Bob McAdoo FC

Born: Sep 25, 1951 (72 years old)

Birthplace/Hometown: Greensboro, North Carolina

Nationality: United States

Height: 6-9 (206cm)     Weight: 210 (95kg)

Current NBA Status: Unrestricted Free Agent

Draft Entry: 1972 NBA Draft

Drafted: Round 1, Pick 2, Buffalo Braves

Pre-Draft Team: North Carolina (Jr)

High School: Ben L. Smith High School [Greensboro, North Carolina]


Bob McAdoo Player Profile

NBA Career

14 Years Of Service - NBA's Top 75, Hall of Fame Player, 2x NBA Champion, MVP, All-NBA 1st, ROY, 5x All-Star

NBA Regular Season Stats - Per Game

1972-73 BUF 80 - 32.0 18.01 7.31 16.16 .452 - - - 3.39 4.38 .774 - - 9.10 1.74 - - - 3.20
1973-74 BUF 74 - 43.0 30.55 12.18 22.26 .547 - - - 6.20 7.82 .793 3.80 11.30 15.09 2.30 1.19 3.32 - 3.41
1974-75 BUF 82 - 43.2 34.52 13.35 26.07 .512 - - - 7.82 9.71 .805 3.74 10.34 14.09 2.18 1.12 2.12 - 3.39
1975-76 BUF 78 - 42.7 31.12 11.97 24.59 .487 - - - 7.17 9.41 .762 3.09 9.28 12.37 4.04 1.19 2.05 - 3.82
1976-77 * All Teams 72 - 38.9 25.85 10.28 20.07 .512 - - - 5.29 7.17 .738 2.76 10.10 12.86 2.85 1.07 1.38 - 3.64
1976-77 * NYK 52 - 39.1 26.67 10.73 20.10 .534 - - - 5.21 6.88 .757 2.56 10.17 12.73 2.69 1.17 1.25 - 3.62
1976-77 * BUF 20 - 38.4 23.70 9.10 20.00 .455 - - - 5.50 7.90 .696 3.30 9.90 13.20 3.25 0.80 1.70 - 3.70
1977-78 NYK 79 - 40.3 26.54 10.30 19.80 .520 - - - 5.94 8.16 .727 2.99 9.80 12.78 3.77 1.33 1.59 4.38 3.76
1978-79 * All Teams 60 - 37.2 24.78 9.93 18.78 .529 - - - 4.92 7.50 .656 2.17 6.50 8.67 2.80 1.23 1.12 3.62 3.15
1978-79 * NYK 40 - 39.9 26.90 10.72 19.82 .541 - - - 5.45 8.38 .651 2.35 7.12 9.47 3.20 1.55 1.18 3.83 3.35
1978-79 * BOS 20 - 31.9 20.55 8.35 16.70 .500 - - - 3.85 5.75 .670 1.80 5.25 7.05 2.00 0.60 1.00 3.20 2.75
1979-80 DET 58 - 36.2 21.07 8.48 17.67 .480 0.05 0.41 .125 4.05 5.55 .730 1.72 6.33 8.05 3.45 1.26 1.12 4.10 3.07
1980-81 * All Teams 16 - 20.1 10.31 4.25 9.81 .433 0.00 0.06 .000 1.81 2.56 .707 1.06 3.12 4.19 1.88 1.06 0.81 2.00 2.38
1980-81 * NJN 10 - 15.3 9.30 3.80 7.50 .507 0.00 0.10 .000 1.70 2.10 .810 0.80 1.80 2.60 1.00 0.90 0.60 1.40 2.20
1980-81 * DET 6 - 28.0 12.00 5.00 13.67 .366 0.00 0.00 .000 2.00 3.33 .600 1.50 5.33 6.83 3.33 1.33 1.17 3.00 2.67
1981-82 LAL 41 0 18.2 9.56 3.68 8.05 .458 0.00 0.12 .000 2.20 3.07 .714 1.10 2.78 3.88 0.78 0.54 0.88 1.24 2.66
1982-83 LAL 47 1 21.7 14.96 6.21 11.96 .520 0.00 0.02 .000 2.53 3.47 .730 1.62 3.64 5.26 0.83 0.85 0.85 1.45 3.26
1983-84 LAL 70 0 20.8 13.09 5.03 10.69 .471 0.00 0.07 .000 3.03 3.77 .803 1.17 2.96 4.13 1.06 0.60 0.71 1.81 2.60
1984-85 LAL 66 0 19.0 10.45 4.30 8.27 .520 0.00 0.02 .000 1.85 2.45 .753 1.20 3.27 4.47 1.02 0.27 0.80 1.44 2.58
1985-86 PHL 29 0 21.0 10.14 4.00 8.66 .462 0.00 0.00 .000 2.14 2.79 .765 0.86 2.69 3.55 1.21 0.34 0.62 1.69 2.21
CAREER   852 1 33.2 22.05 8.71 17.31 .503 0.01 0.11 .081 4.63 6.14 .754 2.35 7.13 9.45 2.29 0.97 1.49 2.62 3.20

