5.00 5.29 0.86 1.57 3.57 2.86
2009-10 MIA 5 5 42.0 33.20 12.40 22.00 .564 3.00 7.40 .405 5.40 8.00 .675 1.20 4.40 5.60 6.80 1.60 1.60 5.20 3.20
2010-11 MIA 21 21 39.4 24.52 8.62 17.76 .485 0.67 2.48 .269 6.62 8.52 .777 2.05 5.10 7.14 4.38 1.62 1.33 3.05 2.52
2011-12 MIA 23 23 39.4 22.83 8.57 18.52 .462 0.43 1.48 .294 5.26 7.22 .729 1.39 3.83 5.22 4.35 1.70 1.30 2.96 2.83
2012-13 MIA 22 22 35.6 15.86 6.55 14.32 .457 0.05 0.18 .250 2.73 3.64 .750 1.73 2.91 4.64 4.77 1.73 1.05 2.64 2.05
2013-14 MIA 20 20 34.6 17.80 6.95 13.90 .500 0.45 1.20 .375 3.45 4.50 .767 0.80 3.05 3.85 3.85 1.50 0.25 2.70 2.75
2015-16 MIA 14 14 33.8 21.43 8.50 18.14 .469 0.86 1.64 .522 3.57 4.57 .781 0.86 4.79 5.64 4.29 0.79 0.93 2.71 1.57
2016-17 CHI 6 6 31.7 15.00 5.33 14.33 .372 1.00 2.83 .353 3.33 3.50 .952 1.00 4.00 5.00 4.00 0.83 1.33 1.67 1.33
2017-18 MIA 5 0 25.5 16.60 6.20 14.00 .443 0.00 0.80 .000 4.20 5.20 .808 0.60 3.60 4.20 3.60 1.40 0.20 2.20 2.20
CAREER   177 172 37.8 22.34 8.19 17.30 .474 0.58 1.72 .338 5.37 6.89 .780 1.32 3.92 5.24 4.92 1.54 0.99 3.29 2.64

Dwyane Wade Full Playoff History »

NBA Playoff Stats - Totals

2003-04 MIA 13 13 510 234 86 189 .455 3 8 .375 59 75 .787 16 36 52 73 17 4 54 45
2004-05 MIA 14 14 571 384 136 281 .484 1 10 .100 111 139 .799 23 57 80 93 22 16 62 43
2005-06 MIA 23 23 959.3 654 219 441 .497 14 37 .378 202 250 .808 28 107 135 132 51 26 90 71
2006-07 MIA 4 4 161.8 94 36 84 .429 0 5 .000 22 32 .688 7 12 19 25 5 2 23 13
2008-09 MIA 7 7 285.2 204 68 155 .439 18 50 .360 50 58 .862 4 31 35 37 6 11 25 20
2009-10 MIA 5 5 209.8 166 62 110 .564 15 37 .405 27 40 .675 6 22 28 34 8 8 26 16
2010-11 MIA 21 21 827.8 515 181 373 .485 14 52 .269 139 179 .777 43 107 150 92 34 28 64 53
2011-12 MIA 23 23 906.9 525 197 426 .462 10 34 .294 121 166 .729 32 88 120 100 39 30 68 65
2012-13 MIA 22 22 782.2 349 144 315 .457 1 4 .250 60 80 .750 38 64 102 105 38 23 58 45
2013-14 MIA 20 20 692.9 356 139 278 .500 9 24 .375 69 90 .767 16 61 77 77 30 5 54 55
2015-16 MIA 14 14 472.6 300 119 254 .469 12 23 .522 50 64 .781 12 67 79 60 11 13 38 22
2016-17 CHI 6 6 190.1 90 32 86 .372 6 17 .353 20 21 .952 6 24 30 24 5 8 10 8
2017-18 MIA 5 0 127.4 83 31 70 .443 0 4 .000 21 26 .808 3 18 21 18 7 1 11 11
CAREER   177 172 6,697.1 3,954 1,450 3,062 .474 103 305 .338 951 1,220 .780 234 694 928 870 273 175 583 467

