Isiah Thomas PG

Full Name: Isiah Thomas III

Born: Apr 30, 1961 (63 years old)

Birthplace/Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Nationality: United States

Height: 6-1 (185cm)     Weight: 180 (82kg)

Current NBA Status: Unrestricted Free Agent

Draft Entry: 1981 NBA Draft

Early Entry Info: 1981 Early Entrant

Drafted: Round 1, Pick 2, Detroit Pistons

Pre-Draft Team: Indiana (So)

High School: St. Joseph High School [Westchester, Illinois]

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Isiah Thomas Player Profile

NBA Career

13 Years Of Service - NBA's Top 50, NBA's Top 75, Hall of Fame Player, 2x NBA Champion, Finals MVP, 3x All-NBA 1st, 12x All-Star, #11 retired by DET

NBA Regular Season Stats - Per Game

1981-82 DET 72 72 33.8 17.01 6.29 14.83 .424 0.24 0.82 .288 4.19 5.96 .704 0.79 2.11 2.90 7.85 2.08 0.24 4.15 3.51
1982-83 DET 81 81 38.2 22.89 8.95 18.98 .472 0.44 1.54 .288 4.54 6.40 .710 1.30 2.75 4.05 7.83 2.46 0.36 4.02 3.93
1983-84 DET 82 82 36.7 21.32 8.16 17.66 .462 0.27 0.79 .338 4.73 6.45 .733 1.26 2.73 3.99 11.15 2.49 0.40 3.74 3.95
1984-85 DET 81 81 38.1 21.23 7.98 17.41 .458 0.36 1.40 .257 4.93 6.09 .809 1.41 3.05 4.46 13.86 2.31 0.31 3.73 3.56
1985-86 DET 77 77 36.2 20.90 7.91 16.21 .488 0.34 1.09 .310 4.74 6.00 .790 1.09 2.51 3.60 10.78 2.22 0.26 3.75 3.18
1986-87 DET 81 81 37.2 20.63 7.73 16.70 .463 0.23 1.21 .194 4.94 6.43 .768 1.01 2.93 3.94 10.04 1.89 0.26 4.23 3.10
1987-88 DET 81 81 36.1 19.47 7.67 16.56 .463 0.37 1.20 .309 3.77 4.86 .774 0.79 2.64 3.43 8.37 1.74 0.21 3.37 2.68
1988-89 DET 80 76 36.6 18.23 7.11 15.34 .464 0.41 1.51 .273 3.59 4.39 .818 0.61 2.80 3.41 8.29 1.66 0.25 3.73 2.61
1989-90 DET 81 81 37.0 18.42 7.15 16.32 .438 0.52 1.68 .309 3.60 4.65 .775 0.91 2.89 3.80 9.44 1.72 0.23 3.98 2.54
1990-91 DET 48 46 34.5 16.17 6.02 13.85 .435 0.40 1.35 .292 3.73 4.77 .782 0.73 2.60 3.33 9.29 1.56 0.21 3.85 2.46
1991-92 DET 78 78 37.4 18.53 7.23 16.21 .446 0.32 1.10 .291 3.74 4.85 .772 0.87 2.29 3.17 7.18 1.51 0.19 3.23 2.49
1992-93 DET 79 79 37.0 17.61 6.66 15.92 .418 0.77 2.51 .308 3.52 4.77 .737 0.90 2.04 2.94 8.49 1.56 0.23 3.59 2.81
1993-94 DET 58 56 30.2 14.76 5.48 13.16 .417 0.67 2.17 .310 3.12 4.45 .702 0.79 1.95 2.74 6.88 1.17 0.10 3.48 2.17
CAREER   979 971 36.3 19.23 7.35 16.25 .452 0.41 1.40 .290 4.12 5.43 .759 0.97 2.58 3.55 9.26 1.90 0.26 3.76 3.03