★ MVP Season☆ All-Star Season

NBA Regular Season Stats - Totals

1972-73 BUF 80 - 2,562 1,441 585 1,293 .452 - - - 271 350 .774 - - 728 139 - - - 256
1973-74 BUF 74 - 3,185 2,261 901 1,647 .547 - - - 459 579 .793 281 836 1,117 170 88 246 - 252
1974-75 BUF 82 - 3,539 2,831 1,095 2,138 .512 - - - 641 796 .805 307 848 1,155 179 92 174 - 278
1975-76 BUF 78 - 3,328 2,427 934 1,918 .487 - - - 559 734 .762 241 724 965 315 93 160 - 298
1976-77 * All Teams 72 - 2,798 1,861 740 1,445 .512 - - - 381 516 .738 199 727 926 205 77 99 - 262
1976-77 * NYK 52 - 2,031 1,387 558 1,045 .534 - - - 271 358 .757 133 529 662 140 61 65 - 188
1976-77 * BUF 20 - 767 474 182 400 .455 - - - 110 158 .696 66 198 264 65 16 34 - 74
1977-78 NYK 79 - 3,182 2,097 814 1,564 .520 - - - 469 645 .727 236 774 1,010 298 105 126 346 297
1978-79 * All Teams 60 - 2,231 1,487 596 1,127 .529 - - - 295 450 .656 130 390 520 168 74 67 217 189
1978-79 * NYK 40 - 1,594 1,076 429 793 .541 - - - 218 335 .651 94 285 379 128 62 47 153 134
1978-79 * BOS 20 - 637 411 167 334 .500 - - - 77 115 .670 36 105 141 40 12 20 64 55
1979-80 DET 58 - 2,097 1,222 492 1,025 .480 3 24 .125 235 322 .730 100 367 467 200 73 65 238 178
1980-81 * All Teams 16 - 321 165 68 157 .433 0 1 .000 29 41 .707 17 50 67 30 17 13 32 38
1980-81 * NJN 10 - 153 93 38 75 .507 0 1 .000 17 21 .810 8 18 26 10 9 6 14 22
1980-81 * DET 6 - 168 72 30 82 .366 0 0 .000 12 20 .600 9 32 41 20 8 7 18 16
1981-82 LAL 41 0 746 392 151 330 .458 0 5 .000 90 126 .714 45 114 159 32 22 36 51 109
1982-83 LAL 47 1 1,019 703 292 562 .520 0 1 .000 119 163 .730 76 171 247 39 40 40 68 153
1983-84 LAL 70 0 1,456 916 352 748 .471 0 5 .000 212 264 .803 82 207 289 74 42 50 127 182
1984-85 LAL 66 0 1,254 690 284 546 .520 0 1 .000 122 162 .753 79 216 295 67 18 53 95 170
1985-86 PHL 29 0 609 294 116 251 .462 0 0 .000 62 81 .765 25 78 103 35 10 18 49 64
CAREER   852 1 28,327 18,787 7,420 14,751 .503 3 37 .081 3,944 5,229 .754 1,818 5,502 8,048 1,951 751 1,147 1,223 2,726