NBA Playoff Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2003-04 MIA 13 13 2 0 0 0 0 0 .401 1.35 0.31 0.40 6 7 .462 0.68 0.41 1.09
2004-05 MIA 14 14 3 0 2 0 0 0 .446 1.50 0.35 0.49 11 3 .786 1.25 0.95 2.20
2005-06 MIA 23 23 6 0 2 0 0 0 .438 1.47 0.57 0.57 16 7 .696 2.75 1.95 4.70
2006-07 MIA 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 .459 1.09 0.22 0.38 0 4 .000 -0.26 0.05 -0.21
2008-09 MIA 7 7 0 0 1 0 0 1 .479 1.48 0.24 0.37 3 4 .429 0.83 0.34 1.16
2009-10 MIA 5 5 1 0 1 0 0 1 .571 1.31 0.31 0.36 1 4 .200 0.69 0.34 1.04
2010-11 MIA 21 21 5 0 0 0 0 3 .399 1.44 0.53 0.48 14 7 .667 2.56 1.28 3.84
2011-12 MIA 23 23 1 0 1 0 0 1 .369 1.47 0.57 0.39 16 7 .696 1.88 1.24 3.12
2012-13 MIA 22 22 2 0 0 0 0 1 .315 1.81 0.66 0.25 15 7 .682 0.78 0.95 1.74
2013-14 MIA 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 .305 1.43 0.56 0.32 13 7 .650 0.75 0.51 1.26
2015-16 MIA 14 14 1 0 0 0 0 0 .347 1.58 0.29 0.25 7 7 .500 0.69 0.75 1.44
2016-17 CHI 6 6 1 0 0 0 0 1 .257 2.40 0.50 0.24 2 4 .333 0.06 0.18 0.24
2017-18 MIA 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .268 1.64 0.64 0.37 1 4 .200 0.01 0.08 0.09
CAREER   177 172 23 0 7 0 0 9 .378 1.49 0.47 0.40 105 72 .593 12.07 9.28 21.35

NBA Playoff Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2003-04 MIA 13 13 .527 .463 3.59 8.10 5.84 30.61 19.57 1.85 0.68 25.93 161.67 -1.09 1.24 98.1 100.4 18.52
2004-05 MIA 14 14 .561 .486 5.35 10.72 8.32 31.60 15.34 2.04 2.12 33.67 138.25 - 1.37 109.6 102.8 25.11
2005-06 MIA 23 23 .593 .512 3.64 12.66 8.37 27.87 14.04 2.83 2.27 31.80 168.30 -0.21 1.48 115.1 100.5 28.12
2006-07 MIA 4 4 .479 .429 5.09 9.36 7.15 32.80 19.00 1.62 0.97 35.35 111.61 -3.92 1.12 89.5 110.6 15.77
2008-09 MIA 7 7 .565 .497 1.92 12.78 7.76 31.42 12.16 1.21 3.34 37.25 166.08 -0.13 1.32 112.0 106.7 27.91
2009-10 MIA 5 5 .650 .632 3.30 14.13 8.29 40.00 16.93 2.03 3.23 34.03 164.40 -1.62 1.51 115.3 104.0 30.67
2010-11 MIA 21 21 .570 .504 6.46 15.28 10.98 24.46 12.41 2.28 2.79 30.38 153.10 -0.34 1.38 113.5 102.3 27.68
2011-12 MIA 23 23 .526 .474 4.39 11.49 8.03 21.85 11.99 2.34 2.70 29.91 148.55 -0.15 1.23 106.3 101.2 23.37
2012-13 MIA 22 22 .498 .459 6.07 10.00 8.06 24.11 14.21 2.67 2.52 25.29 145.71 1.62 1.11 102.6 103.5 20.02
2013-14 MIA 20 20 .560 .516 3.19 11.34 7.41 20.69 14.53 2.41 0.68 27.39 164.17 -0.42 1.28 106.2 111.2 19.31
2015-16 MIA 14 14 .532 .492 3.16 15.93 9.87 25.40 11.87 1.23 2.13 32.24 177.15 0.45 1.18 105.5 102.5 23.48
2016-17 CHI 6 6 .472 .407 3.59 13.94 8.85 21.46 9.50 1.36 4.33 24.95 167.74 3.30 1.05 104.5 112.2 16.00
2017-18 MIA 5 0 .510 .443 2.44 15.25 8.72 27.34 11.90 2.62 0.67 31.37 125.05 0.76 1.19 100.5 112.4 17.91
CAREER   177 172 .549 .490 4.36 12.17 8.38 25.95 13.94 2.21 2.20 30.06 159.08 -0.05 1.29 107.7 104.0 23.49