☆ All-Star Season

NBA Regular Season Stats - Totals

1981-82 DET 72 72 2,433 1,225 453 1,068 .424 17 59 .288 302 429 .704 57 152 209 565 150 17 299 253
1982-83 DET 81 81 3,093 1,854 725 1,537 .472 36 125 .288 368 518 .710 105 223 328 634 199 29 326 318
1983-84 DET 82 82 3,007 1,748 669 1,448 .462 22 65 .338 388 529 .733 103 224 327 914 204 33 307 324
1984-85 DET 81 81 3,089 1,720 646 1,410 .458 29 113 .257 399 493 .809 114 247 361 1,123 187 25 302 288
1985-86 DET 77 77 2,790 1,609 609 1,248 .488 26 84 .310 365 462 .790 84 193 277 830 171 20 289 245
1986-87 DET 81 81 3,013 1,671 626 1,353 .463 19 98 .194 400 521 .768 82 237 319 813 153 21 343 251
1987-88 DET 81 81 2,927 1,577 621 1,341 .463 30 97 .309 305 394 .774 64 214 278 678 141 17 273 217
1988-89 DET 80 76 2,924 1,458 569 1,227 .464 33 121 .273 287 351 .818 49 224 273 663 133 20 298 209
1989-90 DET 81 81 2,993 1,492 579 1,322 .438 42 136 .309 292 377 .775 74 234 308 765 139 19 322 206
1990-91 DET 48 46 1,657 776 289 665 .435 19 65 .292 179 229 .782 35 125 160 446 75 10 185 118
1991-92 DET 78 78 2,918 1,445 564 1,264 .446 25 86 .291 292 378 .772 68 179 247 560 118 15 252 194
1992-93 DET 79 79 2,922 1,391 526 1,258 .418 61 198 .308 278 377 .737 71 161 232 671 123 18 284 222
1993-94 DET 58 56 1,750 856 318 763 .417 39 126 .310 181 258 .702 46 113 159 399 68 6 202 126
CAREER   979 971 35,516 18,822 7,194 15,904 .452 398 1,373 .290 4,036 5,316 .759 952 2,526 3,478 9,061 1,861 250 3,682 2,971

☆ All-Star Season

NBA Regular Season Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
1981-82 DET 72 72 1 0 0 0 0 0 .286 1.89 0.50 0.40 36 36 .500 -0.20 2.50 2.30
1982-83 DET 81 81 20 0 2 0 0 0 .375 1.94 0.61 0.34 37 44 .457 4.50 3.00 7.40
1983-84 DET 82 82 56 0 2 0 1 0 .417 2.98 0.66 0.37 49 33 .598 5.70 3.40 9.10
1984-85 DET 81 81 64 0 0 0 8 0 .461 3.72 0.62 0.35 46 35 .568 7.50 3.60 11.20
1985-86 DET 77 77 47 0 0 0 0 0 .409 2.87 0.59 0.37 45 32 .584 6.03 2.97 9.01
1986-87 DET 81 81 38 2 0 0 0 0 .411 2.37 0.45 0.39 52 29 .642 3.66 3.73 7.39
1987-88 DET 81 81 29 0 2 0 0 0 .380 2.48 0.52 0.29 53 28 .654 3.64 3.53 7.17
1988-89 DET 80 76 28 0 0 0 0 0 .373 2.22 0.45 0.29 61 19 .763 2.99 3.74 6.73
1989-90 DET 81 81 36 0 0 0 0 0 .408 2.38 0.43 0.29 59 22 .728 1.84 4.54 6.38
1990-91 DET 48 46 22 0 0 0 0 0 .395 2.41 0.41 0.34 31 17 .646 0.77 2.40 3.17
1991-92 DET 78 78 13 0 1 0 0 0 .372 2.22 0.47 0.30 44 34 .564 2.14 3.21 5.36
1992-93 DET 79 79 30 0 3 0 0 0 .380 2.36 0.43 0.30 40 39 .506 1.25 2.50 3.75
1993-94 DET 58 56 12 0 0 0 0 0 .318 1.98 0.34 0.34 14 44 .241 -0.27 0.43 0.16
CAREER   979 971 396 2 10 0 9 0 .386 2.46 0.51 0.33 567 412 .579 39.55 39.55 79.11

