Rajon Rondo PG  #9

Born: Feb 22, 1986 (38 years old)

Birthplace/Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky

Nationality: United States

Height: 6-1 (185cm)     Weight: 180 (82kg)

Hand: Right

Website: http://www.rajonrondo9.com/

rajonrondo @rajonrondo @rajonrondo

Current NBA Status: Unrestricted Free Agent (Cleveland Cavaliers)

Agent: Bill Duffy

Draft Entry: 2006 NBA Draft

Early Entry Info: 2006 Early Entrant

Drafted: Round 1, Pick 21, Phoenix Suns

Draft Rights Trade: PHX to BOS, Jun 28, 2006

Pre-Draft Team: Kentucky (So)

High School: Oak Hill Academy [Mouth of Wilson, Virginia]

AAU Team: Derek Smith All-Stars (KY)

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Rajon Rondo Player Profile

NBA Career

16 Years Of Service - 2x NBA Champion, 2x All-NBA Defensive 1st, 4x All-Star

NBA Regular Season Stats - Per Game

2006-07 BOS 78 25 23.5 6.42 2.41 5.77 .418 0.08 0.37 .207 1.53 2.36 .647 0.95 2.79 3.74 3.81 1.64 0.10 1.76 2.32
2007-08 BOS 77 77 29.9 10.57 4.56 9.26 .492 0.06 0.25 .263 1.39 2.27 .611 1.01 3.17 4.18 5.10 1.68 0.17 1.91 2.43
2008-09 BOS 80 80 33.0 11.91 4.79 9.49 .505 0.19 0.60 .313 2.15 3.35 .642 1.25 3.95 5.20 8.24 1.86 0.14 2.61 2.41
2009-10 BOS 81 81 36.6 13.70 5.67 11.16 .508 0.21 0.99 .213 2.16 3.48 .621 1.23 3.21 4.44 9.80 2.33 0.14 3.04 2.44
2010-11 BOS 68 68 37.2 10.60 4.68 9.85 .475 0.15 0.63 .233 1.10 1.94 .568 1.28 3.09 4.37 11.18 2.25 0.16 3.44 1.76
2011-12 BOS 53 53 36.9 11.89 4.83 10.79 .448 0.19 0.79 .238 2.04 3.42 .597 1.17 3.68 4.85 11.70 1.79 0.06 3.64 1.87
2012-13 BOS 38 38 37.4 13.74 5.92 12.24 .484 0.32 1.32 .240 1.58 2.45 .645 1.13 4.45 5.58 11.05 1.84 0.24 3.89 2.53
2013-14 BOS 30 30 33.3 11.67 4.70 11.67 .403 0.87 3.00 .289 1.40 2.23 .627 0.73 4.73 5.47 9.80 1.33 0.07 3.30 2.17
2014-15 * All Teams 68 68 29.7 8.94 4.04 9.49 .426 0.40 1.26 .314 0.46 1.15 .397 1.07 4.41 5.49 7.91 1.34 0.10 3.09 2.25
2014-15 * DAL 46 46 28.7 9.26 4.22 9.67 .436 0.41 1.17 .352 0.41 0.91 .452 1.04 3.48 4.52 6.54 1.17 0.09 2.93 2.41
2014-15 * BOS 22 22 31.8 8.27 3.68 9.09 .405 0.36 1.45 .250 0.55 1.64 .333 1.14 6.36 7.50 10.77 1.68 0.14 3.41 1.91
2015-16 SAC 72 72 35.2 11.93 4.93 10.86 .454 0.86 2.36 .365 1.21 2.08 .580 1.07 4.97 6.04 11.65 1.96 0.14 3.86 2.43
2016-17 CHI 69 42 26.7 7.80 3.32 8.13 .408 0.72 1.93 .376 0.43 0.72 .600 1.06 4.09 5.14 6.68 1.43 0.16 2.45 2.09
2017-18 NOP 65 63 26.2 8.26 3.55 7.60 .468 0.77 2.31 .333 0.38 0.71 .543 0.48 3.57 4.05 8.20 1.08 0.15 2.32 1.83
2018-19 LAL 46 29 29.8 9.22 3.80 9.39 .405 1.11 3.09 .359 0.50 0.78 .639 0.74 4.54 5.28 7.98 1.24 0.15 2.76 2.17
2019-20 LAL 48 3 20.5 7.12 2.85 6.83 .418 0.85 2.60 .328 0.56 0.85 .659 0.48 2.48 2.96 5.00 0.83 0.04 1.90 1.21
2020-21 * All Teams 45 3 17.1 5.38 2.11 4.78 .442 0.80 1.98 .404 0.36 0.38 .941 0.40 2.04 2.44 4.42 0.82 0.09 1.76 1.18
2020-21 * ATL 27 2 14.9 3.93 1.63 4.07 .400 0.63 1.67 .378 0.04 0.07 .500 0.15 1.89 2.04 3.52 0.70 0.07 1.44 0.93
2020-21 * LAC 18 1 20.4 7.56 2.83 5.83 .486 1.06 2.44 .432 0.83 0.83 1.000 0.78 2.28 3.06 5.78 1.00 0.11 2.22 1.56
2021-22 * All Teams 39 1 17.9 4.77 1.74 4.51 .386 0.79 2.26 .352 0.49 0.67 .731 0.38 2.38 2.77 4.36 0.77 0.15 1.74 1.44
2021-22 * CLE 21 1 19.5 6.24 2.14 5.00 .429 1.10 2.76 .397 0.86 1.14 .750 0.24 2.57 2.81 4.90 0.86 0.05 1.62 1.48
2021-22 * LAL 18 0 16.1 3.06 1.28 3.94 .324 0.44 1.67 .267 0.06 0.11 .500 0.56 2.17 2.72 3.72 0.67 0.28 1.89 1.39
CAREER   957 733 29.9 9.76 4.06 8.90 .456 0.47 1.45 .324 1.17 1.91 .611 0.95 3.59 4.54 7.92 1.59 0.13 2.70 2.09