More Dwyane Wade NBA Playoff Stats »

NBA All-Star Weekend Competitions

Eastern All-Star Fan Vote Selection - 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016
Eastern All-Star Coaches Selection - 2005, 2015
Eastern All-Star Replacement Selection - 2019
Kobe Bryant All-Star MVP - 2010
Rising Stars Challenge Participant - 2004, 2005
Skills Challenge Participant - 2006, 2007, 2008
Skills Challenge Champion - 2006, 2007

* Since the 1946-1947 season

NBA All-Star Game Stats - Totals

2005 East 1 0 24 14 6 13 .462 0 1 .000 2 2 1.000 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 2
2006 East 1 1 31 20 9 11 .818 0 0 .000 2 2 1.000 3 1 4 3 2 1 3 1
2007 East 1 1 24 10 5 12 .417 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 3 6 0 5 0
2008 East 1 1 22 14 7 12 .583 0 1 .000 0 2 .000 1 3 4 3 0 1 2 1
2009 East 1 1 26 18 6 13 .462 2 6 .333 4 7 .571 2 0 2 5 3 0 0 2
2010 East 1 1 31 28 12 16 .750 0 1 .000 4 6 .667 3 3 6 11 5 0 3 4
2011 East 1 1 20.3 14 6 9 .667 0 1 .000 2 2 1.000 1 3 4 2 1 0 4 2
2012 East 1 1 32.9 24 11 15 .733 0 1 .000 2 2 1.000 3 7 10 10 2 0 4 4
2013 East 1 1 28.8 21 10 13 .769 1 2 .500 0 0 .000 1 2 3 7 2 2 4 2
2014 East 1 1 11.7 10 5 6 .833 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 1 0 1 3 2 0 1 0
2016 East 1 1 22.9 8 4 7 .571 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 1 3 4 6 2 0 3 0
2019 Team LeBron 1 0 10.5 7 2 4 .500 1 2 .500 2 2 1.000 0 2 2 4 0 0 1 0
TOTAL   12 10 285.1 188 83 131 .634 4 16 .250 18 25 .720 18 25 43 58 27 5 31 18
AVERAGES   12 10 23.8 15.67 6.92 10.92 .634 0.33 1.33 .250 1.50 2.08 .720 1.50 2.08 3.58 4.83 2.25 0.42 2.58 1.50

More Dwyane Wade NBA All-Star Stats »

NBA Rising Stars Challenge Stats - Totals

2004 Rookies 1 1 26 22 11 16 .688 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 2 1 3 4 0 0 1 0
2005 Sophomores 1 1 27 12 6 13 .462 0 2 .000 0 0 .000 4 0 4 9 1 2 5 4
TOTAL   2 2 53 34 17 29 .586 0 2 .000 0 0 .000 6 1 7 13 1 2 6 4
AVERAGES   2 2 26.5 17.00 8.50 14.50 .586 0.00 1.00 .000 0.00 0.00 .000 3.00 0.50 3.50 6.50 0.50 1.00 3.00 2.00

More Dwyane Wade NBA All-Star Stats »

NBA Preseason Stats - Per Game

2010-11 MIA 1 1 3.3 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 0.00 0.00 .000 0.00 0.00 .000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00
2011-12 MIA 2 2 26.1 17.50 5.50 10.00 .550 0.00 1.00 .000 6.50 7.50 .867 1.00 3.50 4.50 3.50 2.50 0.50 1.50 1.00
2012-13 MIA 6 6 24.3 14.00 5.50 12.50 .440 0.17 0.67 .250 2.83 3.83 .739 0.50 2.67 3.17 3.17 1.17 0.67 2.83 2.83
2013-14 MIA 5 5 26.0 16.00 6.20 11.80 .525 0.20 0.40 .500 3.40 4.20 .810 1.20 2.00 3.20 4.40 1.80 0.00 3.60 1.40
2014-15 MIA 7 7 24.3 13.86 5.43 10.71 .507 0.86 2.00 .429 2.14 3.00 .714 0.43 1.86 2.29 4.00 1.00 0.43 2.29 1.86
2015-16 MIA 7 7 22.4 10.14 3.43 9.57 .358 0.29 1.00 .286 3.00 3.71 .808 0.57 2.71 3.29 2.57 0.86 0.14 2.00 1.29
2016-17 CHI 6 6 22.3 11.33 4.17 10.50 .397 1.17 2.67 .438 1.83 2.67 .688 0.33 2.83 3.17 4.50 1.17 0.83 2.17 2.50
2017-18 CLE 4 4 19.1 11.50 4.75 9.00 .528 0.50 1.25 .400 1.50 2.00 .750 1.50 1.75 3.25 1.00 1.00 0.50 2.25 2.25
2018-19 MIA 5 0 19.7 8.80 3.40 9.60 .354 0.80 2.60 .308 1.20 2.00 .600 0.80 2.80 3.60 2.60 0.80 0.80 2.60 1.80
CAREER   43 38 22.5 12.26 4.63 10.33 .448 0.53 1.47 .365 2.47 3.26 .757 0.70 2.40 3.09 3.21 1.19 0.47 2.44 1.88