☆ All-Star Season

NBA Regular Season Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
1981-82 DET 72 72 .487 .432 2.49 7.07 4.71 32.63 19.22 2.84 0.39 24.97 141.63 3.09 1.15 97.9 106.8 14.58
1982-83 DET 81 81 .525 .483 3.46 7.66 5.51 30.29 15.59 2.92 0.50 26.10 147.01 3.04 1.21 105.2 105.2 18.83
1983-84 DET 82 82 .520 .470 3.51 8.24 5.79 41.55 15.44 3.14 0.61 25.45 153.39 9.82 1.21 110.7 107.0 21.03
1984-85 DET 81 81 .529 .468 3.69 8.71 6.09 47.89 15.66 2.77 0.45 23.96 152.41 14.06 1.22 114.6 106.7 22.18
1985-86 DET 77 77 .554 .498 3.12 7.47 5.25 40.82 16.61 2.83 0.40 24.44 158.75 9.27 1.29 112.7 107.3 21.04
1986-87 DET 81 81 .528 .470 3.01 8.22 5.69 39.35 17.82 2.41 0.40 25.92 142.43 6.59 1.24 107.4 106.9 18.70
1987-88 DET 81 81 .521 .474 2.51 8.00 5.32 34.94 15.27 2.36 0.34 25.47 154.65 6.19 1.18 107.6 107.0 18.12
1988-89 DET 80 76 .528 .477 1.98 8.25 5.26 34.36 17.74 2.28 0.42 24.59 155.41 5.18 1.19 106.2 106.1 17.11
1989-90 DET 81 81 .501 .454 2.83 8.85 5.85 39.39 17.79 2.37 0.40 26.11 152.13 6.54 1.13 103.7 104.6 17.19
1990-91 DET 48 46 .507 .449 2.43 8.76 5.58 42.91 19.46 2.35 0.38 25.22 150.86 7.14 1.17 102.6 104.9 17.00
1991-92 DET 78 78 .505 .456 2.66 6.88 4.79 31.52 14.98 2.14 0.32 25.53 150.94 4.40 1.14 104.7 108.1 16.04
1992-93 DET 79 79 .488 .442 2.58 6.36 4.39 35.56 16.63 2.18 0.40 25.15 146.36 5.80 1.11 102.6 110.1 15.39
1993-94 DET 58 56 .488 .442 2.87 7.27 5.04 36.44 18.73 1.99 0.22 26.90 142.79 3.67 1.12 97.4 113.4 14.99
CAREER   979 971 .516 .465 2.91 7.84 5.35 37.67 16.79 2.54 0.41 25.32 150.14 6.66 1.18 106.3 107.1 18.15

☆ All-Star Season

More Isiah Thomas NBA Stats »

NBA Transactions

Jun 9, 1981 - The Detroit Pistons selected Isiah Thomas in Round 1 with Pick 2 in the 1981 NBA Draft.
Aug 1, 1981 - Isiah Thomas signed a multi-year contract with the Detroit Pistons.
Aug 1, 1984 - Isiah Thomas signed a veteran extension with the Detroit Pistons.
Jul 1, 1985 - Isiah Thomas, previously with the Detroit Pistons, became a free agent.
Jul 11, 1988 - Isiah Thomas signed a veteran extension with the Detroit Pistons.
May 2, 1994 - Isiah Thomas retired from professional basketball.
Jul 1, 1994 - Isiah Thomas, previously with the Detroit Pistons, became a free agent.
Jul 18, 1994 - The Detroit Pistons renounced their free-agent exception rights to Isiah Thomas.

More NBA Transactions »

NBA Awards & Honors

Top 50 Greatest Player
Top 75 Greatest Player
NBA Champion - 1989, 1990
Bill Russell NBA Finals MVP - 1990
All-NBA First Team - 1984, 1985, 1986
All-NBA Second Team - 1983, 1987
Player Of The Week - 12/19/1982, 1/01/1984, 4/01/1984, 1/06/1985, 1/11/1987, 3/12/1989
All-Rookie First Team - 1982
Rookie Of The Month - Nov. 1981
J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award - 1987