☆ All-Star Season

NBA Regular Season Stats - Totals

2006-07 BOS 78 25 1,831 501 188 450 .418 6 29 .207 119 184 .647 74 218 292 297 128 8 137 181
2007-08 BOS 77 77 2,305.7 814 351 713 .492 5 19 .263 107 175 .611 78 244 322 393 129 13 147 187
2008-09 BOS 80 80 2,642.2 953 383 759 .505 15 48 .313 172 268 .642 100 316 416 659 149 11 209 193
2009-10 BOS 81 81 2,963.1 1,110 459 904 .508 17 80 .213 175 282 .621 100 260 360 794 189 11 246 198
2010-11 BOS 68 68 2,526.8 721 318 670 .475 10 43 .233 75 132 .568 87 210 297 760 153 11 234 120
2011-12 BOS 53 53 1,957.3 630 256 572 .448 10 42 .238 108 181 .597 62 195 257 620 95 3 193 99
2012-13 BOS 38 38 1,422.7 522 225 465 .484 12 50 .240 60 93 .645 43 169 212 420 70 9 148 96
2013-14 BOS 30 30 998.2 350 141 350 .403 26 90 .289 42 67 .627 22 142 164 294 40 2 99 65
2014-15 * All Teams 68 68 2,018.8 608 275 645 .426 27 86 .314 31 78 .397 73 300 373 538 91 7 210 153
2014-15 * DAL 46 46 1,319.4 426 194 445 .436 19 54 .352 19 42 .452 48 160 208 301 54 4 135 111
2014-15 * BOS 22 22 699.4 182 81 200 .405 8 32 .250 12 36 .333 25 140 165 237 37 3 75 42
2015-16 SAC 72 72 2,536.7 859 355 782 .454 62 170 .365 87 150 .580 77 358 435 839 141 10 278 175
2016-17 CHI 69 42 1,842.7 538 229 561 .408 50 133 .376 30 50 .600 73 282 355 461 99 11 169 144
2017-18 NOP 65 63 1,705 537 231 494 .468 50 150 .333 25 46 .543 31 232 263 533 70 10 151 119
2018-19 LAL 46 29 1,368.6 424 175 432 .405 51 142 .359 23 36 .639 34 209 243 367 57 7 127 100
2019-20 LAL 48 3 984.2 342 137 328 .418 41 125 .328 27 41 .659 23 119 142 240 40 2 91 58
2020-21 * All Teams 45 3 769.3 242 95 215 .442 36 89 .404 16 17 .941 18 92 110 199 37 4 79 53
2020-21 * ATL 27 2 401.6 106 44 110 .400 17 45 .378 1 2 .500 4 51 55 95 19 2 39 25
2020-21 * LAC 18 1 367.7 136 51 105 .486 19 44 .432 15 15 1.000 14 41 55 104 18 2 40 28
2021-22 * All Teams 39 1 698 186 68 176 .386 31 88 .352 19 26 .731 15 93 108 170 30 6 68 56
2021-22 * CLE 21 1 408.5 131 45 105 .429 23 58 .397 18 24 .750 5 54 59 103 18 1 34 31
2021-22 * LAL 18 0 289.5 55 23 71 .324 8 30 .267 1 2 .500 10 39 49 67 12 5 34 25
CAREER   957 733 28,570.4 9,337 3,886 8,516 .456 449 1,384 .324 1,116 1,826 .611 910 3,439 4,349 7,584 1,518 125 2,586 1,997