★ MVP Season☆ All-Star Season

NBA Regular Season Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
1972-73 BUF 80 - 0 0 2 0 0 0 .205 - - 0.27 21 59 .263 3.10 0.70 3.80
1973-74 BUF 74 - 0 0 9 0 0 0 .287 - - 0.35 39 35 .527 10.90 4.40 15.30
1974-75 BUF 82 - 0 0 21 0 0 0 .359 - - 0.37 49 33 .598 12.70 5.10 17.80
1975-76 BUF 78 - 0 0 15 0 0 0 .359 - - 0.38 44 34 .564 7.70 4.60 12.30
1976-77 * All Teams 72 - 0 0 5 0 0 0 .301 - - 0.36 33 39 .458 5.80 3.80 9.60
1976-77 * NYK 52 - 0 0 4 0 0 0 .191 - - 0.34 25 27 .481 5.00 2.90 7.90
1976-77 * BUF 20 - 0 0 1 0 0 0 .073 - - 0.40 8 12 .400 0.70 0.90 1.70
1977-78 NYK 79 - 0 0 3 0 0 0 .291 0.86 0.30 0.41 41 38 .519 6.90 4.00 10.90
1978-79 * All Teams 60 - 0 0 3 0 0 0 .288 0.77 0.34 0.40 23 37 .383 3.50 2.30 5.80
1978-79 * NYK 40 - 0 0 2 0 0 0 .152 0.84 0.41 0.42 19 21 .475 3.00 1.80 4.80
1978-79 * BOS 20 - 0 0 1 0 0 0 .059 0.62 0.19 0.34 4 16 .200 0.50 0.50 1.00
1979-80 DET 58 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 .190 0.84 0.31 0.31 13 45 .224 0.50 1.60 2.00
1980-81 * All Teams 16 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 .148 0.94 0.53 0.26 4 12 .250 - - -
1980-81 * NJN 10 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 .014 0.71 0.64 0.28 3 7 .300 0.10 0.20 0.30
1980-81 * DET 6 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 .015 1.11 0.44 0.24 1 5 .167 -0.40 0.30 -0.10
1981-82 LAL 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .047 0.63 0.43 0.38 27 14 .659 0.50 1.00 1.50
1982-83 LAL 47 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 .084 0.57 0.59 0.29 36 11 .766 2.30 1.20 3.50
1983-84 LAL 70 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 .111 0.58 0.33 0.35 47 23 .671 1.10 1.60 2.70
1984-85 LAL 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .089 0.71 0.19 0.30 50 16 .758 1.40 1.50 2.90
1985-86 PHL 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .122 0.71 0.20 0.32 18 11 .621 0.18 0.37 0.55
CAREER   852 1 4 0 58 0 0 0 .157 0.77 0.33 0.35 445 407 .522 52.98 29.87 82.85