* Since the 1946-1947 season

NBA Playoff Stats - Per Game

1983-84 DET 5 0 39.6 21.40 7.80 16.60 .470 0.40 1.20 .333 5.40 7.00 .771 1.40 2.40 3.80 11.00 2.60 1.20 4.60 4.40
1984-85 DET 9 9 39.4 24.33 9.22 18.44 .500 0.67 1.67 .400 5.22 6.89 .758 1.22 4.00 5.22 11.22 2.11 0.44 3.33 4.33
1985-86 DET 4 4 40.8 26.50 10.25 22.75 .451 0.00 1.25 .000 6.00 9.00 .667 2.00 3.50 5.50 12.00 2.25 0.75 4.50 4.25
1986-87 DET 15 15 37.5 24.07 8.93 19.93 .448 0.67 2.20 .303 5.53 7.33 .755 1.40 3.07 4.47 8.67 2.60 0.27 2.80 3.40
1987-88 DET 23 23 39.6 21.91 7.96 18.22 .437 0.57 1.87 .302 5.43 6.57 .828 1.13 3.52 4.65 8.74 2.87 0.35 3.70 3.09
1988-89 DET 17 17 37.2 18.18 6.76 16.41 .412 0.47 1.76 .267 4.18 5.65 .740 1.41 2.88 4.29 8.29 1.59 0.24 2.53 2.29
1989-90 DET 20 20 37.9 20.45 7.40 16.00 .463 1.60 3.40 .471 4.05 5.10 .794 1.05 4.40 5.45 8.15 2.15 0.35 3.60 3.25
1990-91 DET 13 11 33.5 13.54 4.62 11.46 .403 0.46 1.69 .273 3.85 5.31 .725 1.00 3.15 4.15 8.54 1.00 0.15 3.15 3.15
1991-92 DET 5 5 40.0 14.00 4.40 13.00 .338 0.80 2.20 .364 4.40 5.60 .786 0.60 4.60 5.20 7.40 1.00 0.00 3.20 3.60
CAREER   111 104 38.0 20.37 7.43 16.86 .441 0.73 2.10 .348 4.77 6.21 .769 1.21 3.51 4.72 8.89 2.11 0.34 3.33 3.27

Isiah Thomas Full Playoff History »

NBA Playoff Stats - Totals

1983-84 DET 5 0 198 107 39 83 .470 2 6 .333 27 35 .771 7 12 19 55 13 6 23 22
1984-85 DET 9 9 355 219 83 166 .500 6 15 .400 47 62 .758 11 36 47 101 19 4 30 39
1985-86 DET 4 4 163 106 41 91 .451 0 5 .000 24 36 .667 8 14 22 48 9 3 18 17
1986-87 DET 15 15 562 361 134 299 .448 10 33 .303 83 110 .755 21 46 67 130 39 4 42 51
1987-88 DET 23 23 911 504 183 419 .437 13 43 .302 125 151 .828 26 81 107 201 66 8 85 71
1988-89 DET 17 17 633 309 115 279 .412 8 30 .267 71 96 .740 24 49 73 141 27 4 43 39
1989-90 DET 20 20 758 409 148 320 .463 32 68 .471 81 102 .794 21 88 109 163 43 7 72 65
1990-91 DET 13 11 436 176 60 149 .403 6 22 .273 50 69 .725 13 41 54 111 13 2 41 41
1991-92 DET 5 5 200 70 22 65 .338 4 11 .364 22 28 .786 3 23 26 37 5 0 16 18
CAREER   111 104 4,216 2,261 825 1,871 .441 81 233 .348 530 689 .769 134 390 524 987 234 38 370 363