☆ All-Star Season

NBA Regular Season Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2006-07 BOS 78 25 3 0 0 0 0 0 .179 2.17 0.93 0.41 21 57 .269 -0.13 2.55 2.42
2007-08 BOS 77 77 4 0 0 0 0 2 .265 2.67 0.88 0.25 62 15 .805 2.31 4.70 7.01
2008-09 BOS 80 80 15 2 0 0 0 4 .346 3.15 0.71 0.35 62 18 .775 4.81 4.86 9.67
2009-10 BOS 81 81 40 2 0 0 0 4 .417 3.23 0.77 0.31 49 32 .605 4.92 4.59 9.51
2010-11 BOS 68 68 31 3 0 0 2 3 .428 3.25 0.65 0.20 47 21 .691 1.91 4.43 6.34
2011-12 BOS 53 53 21 6 0 0 2 8 .465 3.21 0.49 0.32 31 22 .585 1.56 3.08 4.65
2012-13 BOS 38 38 20 5 0 0 2 3 .460 2.84 0.47 0.20 18 20 .474 1.14 1.96 3.09
2013-14 BOS 30 30 13 1 0 0 0 1 .399 2.97 0.40 0.19 6 24 .200 0.10 0.69 0.79
2014-15 * All Teams 68 68 15 3 0 0 0 2 .304 2.56 0.43 0.12 34 34 .500 -0.75 2.29 1.54
2014-15 * DAL 46 46 6 0 0 0 0 1 .278 2.23 0.40 0.09 26 20 .565 -0.66 1.35 0.69
2014-15 * BOS 22 22 9 3 0 0 0 1 .356 3.16 0.49 0.18 8 14 .364 -0.12 0.92 0.80
2015-16 SAC 72 72 37 6 0 0 2 7 .413 3.02 0.51 0.19 29 43 .403 2.28 2.28 4.57
2016-17 CHI 69 42 6 1 0 0 0 1 .258 2.73 0.59 0.09 34 35 .493 -0.40 2.54 2.14
2017-18 NOP 65 63 15 2 0 0 1 4 .271 3.53 0.46 0.09 41 24 .631 1.97 1.50 3.47
2018-19 LAL 46 29 14 1 0 0 0 3 .277 2.89 0.45 0.08 19 27 .413 -0.22 1.25 1.02
2019-20 LAL 48 3 2 0 0 0 0 2 .184 2.64 0.44 0.12 37 11 .771 0.17 1.11 1.28
2020-21 * All Teams 45 3 0 0 0 0 0 5 .161 2.52 0.47 0.08 28 17 .622 0.44 0.83 1.27
2020-21 * ATL 27 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 .129 2.44 0.49 0.02 16 11 .593 -0.20 0.39 0.19
2020-21 * LAC 18 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 .208 2.60 0.45 0.14 12 6 .667 0.67 0.46 1.14
2021-22 * All Teams 39 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 .155 2.50 0.44 0.15 16 23 .410 -0.23 0.76 0.53
2021-22 * CLE 21 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 .180 3.03 0.53 0.23 11 10 .524 0.44 0.42 0.86
2021-22 * LAL 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .126 1.97 0.35 0.03 5 13 .278 -0.64 0.34 -0.30
CAREER   957 733 237 32 0 0 9 49 .311 2.93 0.59 0.21 534 423 .558 18.02 39.03 57.05