NBA Preseason Stats - Totals

2010-11 MIA 1 1 3.3 2 1 1 1.000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0
2011-12 MIA 2 2 52.1 35 11 20 .550 0 2 .000 13 15 .867 2 7 9 7 5 1 3 2
2012-13 MIA 6 6 146 84 33 75 .440 1 4 .250 17 23 .739 3 16 19 19 7 4 17 17
2013-14 MIA 5 5 130.2 80 31 59 .525 1 2 .500 17 21 .810 6 10 16 22 9 0 18 7
2014-15 MIA 7 7 170.4 97 38 75 .507 6 14 .429 15 21 .714 3 13 16 28 7 3 16 13
2015-16 MIA 7 7 157 71 24 67 .358 2 7 .286 21 26 .808 4 19 23 18 6 1 14 9
2016-17 CHI 6 6 133.9 68 25 63 .397 7 16 .438 11 16 .688 2 17 19 27 7 5 13 15
2017-18 CLE 4 4 76.3 46 19 36 .528 2 5 .400 6 8 .750 6 7 13 4 4 2 9 9
2018-19 MIA 5 0 98.4 44 17 48 .354 4 13 .308 6 10 .600 4 14 18 13 4 4 13 9
CAREER   43 38 967.6 527 199 444 .448 23 63 .365 106 140 .757 30 103 133 138 51 20 105 81

NBA Preseason Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2010-11 MIA 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .024 0.00 1.00 0.00 1 0 1.000 -0.04 0.03 -0.02
2011-12 MIA 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .247 2.33 1.67 0.75 1 1 .500 0.34 0.09 0.43
2012-13 MIA 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 .255 1.12 0.41 0.31 3 3 .500 -0.03 0.25 0.21
2013-14 MIA 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 2 .279 1.22 0.50 0.36 3 2 .600 0.35 0.01 0.36
2014-15 MIA 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 .259 1.75 0.44 0.28 3 4 .429 0.43 -0.01 0.42
2015-16 MIA 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 .178 1.29 0.43 0.39 4 3 .571 -0.08 0.17 0.09
2016-17 CHI 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 .228 2.08 0.54 0.25 2 4 .333 0.05 0.16 0.21
2017-18 CLE 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 .155 0.44 0.44 0.22 1 3 .250 0.05 0.06 0.11
2018-19 MIA 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .163 1.00 0.31 0.21 2 3 .400 -0.24 0.13 -0.12
CAREER   43 38 0 0 0 0 0 3 .216 1.31 0.49 0.32 20 23 .465 0.76 0.89 1.65