★ MVP Season☆ All-Star Season

NBA Regular Season Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
1972-73 BUF 80 - .498 .452 - - - 8.12 - - - - 122.67 - 1.11 - - 16.89
1973-74 BUF 74 - .594 .547 9.01 25.38 17.42 8.12 - 1.19 3.78 - 133.98 - 1.37 - 95.2 24.56
1974-75 BUF 82 - .569 .512 9.18 23.46 16.60 8.56 - 1.15 2.44 - 131.74 - 1.32 - 94.6 25.83
1975-76 BUF 78 - .542 .487 7.83 21.97 15.14 15.71 - 1.24 2.45 - 124.85 - 1.27 - 95.6 23.32
1976-77 * All Teams 72 - .557 .512 7.48 26.61 17.17 11.42 - 1.23 1.82 - 125.05 - 1.29 - 97.1 21.82
1976-77 * NYK 52 - .577 .534 7.01 26.78 17.10 10.58 - 1.34 1.66 - 129.10 - 1.33 - 96.6 22.54
1976-77 * BUF 20 - .505 .455 8.63 26.18 17.36 13.76 - 0.93 2.21 - 115.12 - 1.19 - 98.2 19.92
1977-78 NYK 79 - .567 .520 7.80 24.68 16.40 13.42 15.77 1.44 2.05 26.11 124.76 -4.50 1.34 106.1 99.1 22.01
1978-79 * All Teams 60 - .561 .529 6.30 19.13 12.68 11.57 14.07 1.51 1.58 27.06 118.44 -4.72 1.32 106.0 103.9 20.38
1978-79 * NYK 40 - .572 .541 6.32 19.35 12.81 12.17 13.99 1.78 1.56 26.90 119.17 -4.28 1.36 107.4 103.0 21.57
1978-79 * BOS 20 - .534 .500 6.23 18.44 12.29 9.91 14.27 0.85 1.63 27.50 116.96 -5.82 1.23 100.3 106.0 17.48
1979-80 DET 58 - .524 .481 4.97 18.54 11.70 13.90 16.94 1.56 1.62 25.77 133.48 -4.80 1.19 98.3 107.4 16.31
1980-81 * All Teams 16 - .471 .433 5.83 18.42 11.90 14.51 15.46 2.45 2.32 25.71 114.04 -3.67 1.05 92.2 102.6 14.44
1980-81 * NJN 10 - .552 .507 5.77 13.57 9.58 10.38 14.25 2.68 2.21 25.38 131.62 -4.64 1.24 103.0 103.8 17.71
1980-81 * DET 6 - .396 .366 5.88 23.51 14.18 18.59 16.54 2.26 2.44 26.19 96.59 -2.79 0.88 82.1 100.7 11.54
1981-82 LAL 41 0 .509 .458 6.82 16.05 11.61 5.47 11.69 1.37 2.57 23.22 117.19 -3.89 1.19 103.6 105.1 14.41
1982-83 LAL 47 1 .555 .520 8.65 17.77 13.42 5.33 9.69 1.81 2.09 27.20 124.96 -4.09 1.25 111.4 103.6 20.58
1983-84 LAL 70 0 .530 .471 6.86 14.99 11.22 6.94 12.81 1.33 1.84 27.40 127.36 -5.22 1.22 104.0 107.4 15.89
1984-85 LAL 66 0 .559 .520 7.92 17.92 13.39 6.90 13.34 0.67 2.27 22.96 127.32 -3.97 1.26 108.0 107.2 15.37
1985-86 PHL 29 0 .513 .462 4.84 13.90 9.56 8.37 14.60 0.78 1.63 22.43 122.76 -4.27 1.17 101.3 111.1 12.14
CAREER   852 1 .551 .503 7.73 22.52 15.27 10.44 14.35 1.32 2.34 26.05 133.84 -4.57 1.27 104.2 101.2 20.75

★ MVP Season☆ All-Star Season

More Bob McAdoo NBA Stats »

NBA Transactions

Apr 10, 1972 - The Buffalo Braves selected Bob McAdoo in Round 1 with Pick 2 in the 1972 NBA Draft.
Sep 1, 1972 - Bob McAdoo signed a multi-year contract with the Buffalo Braves.
Dec 9, 1976 - Bob McAdoo was acquired by the New York Knicks from the Buffalo Braves in a trade.
Jul 1, 1977 - Bob McAdoo, previously with the New York Knicks, became a free agent.
Sep 1, 1977 - Bob McAdoo signed a multi-year contract with the New York Knicks.
Feb 12, 1979 - Bob McAdoo was acquired by the Boston Celtics from the New York Knicks in a trade.
Sep 6, 1979 - Bob McAdoo was acquired by the Detroit Pistons from the Boston Celtics in a trade.
Mar 11, 1981 - The Detroit Pistons placed the contract of Bob McAdoo on waivers.
Mar 13, 1981 - The New Jersey Nets made a successful waiver claim for the contract of Bob McAdoo.
Dec 24, 1981 - Bob McAdoo was acquired by the Los Angeles Lakers from the New Jersey Nets in a trade.
Jul 1, 1982 - Bob McAdoo, previously with the Los Angeles Lakers, became a free agent.
Nov 2, 1982 - Bob McAdoo signed a multi-year contract with the Los Angeles Lakers.
Jul 1, 1985 - Bob McAdoo, previously with the Los Angeles Lakers, became a free agent.
Jan 31, 1986 - Bob McAdoo signed a contract with the Philadelphia Sixers.
Jul 1, 1986 - Bob McAdoo, previously with the Philadelphia Sixers, became a free agent.
Jul 1, 1986 - The Philadelphia Sixers renounced their free-agent exception rights to Bob McAdoo.