☆ All-Star Season

NBA Regular Season Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2006-07 BOS 78 25 .472 .424 4.70 14.66 9.54 26.43 20.51 3.66 0.34 16.51 127.14 3.33 1.11 97.3 103.5 12.99
2007-08 BOS 77 77 .515 .496 4.30 11.85 8.31 28.18 15.69 2.95 0.46 18.92 136.69 5.07 1.14 107.2 99.1 15.61
2008-09 BOS 80 80 .543 .514 4.84 13.89 9.58 39.51 19.25 2.99 0.33 19.17 145.89 8.84 1.26 113.6 101.5 18.80
2009-10 BOS 81 81 .540 .517 4.25 10.44 7.43 43.68 19.31 3.34 0.29 20.17 134.08 9.68 1.23 111.0 103.3 19.06
2010-11 BOS 68 68 .495 .482 4.52 9.68 7.25 46.89 24.32 3.21 0.34 18.29 127.54 10.99 1.08 104.4 101.3 17.04
2011-12 BOS 53 53 .483 .456 3.89 11.14 7.68 52.42 22.85 2.58 0.12 20.62 128.23 11.36 1.10 101.6 100.2 17.46
2012-13 BOS 38 38 .516 .497 3.66 13.96 8.89 49.86 22.63 2.58 0.51 21.71 136.90 9.34 1.12 102.6 103.0 17.97
2013-14 BOS 30 30 .461 .440 2.38 17.72 9.51 48.00 20.69 2.07 0.16 21.14 131.86 9.81 1.00 98.8 109.5 14.95
2014-15 * All Teams 68 68 .448 .447 3.95 16.38 10.13 39.34 23.61 2.24 0.27 19.44 113.77 7.16 0.94 94.5 104.8 13.23
2014-15 * DAL 46 46 .460 .457 3.94 13.26 8.58 34.74 22.56 2.05 0.24 20.28 124.02 4.87 0.96 93.6 105.7 12.28
2014-15 * BOS 22 22 .422 .425 3.97 22.46 13.16 47.23 25.79 2.59 0.32 17.89 98.83 11.37 0.91 95.9 103.3 15.03
2015-16 SAC 72 72 .506 .494 3.32 15.13 9.28 47.74 24.69 2.67 0.32 18.83 139.87 10.61 1.10 104.5 107.5 16.78
2016-17 CHI 69 42 .461 .453 4.26 16.70 10.43 36.83 22.47 2.70 0.47 17.81 138.41 7.59 0.96 98.3 105.9 13.51
2017-18 NOP 65 63 .522 .518 2.05 14.29 8.39 41.43 22.70 1.95 0.46 16.84 134.44 11.57 1.09 109.4 109.7 15.14
2018-19 LAL 46 29 .473 .464 2.62 15.68 9.24 35.37 22.09 1.94 0.42 17.41 140.31 8.31 0.98 100.2 111.5 12.01
2019-20 LAL 48 3 .494 .480 2.63 12.87 7.89 32.62 20.82 1.94 0.18 18.75 140.42 6.98 1.04 103.2 109.8 12.44
2020-21 * All Teams 45 3 .544 .526 2.72 12.59 7.90 35.99 26.20 2.39 0.46 17.21 178.75 7.17 1.13 108.4 112.0 13.15
2020-21 * ATL 27 2 .478 .477 1.12 13.14 7.37 32.83 26.02 2.34 0.43 16.15 127.78 6.20 0.96 98.6 113.0 9.84
2020-21 * LAC 18 1 .609 .576 4.67 12.02 8.58 39.05 26.39 2.44 0.51 18.46 191.75 8.21 1.30 117.8 110.5 16.70
2021-22 * All Teams 39 1 .496 .474 2.31 13.88 8.18 33.81 26.62 2.08 0.76 15.95 146.94 6.47 1.06 99.9 111.5 10.58
2021-22 * CLE 21 1 .567 .538 1.36 14.13 7.88 35.70 22.73 2.21 0.21 16.40 157.51 8.74 1.25 113.1 112.1 13.86
2021-22 * LAL 18 0 .383 .380 3.57 13.65 8.66 31.30 32.11 1.94 1.55 15.46 109.06 3.53 0.77 81.8 110.7 6.32
CAREER   957 733 .501 .483 3.72 13.47 8.70 40.18 21.72 2.69 0.35 18.71 139.19 8.66 1.10 104.4 105.3 15.74