NBA Playoff Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
1983-84 DET 5 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 .450 2.39 0.57 0.42 2 3 .400 0.30 0.20 0.50
1984-85 DET 9 9 7 0 0 0 0 0 .451 3.37 0.63 0.37 5 4 .556 1.00 0.30 1.20
1985-86 DET 4 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 .476 2.67 0.50 0.40 1 3 .250 0.15 0.15 0.29
1986-87 DET 15 15 6 0 0 0 0 0 .408 3.10 0.93 0.37 10 5 .667 1.05 1.02 2.07
1987-88 DET 23 23 9 0 1 0 0 0 .435 2.36 0.78 0.36 14 9 .609 0.93 2.14 3.08
1988-89 DET 17 17 4 1 0 0 0 0 .398 3.28 0.63 0.34 15 2 .882 0.70 1.12 1.82
1989-90 DET 20 20 6 0 0 0 0 0 .403 2.26 0.60 0.32 15 5 .750 1.43 1.64 3.07
1990-91 DET 13 11 4 0 0 0 0 0 .339 2.71 0.32 0.46 6 7 .462 0.15 0.35 0.49
1991-92 DET 5 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 .373 2.31 0.31 0.43 2 3 .400 -0.29 0.34 0.05
CAREER   111 104 44 2 1 0 0 0 .411 2.67 0.63 0.37 70 41 .631 5.44 7.23 12.57

NBA Playoff Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
1983-84 DET 5 0 .544 .482 3.73 6.94 5.27 42.34 18.95 3.13 1.73 24.56 157.46 6.96 1.29 109.4 107.0 20.78
1984-85 DET 9 9 .567 .518 3.15 11.18 7.00 40.04 13.44 2.49 0.62 24.57 165.81 10.40 1.32 118.7 112.3 23.36
1985-86 DET 4 4 .496 .451 5.01 10.09 7.37 43.68 14.42 2.64 1.07 30.34 111.72 8.64 1.16 106.7 112.3 21.81
1986-87 DET 15 15 .520 .465 4.21 9.11 6.67 35.04 10.79 3.49 0.44 29.42 150.57 8.35 1.21 113.9 106.1 23.87
1987-88 DET 23 23 .519 .452 3.33 10.32 6.84 37.73 14.90 3.82 0.58 28.13 156.69 5.90 1.20 107.7 100.7 21.44
1988-89 DET 17 17 .481 .427 4.44 9.10 6.77 36.66 11.81 2.31 0.45 26.41 141.84 9.14 1.11 108.3 105.3 19.45
1989-90 DET 20 20 .560 .513 3.25 13.34 8.35 35.62 16.48 2.96 0.63 25.51 172.72 5.16 1.28 112.8 100.7 21.57
1990-91 DET 13 11 .491 .423 3.17 10.81 6.85 38.27 18.61 1.61 0.30 22.06 140.00 8.22 1.18 104.9 113.9 15.86
1991-92 DET 5 5 .453 .369 1.80 12.69 7.48 34.59 17.15 1.42 - 22.88 148.78 4.92 1.08 92.9 106.9 11.08
CAREER   111 104 .520 .463 3.58 10.59 7.06 37.48 14.54 2.88 0.58 26.33 155.78 7.37 1.21 109.8 105.7 20.60

More Isiah Thomas NBA Playoff Stats »

NBA All-Star Weekend Competitions

Eastern All-Star Fan Vote Selection - 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993
Eastern All-Star Coaches Selection - 1987
Kobe Bryant All-Star MVP - 1984, 1986

* Since the 1946-1947 season

NBA All-Star Game Stats - Totals

1982 East 1 1 17 12 5 7 .714 0 0 .000 2 4 .500 1 0 1 4 3 0 1 1
1983 East 1 1 29 19 9 14 .643 0 0 .000 1 1 1.000 3 1 4 7 4 0 5 0
1984 East 1 1 39 21 9 17 .529 0 2 .000 3 3 1.000 2 3 5 15 4 0 6 4
1985 East 1 1 25 22 9 14 .643 3 4 .750 1 1 1.000 1 1 2 5 2 0 1 2
1986 East 1 1 36 30 11 19 .579 0 1 .000 8 9 .889 0 1 1 10 5 0 5 2
1987 East 1 0 24 16 4 6 .667 0 0 .000 8 9 .889 2 1 3 9 0 0 5 3
1988 East 1 1 28 8 4 10 .400 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 1 1 2 15 1 0 6 1
1989 East 1 1 33 19 7 13 .538 1 3 .333 4 6 .667 1 1 2 14 4 0 6 2
1990 East 1 1 27 15 7 12 .583 1 1 1.000 0 0 .000 1 3 4 9 3 0 1 0
1992 East 1 1 28 15 7 14 .500 1 3 .333 0 0 .000 0 1 1 5 3 0 3 0
1993 East 1 1 32 8 4 7 .571 0 1 .000 0 2 .000 0 2 2 4 2 0 2 2
TOTAL   11 10 318 185 76 133 .571 6 15 .400 27 35 .771 12 15 27 97 31 0 41 17
AVERAGES   11 10 28.9 16.82 6.91 12.09 .571 0.55 1.36 .400 2.45 3.18 .771 1.09 1.36 2.45 8.82 2.82 0.00 3.73 1.55