More NBA Transactions »

NBA Awards & Honors

Top 75 Greatest Player
NBA Champion - 1982, 1985
Michael Jordan Most Valuable Player - 1975
All-NBA First Team - 1975
All-NBA Second Team - 1974
Wilt Chamberlain Rookie Of The Year - 1973
All-Rookie First Team - 1973

* Since the 1946-1947 season

NBA Playoff Stats - Per Game

1973-74 BUF 6 - 45.2 31.67 12.67 26.50 .478 - - - 6.33 7.83 .809 2.33 11.33 13.67 1.50 1.00 2.17 - 4.17
1974-75 BUF 7 - 46.7 37.43 14.86 30.86 .481 - - - 7.71 10.43 .740 3.57 9.86 13.43 1.43 0.86 2.71 - 4.14
1975-76 BUF 9 - 45.1 28.00 10.78 23.89 .451 - - - 6.44 9.11 .707 3.44 10.78 14.22 3.22 0.78 2.00 - 4.11
1977-78 NYK 6 - 39.7 23.83 10.17 21.00 .484 - - - 3.50 5.83 .600 1.83 7.83 9.67 3.83 1.17 2.00 3.83 3.17
1981-82 LAL 14 0 27.7 16.71 7.21 12.79 .564 0.00 0.00 .000 2.29 3.36 .681 1.50 5.29 6.79 1.57 0.71 1.50 2.50 3.07
1982-83 LAL 8 0 20.8 10.88 4.62 10.50 .440 0.25 0.75 .333 1.38 1.75 .786 1.88 3.88 5.75 0.62 1.38 1.25 1.75 2.88
1983-84 LAL 20 0 22.4 13.95 5.55 10.75 .516 0.00 0.05 .000 2.85 4.05 .704 1.50 3.90 5.40 0.60 0.60 1.35 1.95 3.15
1984-85 LAL 19 0 20.9 11.42 4.79 10.16 .472 0.00 0.05 .000 1.84 2.47 .745 1.32 3.21 4.53 0.79 0.47 1.37 1.68 3.47
1985-86 PHL 5 0 14.6 10.80 4.00 7.20 .556 0.00 0.00 .000 2.80 3.20 .875 1.60 1.20 2.80 0.40 0.80 1.00 0.40 2.60
CAREER   94 0 28.9 18.28 7.43 15.14 .491 0.03 0.12 .250 3.40 4.70 .724 1.91 5.65 7.56 1.35 0.77 1.61 2.01 3.38

Bob McAdoo Full Playoff History »

NBA Playoff Stats - Totals

1973-74 BUF 6 - 271 190 76 159 .478 - - - 38 47 .809 14 68 82 9 6 13 - 25
1974-75 BUF 7 - 327 262 104 216 .481 - - - 54 73 .740 25 69 94 10 6 19 - 29
1975-76 BUF 9 - 406 252 97 215 .451 - - - 58 82 .707 31 97 128 29 7 18 - 37
1977-78 NYK 6 - 238 143 61 126 .484 - - - 21 35 .600 11 47 58 23 7 12 23 19
1981-82 LAL 14 0 388 234 101 179 .564 0 0 .000 32 47 .681 21 74 95 22 10 21 35 43
1982-83 LAL 8 0 166 87 37 84 .440 2 6 .333 11 14 .786 15 31 46 5 11 10 14 23
1983-84 LAL 20 0 447 279 111 215 .516 0 1 .000 57 81 .704 30 78 108 12 12 27 39 63
1984-85 LAL 19 0 398 217 91 193 .472 0 1 .000 35 47 .745 25 61 86 15 9 26 32 66
1985-86 PHL 5 0 73 54 20 36 .556 0 0 .000 14 16 .875 8 6 14 2 4 5 2 13
CAREER   94 0 2,714 1,718 698 1,423 .491 2 8 .250 320 442 .724 180 531 711 127 72 151 145 318