☆ All-Star Season

More Rajon Rondo NBA Stats »

NBA Transactions

Jun 28, 2006 - The Phoenix Suns selected Rajon Rondo in Round 1 with Pick 21 in the 2006 NBA Draft.
Jun 28, 2006 - The draft rights to Rajon Rondo was acquired by the Boston Celtics, along with Brian Grant and cash, from the Phoenix Suns in exchange for a conditional 2007 1st round pick (CLE own) and a TPE.
Jul 3, 2006 - Rajon Rondo signed a multi-year contract with the Boston Celtics.
Oct 30, 2007 - The Boston Celtics exercised their Team Option to extend the contract of Rajon Rondo.
Oct 31, 2008 - The Boston Celtics exercised their Team Option to extend the contract of Rajon Rondo.
Nov 2, 2009 - Rajon Rondo signed a rookie scale extension with the Boston Celtics.
Jan 15, 2014 - The Boston Celtics assigned Rajon Rondo to the Maine Red Claws of the G League.
Jan 15, 2014 - The Boston Celtics recalled Rajon Rondo from the Maine Red Claws of the G League.
Dec 18, 2014 - Rajon Rondo was acquired by the Dallas Mavericks, along with Dwight Powell, from the Boston Celtics in exchange for Jae Crowder, Jameer Nelson, Brandan Wright, a conditional 2015 1st round pick (DAL own) and a More Favorable 2016 2nd round pick.
Jul 1, 2015 - Rajon Rondo, previously with the Dallas Mavericks, became a free agent.
Jul 9, 2015 - The Dallas Mavericks renounced their free-agent exception rights to Rajon Rondo.
Jul 13, 2015 - Rajon Rondo signed a contract with the Sacramento Kings.
Jul 1, 2016 - Rajon Rondo, previously with the Sacramento Kings, became a free agent.
Jul 7, 2016 - Rajon Rondo signed a multi-year contract with the Chicago Bulls.
Jun 30, 2017 - The Chicago Bulls placed the contract of Rajon Rondo on waivers.
Jul 2, 2017 - Rajon Rondo, previously with the Chicago Bulls, became a free agent.
Jul 19, 2017 - Rajon Rondo signed a contract with the New Orleans Pelicans.
Jul 1, 2018 - Rajon Rondo, previously with the New Orleans Pelicans, became a free agent.
Jul 6, 2018 - Rajon Rondo signed a contract with the Los Angeles Lakers.
Dec 17, 2018 - The Los Angeles Lakers assigned Rajon Rondo to the South Bay Lakers of the G League.
Dec 18, 2018 - The Los Angeles Lakers recalled Rajon Rondo from the South Bay Lakers of the G League.
Jul 1, 2019 - Rajon Rondo, previously with the Los Angeles Lakers, became a free agent.
Jul 6, 2019 - The Los Angeles Lakers renounced their free-agent exception rights to Rajon Rondo.
Jul 8, 2019 - Rajon Rondo signed a multi-year contract with the Los Angeles Lakers.
Nov 21, 2020 - Rajon Rondo, previously with the Los Angeles Lakers, became a free agent.
Nov 23, 2020 - Rajon Rondo signed a multi-year contract with the Atlanta Hawks.
Mar 25, 2021 - Rajon Rondo was acquired by the Los Angeles Clippers from the Atlanta Hawks in exchange for Lou Williams, a 2023 2nd round pick (POR own), a 2027 2nd round pick (LAC own) and cash.
Aug 16, 2021 - Rajon Rondo was acquired by the Memphis Grizzlies, along with Patrick Beverley and Daniel Oturu, from the Los Angeles Clippers in exchange for Eric Bledsoe.
Aug 28, 2021 - The Memphis Grizzlies placed the contract of Rajon Rondo on waivers.
Aug 30, 2021 - Rajon Rondo, previously with the Memphis Grizzlies, became a free agent.
Aug 31, 2021 - Rajon Rondo signed a contract with the Los Angeles Lakers.
Jan 3, 2022 - Rajon Rondo was acquired by the Cleveland Cavaliers, along with a TPE, from the Los Angeles Lakers in exchange for Denzel Valentine.
Jul 1, 2022 - Rajon Rondo, previously with the Cleveland Cavaliers, became a free agent.
Apr 2, 2024 - Rajon Rondo retired from professional basketball.