NBA Preseason Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2010-11 MIA 1 1 1.000 1.000 - - - - 66.67 35.92 - 46.35 100.00 -68.79 2.00 41.4 35.9 35.63
2011-12 MIA 2 2 .658 .550 5.86 15.57 11.38 24.53 10.14 4.57 1.90 26.05 141.67 2.93 1.75 128.8 91.9 35.72
2012-13 MIA 6 6 .493 .447 2.37 12.23 7.38 26.98 16.65 2.36 2.20 31.51 142.91 -2.81 1.12 91.0 94.9 17.13
2013-14 MIA 5 5 .586 .534 5.74 10.43 7.98 30.59 20.87 3.47 - 30.31 183.49 -2.52 1.36 103.9 105.5 25.80
2014-15 MIA 7 7 .576 .547 2.19 8.97 5.67 32.08 15.96 2.09 1.66 27.32 164.95 1.57 1.29 107.8 109.7 22.80
2015-16 MIA 7 7 .453 .373 2.73 12.71 7.76 20.86 15.14 1.88 0.55 25.72 145.16 -1.26 1.06 89.4 100.1 13.16
2016-17 CHI 6 6 .485 .452 1.57 12.95 7.34 34.06 15.66 2.50 2.86 25.95 152.18 3.57 1.08 96.1 100.6 17.30
2017-18 CLE 4 4 .582 .556 8.28 10.05 9.15 10.11 18.55 2.51 2.51 26.69 167.78 -7.96 1.28 98.2 104.1 18.90
2018-19 MIA 5 0 .420 .396 3.87 15.31 9.24 22.36 19.88 1.81 3.50 26.64 126.19 -4.11 0.92 79.6 100.8 9.58
CAREER   43 38 .521 .474 3.48 11.93 7.71 26.17 17.20 2.56 1.82 27.58 157.04 -1.30 1.19 97.3 101.5 19.02

More Dwyane Wade NBA Preseason Stats »

NBA Training Camp Experience

2003 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2004 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2005 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2006 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2007 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2008 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2009 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2010 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2011 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2012 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2013 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2014 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2015 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat
2016 NBA Training Camp - Chicago Bulls
2017 NBA Training Camp - Cleveland Cavaliers
2018 NBA Training Camp - Miami Heat

NCAA Career

College: Marquette (2003)

NCAA Season Stats - Per Game

2000-01 Marquette Fr (Ineligible) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2001-02 Marquette So - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2002-03 Marquette Jr 33 33 32.1 21.52 7.61 15.18 .501 0.42 1.33 .318 5.88 7.55 .779 1.82 4.52 6.33 4.39 2.15 1.30 3.24 2.30
CAREER NCAA DI   33 33 32.1 21.52 7.61 15.18 .501 0.42 1.33 .318 5.88 7.55 .779 1.82 4.52 6.33 4.39 2.15 1.30 3.24 2.30

NCAA Season Stats - Totals

2000-01 Marquette Fr (Ineligible) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2001-02 Marquette So - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2002-03 Marquette Jr 33 33 1,058 710 251 501 .501 14 44 .318 194 249 .779 60 149 209 145 71 43 107 76
CAREER NCAA DI   33 33 1,058 710 251 501 .501 14 44 .318 194 249 .779 60 149 209 145 71 43 107 76

NCAA Season Stats - Misc Stats

Season School Class GP Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2000-01 Marquette Fr (Ineligible) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2001-02 Marquette So - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2002-03 Marquette Jr 33 5 1 0 0 0 0 .440 1.36 0.66 0.50 27 6 .818 5.25 1.91 7.17
CAREER NCAA DI   33 5 1 0 0 0 0 .440 1.36 0.66 0.50 27 6 .818 5.25 1.91 7.17

NCAA Season Stats - Advanced Stats

Season School Class GP TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2000-01 Marquette Fr (Ineligible) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2001-02 Marquette So - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2002-03 Marquette Jr 33 .573 .515 7.16 15.40 11.57 31.13 14.73 4.02 4.21 34.35 159.83 -1.00 1.42 118.8 96.3 31.34
CAREER NCAA DI   33 .573 .515 7.16 15.40 11.57 31.13 14.73 4.02 4.21 34.35 159.83 -1.00 1.42 118.8 96.3 31.24

NCAA Awards & Honors

Consensus All-American First Team - 2003
NABC All-American Second Team - 2003
AP All-American First Team - 2003
USBWA All-American First Team - 2003
Sporting News All-American First Team - 2003
Sporting News All-American Third Team - 2002
C-USA Player of the Year - 2003
C-USA All-Conference First Team - 2002, 2003
C-USA Defensive Player of the Year - 2003
Coaches vs. Classic All-Tournament Team - 2003
Great Alaska Shootout Most Outstanding Player - 2002