NBA Playoff Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
1973-74 BUF 6 - 0 0 2 0 0 0 .323 - - 0.30 2 4 .333 0.50 0.40 1.00
1974-75 BUF 7 - 0 0 1 0 0 0 .392 - - 0.34 3 4 .429 0.80 0.30 1.10
1975-76 BUF 9 - 0 0 1 0 0 0 .338 - - 0.38 4 5 .444 0.40 0.50 0.80
1977-78 NYK 6 - 0 0 1 0 0 0 .299 1.00 0.30 0.28 2 4 .333 0.10 0.10 0.20
1981-82 LAL 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .186 0.63 0.29 0.26 12 2 .857 0.50 0.50 1.00
1982-83 LAL 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .062 0.36 0.79 0.17 4 4 .500 -0.10 0.30 0.20
1983-84 LAL 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .123 0.31 0.31 0.38 14 6 .700 0.30 0.60 0.90
1984-85 LAL 19 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 .111 0.47 0.28 0.24 15 4 .789 -0.10 0.60 0.50
1985-86 PHL 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .112 1.00 2.00 0.44 2 3 .400 0.35 0.10 0.44
CAREER   94 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 .176 0.54 0.37 0.31 58 36 .617 2.75 3.40 6.14

NBA Playoff Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
1973-74 BUF 6 - .529 .478 4.93 23.39 14.26 5.25 - 0.96 2.25 - 128.65 - 1.19 - 92.4 20.19
1974-75 BUF 7 - .528 .481 7.81 23.25 15.23 5.58 - 0.84 3.09 - 122.12 - 1.21 - 98.5 24.12
1975-76 BUF 9 - .502 .451 8.58 24.68 16.97 11.62 - 0.79 2.25 - 115.85 - 1.17 - 98.7 19.85
1977-78 NYK 6 - .506 .484 4.35 21.71 12.36 13.43 13.99 1.28 2.59 26.02 108.41 -3.14 1.13 96.9 106.0 18.29
1981-82 LAL 14 0 .586 .564 6.06 19.22 12.99 7.84 14.91 1.20 2.82 23.77 124.51 -5.13 1.31 108.3 104.9 18.67
1982-83 LAL 8 0 .482 .452 10.14 20.18 15.25 4.26 13.44 3.16 3.32 25.60 155.95 -6.57 1.04 94.8 101.3 16.25
1983-84 LAL 20 0 .557 .516 8.10 18.38 13.59 3.69 13.46 1.29 3.34 26.87 122.00 -7.03 1.30 104.8 105.9 17.78
1984-85 LAL 19 0 .508 .472 7.54 15.38 11.81 4.61 13.03 1.00 3.45 23.93 121.62 -5.23 1.12 99.3 107.6 12.58
1985-86 PHL 5 0 .627 .556 13.70 9.17 11.31 5.01 4.44 2.65 4.14 25.78 143.06 -0.94 1.50 136.1 108.6 27.65
CAREER   94 0 .531 .491 7.47 20.35 14.16 6.72 13.38 1.22 2.96 25.36 146.45 -5.41 1.21 103.4 103.7 19.01

More Bob McAdoo NBA Playoff Stats »

NBA All-Star Weekend Competitions

Eastern All-Star Fan Vote Selection - 1975, 1976, 1977
Eastern All-Star Coaches Selection - 1974, 1978