More NBA Transactions »

NBA Awards & Honors

NBA Champion - 2008, 2020
All-NBA Third Team - 2012
Player Of The Week - 11/01/2010
All-NBA Defensive First Team - 2010, 2011
All-NBA Defensive Second Team - 2009, 2012
All-Rookie Second Team - 2007

* Since the 1946-1947 season

NBA Playoff Stats - Per Game

2007-08 BOS 26 26 31.9 10.23 4.12 10.12 .407 0.19 0.77 .250 1.81 2.62 .691 1.50 2.62 4.12 6.62 1.73 0.31 1.81 2.85
2008-09 BOS 14 14 41.2 16.86 6.64 15.93 .417 0.43 1.71 .250 3.14 4.79 .657 2.29 7.43 9.71 9.79 2.50 0.21 2.71 3.36
2009-10 BOS 24 24 40.6 15.79 6.29 13.58 .463 0.38 1.00 .375 2.83 4.75 .596 1.58 4.00 5.58 9.29 1.92 0.12 3.00 2.38
2010-11 BOS 9 9 38.4 14.00 5.67 11.89 .477 0.00 0.33 .000 2.67 4.22 .632 1.22 4.22 5.44 9.56 1.11 0.00 3.67 1.78
2011-12 BOS 19 19 42.7 17.32 7.42 15.84 .468 0.42 1.58 .267 2.05 2.95 .696 1.84 4.89 6.74 11.95 2.37 0.11 3.79 2.11
2014-15 DAL 2 2 18.6 9.50 4.50 10.00 .450 0.50 1.00 .500 0.00 0.00 .000 0.50 0.50 1.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 3.00
2016-17 CHI 2 2 33.7 11.50 5.50 13.00 .423 0.00 3.00 .000 0.50 1.00 .500 3.50 5.00 8.50 10.00 3.50 0.50 2.00 3.00
2017-18 NOP 9 9 33.6 10.33 4.22 10.22 .413 0.89 2.11 .421 1.00 1.56 .643 1.00 6.56 7.56 12.22 1.44 0.22 3.67 2.22
2019-20 LAL 16 0 24.7 8.94 3.44 7.56 .455 1.25 3.12 .400 0.81 1.19 .684 0.81 3.50 4.31 6.56 1.38 0.12 2.12 2.25
2020-21 LAC 13 0 16.9 4.23 1.38 4.08 .340 0.85 2.15 .393 0.62 0.92 .667 0.31 2.31 2.62 3.85 0.38 0.23 1.08 1.38
CAREER   134 105 34.0 12.46 5.03 11.43 .440 0.51 1.54 .330 1.89 2.91 .649 1.41 4.14 5.55 8.48 1.70 0.18 2.60 2.39

Rajon Rondo Full Playoff History »