More Isiah Thomas NBA All-Star Stats »

NCAA Career

College: Indiana (1981)

NCAA Season Stats - Per Game

1979-80 Indiana Fr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1980-81 Indiana So - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NCAA Awards & Honors

Consensus All-American First Team - 1981
NABC All-American First Team - 1981
AP All-American First Team - 1981
USBWA All-American Second Team - 1981
UPI All-American First Team - 1981
NCAA Tournament Most Outstanding Player - 1981
NCAA Final Four All-Tournament Teams (AP) - 1981

High School Basketball Career

Prep/High School: St. Joseph High School [Westchester, Illinois]

High School Special Event Stats

1979 McDonalds All-American 1 00:00 19 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 0 0

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the age of Isiah Thomas?

Isiah Thomas is 63 years old.

What is the height of Isiah Thomas?

Isiah Thomas is 6-1 (185cm) tall.

What is the weight of Isiah Thomas?

Isiah Thomas is 180 lbs (82kg).

What is the birthday of Isiah Thomas?

Isiah Thomas was born on Apr 30, 1961.

What position does Isiah Thomas play?

Isiah Thomas plays the PG position.

What was the pre-draft team of Isiah Thomas?

Isiah Thomas was drafted out of Indiana.

What high school did Isiah Thomas attend?

Isiah Thomas attended St. Joseph High School in Westchester, Illinois.

What nationality is Isiah Thomas?

Isiah Thomas has a United States nationality.

Where was Isiah Thomas born?

Isiah Thomas was born in Chicago, Illinois.

How many NBA seasons has Isiah Thomas played?

Isiah Thomas played 13 seasons in the NBA.

What are the career averages of Isiah Thomas?

Isiah Thomas had career averages 19.2 points, 3.6 rebounds, 9.3 assists, 1.9 steals in 979 games.

What are the career totals of Isiah Thomas?

Isiah Thomas had career totals of 18,822 points, 3,478 rebounds, 9,061 assists, 250 blocks, 1,861 steals in 979 games.

How many teams has Isiah Thomas been on?

Isiah Thomas played their entire career for the Detroit Pistons.

When was Isiah Thomas drafted?

Isiah Thomas was drafted in the 1st round (#2 overall) of the 1981 NBA Draft by the Detroit Pistons.

What is Isiah Thomas' career high in points?

Isiah Thomas averaged a career high 22.9 points per game in 1982-1983.

What is Isiah Thomas' career high in rebounds?

Isiah Thomas averaged a career high 4.5 rebounds per game in 1984-1985.

What is Isiah Thomas' career high in assists?

Isiah Thomas averaged a career high 13.9 assists per game in 1984-1985.

What is the career PER of Isiah Thomas'?

Isiah Thomas had a career PER of 18.2.

Is Isiah Thomas in the Hall of Fame?

Yes, Isiah Thomas was inducted in the Basketball Hall of Fame in 2000.

How many championships has Isiah Thomas won?

Isiah Thomas has won 2 NBA championships.

How many times did Isiah Thomas win Bill Russell NBA Finals MVP?

Isiah Thomas won Finals MVP 1 time.

How many times did Isiah Thomas win All-NBA First Team?

Isiah Thomas won All-NBA 1st 3 times.

How many All-Star teams has Isiah Thomas been on?

Isiah Thomas is a 12x All-Star.

Is Isiah Thomas' jersey retired?

Isiah Thomas' #11 jersey was retired by the Detroit Pistons.