* Since the 1946-1947 season

NBA All-Star Game Stats - Totals

1974 East 1 - 13 11 3 4 .750 - - - 5 8 .625 1 2 3 1 0 1 - 4
1975 East 1 - 26 11 4 9 .444 - - - 3 3 1.000 4 2 6 2 0 0 - 4
1976 East 1 - 29 22 10 14 .714 - - - 2 4 .500 2 5 7 1 0 0 - 5
1977 East 1 - 38 30 13 23 .565 - - - 4 4 1.000 3 7 10 2 3 1 - 3
1978 East 1 - 20 14 7 14 .500 - - - 0 0 .000 3 1 4 0 1 0 3 2
TOTAL   5 - 126 88 37 64 .578 - - - 14 19 .737 13 17 30 6 4 2 3 18
AVERAGES   5 - 25.2 17.60 7.40 12.80 .578 - - - 2.80 3.80 .737 2.60 3.40 6.00 1.20 0.80 0.40 0.60 3.60

More Bob McAdoo NBA All-Star Stats »

NCAA Career

College: North Carolina (1972)

NCAA Season Stats - Per Game

1969-70 Vincennes Fr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1970-71 Vincennes So - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1971-72 North Carolina Jr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NCAA Awards & Honors

Consensus All-American First Team - 1972
NABC All-American Third Team - 1972
AP All-American Second Team - 1972
USBWA All-American First Team - 1972
UPI All-American Second Team - 1972
NCAA Final Four All-Tournament Teams (AP) - 1972

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the age of Bob McAdoo?

Bob McAdoo is 72 years old.

What is the height of Bob McAdoo?

Bob McAdoo is 6-9 (206cm) tall.

What is the weight of Bob McAdoo?

Bob McAdoo is 210 lbs (95kg).

What is the birthday of Bob McAdoo?

Bob McAdoo was born on Sep 25, 1951.

What position does Bob McAdoo play?

Bob McAdoo plays the FC position.

What was the pre-draft team of Bob McAdoo?

Bob McAdoo was drafted out of North Carolina.

What high school did Bob McAdoo attend?

Bob McAdoo attended Ben L. Smith High School in Greensboro, North Carolina.

What nationality is Bob McAdoo?

Bob McAdoo has a United States nationality.

Where was Bob McAdoo born?

Bob McAdoo was born in Greensboro, North Carolina.

How many NBA seasons has Bob McAdoo played?

Bob McAdoo played 14 seasons in the NBA.

What are the career averages of Bob McAdoo?

Bob McAdoo had career averages 22.1 points, 9.4 rebounds, 2.3 assists, 1.3 blocks, 0.9 steals in 852 games.

What are the career totals of Bob McAdoo?

Bob McAdoo had career totals of 18,787 points, 8,048 rebounds, 1,951 assists, 1,147 blocks, 751 steals in 852 games.

How many teams has Bob McAdoo been on?

Bob McAdoo played for 7 NBA teams in his career - Boston Celtics, Buffalo Braves, Detroit Pistons, Los Angeles Lakers, New Jersey Nets, New York Knicks, Philadelphia Sixers.

When was Bob McAdoo drafted?

Bob McAdoo was drafted in the 1st round (#2 overall) of the 1972 NBA Draft by the Buffalo Braves.

What is Bob McAdoo's career high in points?

Bob McAdoo averaged a career high 34.5 points per game in 1974-1975.

What is Bob McAdoo's career high in rebounds?

Bob McAdoo averaged a career high 15.1 rebounds per game in 1973-1974.

What is Bob McAdoo's career high in assists?

Bob McAdoo averaged a career high 4.0 assists per game in 1975-1976.

What is the career PER of Bob McAdoo's?

Bob McAdoo had a career PER of 20.7.

Is Bob McAdoo in the Hall of Fame?

Yes, Bob McAdoo was inducted in the Basketball Hall of Fame in 2000.

How many championships has Bob McAdoo won?

Bob McAdoo has won 2 NBA championships.

How many times did Bob McAdoo win Michael Jordan Most Valuable Player?

Bob McAdoo won MVP 1 time.

How many times did Bob McAdoo win All-NBA First Team?

Bob McAdoo won All-NBA 1st 1 time.

How many times did Bob McAdoo win Wilt Chamberlain Rookie Of The Year?

Bob McAdoo won ROY 1 time.

How many All-Star teams has Bob McAdoo been on?

Bob McAdoo is a 5x All-Star.