National Basketball Career

Nationality: United States

FIBA Senior Team Events Stats

2008 Olympic Games 8 18:45 16.0 5.9 8.8 .671 1.0 2.1 .471 3.2 5.1 .634 4.0 1.9 2.3 0.1 1.6 1.6 Gold
2006 FIBA World Cup 8 22:53 19.3 7.1 12.4 .576 0.6 2.2 .278 4.4 6.2 .700 3.1 2.8 1.6 0.6 2.4 1.8 Bronze
2004 Olympic Games 8 17:38 7.3 2.6 6.9 .382 0.0 0.4 .000 2.0 2.9 .696 1.9 2.4 2.1 0.4 2.5 2.5 Bronze
AVERAGES   24 19:45 14.2 5.2 9.3 .558 0.5 1.6 .342 3.2 4.8 .675 3.0 2.3 2.0 0.4 2.2 2.0 -
TOTAL   24 474:00 340 125 224 .558 13 38 .342 77 114 .675 72 56 48 9 52 47 -

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the age of Dwyane Wade?

Dwyane Wade is 42 years old.

What is the height of Dwyane Wade?

Dwyane Wade is 6-4 (193cm) tall.

What is the weight of Dwyane Wade?

Dwyane Wade is 220 lbs (100kg).

What is the birthday of Dwyane Wade?

Dwyane Wade was born on Jan 17, 1982.

Which hand does Dwyane Wade player with?

Dwyane Wade is right-handed.

What position does Dwyane Wade play?

Dwyane Wade plays the SG position.

What was the pre-draft team of Dwyane Wade?

Dwyane Wade was drafted out of Marquette.

What high school did Dwyane Wade attend?

Dwyane Wade attended Harold L. Richards High School in Oak Lawn, Illinois.

What nationality is Dwyane Wade?

Dwyane Wade has a United States nationality.

Where was Dwyane Wade born?

Dwyane Wade was born in Chicago, Illinois.

What is the jersey number of Dwyane Wade?

Dwyane Wade last wore the #3 jersey number.

Who is Dwyane Wade's agent?

Dwyane Wade's agent is Leon Rose, Austin Brown.

How many NBA seasons has Dwyane Wade played?

Dwyane Wade played 16 seasons in the NBA.

What are the career averages of Dwyane Wade?

Dwyane Wade had career averages 22.0 points, 4.7 rebounds, 5.4 assists, 0.8 blocks, 1.5 steals in 1,054 games.

What are the career totals of Dwyane Wade?

Dwyane Wade had career totals of 23,165 points, 4,933 rebounds, 5,701 assists, 885 blocks, 1,620 steals in 1,054 games.

How many teams has Dwyane Wade been on?

Dwyane Wade played for 3 NBA teams in his career - Chicago Bulls, Cleveland Cavaliers, Miami Heat.

When was Dwyane Wade drafted?

Dwyane Wade was drafted in the 1st round (#5 overall) of the 2003 NBA Draft by the Miami Heat.

What is Dwyane Wade's career high in points?

Dwyane Wade averaged a career high 30.2 points per game in 2008-2009.

What is Dwyane Wade's career high in rebounds?

Dwyane Wade averaged a career high 6.4 rebounds per game in 2010-2011.

What is Dwyane Wade's career high in assists?

Dwyane Wade averaged a career high 7.5 assists per game in 2006-2007.

What is the career PER of Dwyane Wade's?

Dwyane Wade had a career PER of 23.3.

Is Dwyane Wade in the Hall of Fame?

Yes, Dwyane Wade was inducted in the Basketball Hall of Fame in 2023.

How many championships has Dwyane Wade won?

Dwyane Wade has won 3 NBA championships.

How many times did Dwyane Wade win Bill Russell NBA Finals MVP?

Dwyane Wade won Finals MVP 1 time.

How many times did Dwyane Wade win All-NBA First Team?

Dwyane Wade won All-NBA 1st 2 times.

How many All-Star teams has Dwyane Wade been on?

Dwyane Wade is a 13x All-Star.

Is Dwyane Wade's jersey retired?

Dwyane Wade's #3 jersey was retired by the Miami Heat.

What is Dwyane Wade's Facebook account?

Dwyane Wade's Facebook account is dwyanewade.

What is Dwyane Wade's Instagram account?

Dwyane Wade's Instagram account is @dwyanewade.

What is Dwyane Wade's X (formerly Twitter) account?

Dwyane Wade's X (formerly Twitter) account is @DwyaneWade.