NBA Playoff Stats - Totals

2007-08 BOS 26 26 830.6 266 107 263 .407 5 20 .250 47 68 .691 39 68 107 172 45 8 47 74
2008-09 BOS 14 14 577.1 236 93 223 .417 6 24 .250 44 67 .657 32 104 136 137 35 3 38 47
2009-10 BOS 24 24 974.8 379 151 326 .463 9 24 .375 68 114 .596 38 96 134 223 46 3 72 57
2010-11 BOS 9 9 345.3 126 51 107 .477 0 3 .000 24 38 .632 11 38 49 86 10 0 33 16
2011-12 BOS 19 19 810.4 329 141 301 .468 8 30 .267 39 56 .696 35 93 128 227 45 2 72 40
2014-15 DAL 2 2 37.2 19 9 20 .450 1 2 .500 0 0 .000 1 1 2 6 0 0 2 6
2016-17 CHI 2 2 67.4 23 11 26 .423 0 6 .000 1 2 .500 7 10 17 20 7 1 4 6
2017-18 NOP 9 9 302.3 93 38 92 .413 8 19 .421 9 14 .643 9 59 68 110 13 2 33 20
2019-20 LAL 16 0 395.4 143 55 121 .455 20 50 .400 13 19 .684 13 56 69 105 22 2 34 36
2020-21 LAC 13 0 220.2 55 18 53 .340 11 28 .393 8 12 .667 4 30 34 50 5 3 14 18
CAREER   134 105 4,560.7 1,669 674 1,532 .440 68 206 .330 253 390 .649 189 555 744 1,136 228 24 349 320

NBA Playoff Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2007-08 BOS 26 26 2 0 0 0 0 1 .320 3.66 0.96 0.26 16 10 .615 0.79 1.33 2.12
2008-09 BOS 14 14 9 3 0 0 0 1 .439 3.61 0.92 0.30 7 7 .500 0.62 0.97 1.59
2009-10 BOS 24 24 9 2 0 0 0 4 .454 3.10 0.64 0.35 15 9 .625 0.96 1.77 2.73
2010-11 BOS 9 9 3 1 0 0 1 0 .425 2.61 0.30 0.36 5 4 .556 0.38 0.36 0.74
2011-12 BOS 19 19 14 4 1 0 0 5 .569 3.15 0.62 0.19 10 9 .526 1.34 1.29 2.63
2014-15 DAL 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 .195 3.00 0.00 0.00 0 2 .000 0.03 -0.02 0.01
2016-17 CHI 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 .369 5.00 1.75 0.08 2 0 1.000 0.13 0.16 0.28
2017-18 NOP 9 9 4 0 0 0 1 2 .383 3.33 0.39 0.15 5 4 .556 0.13 0.39 0.52
2019-20 LAL 16 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 .247 3.09 0.65 0.16 12 4 .750 0.65 0.49 1.14
2020-21 LAC 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .133 3.57 0.36 0.23 7 6 .538 0.10 0.13 0.23
CAREER   134 105 44 10 1 0 2 15 .370 3.26 0.65 0.25 79 55 .590 4.94 6.40 11.33

NBA Playoff Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2007-08 BOS 26 26 .454 .416 5.99 10.13 8.10 36.26 13.83 3.01 0.83 19.71 134.80 8.75 1.01 105.8 103.3 16.46
2008-09 BOS 14 14 .467 .430 6.47 21.90 14.03 40.94 13.08 3.17 0.43 23.29 132.38 9.27 1.06 105.9 102.6 20.94
2009-10 BOS 24 24 .504 .477 4.91 11.70 8.40 41.10 16.07 2.52 0.27 21.95 143.47 8.14 1.16 106.4 102.5 18.52
2010-11 BOS 9 9 .509 .477 4.11 12.80 8.68 42.32 21.06 1.56 - 21.75 110.82 7.29 1.18 104.6 106.3 17.62
2011-12 BOS 19 19 .505 .482 5.28 13.35 9.41 53.49 18.11 3.05 0.20 24.02 143.15 10.21 1.09 104.8 99.5 23.29
2014-15 DAL 2 2 .475 .475 2.59 2.95 2.76 29.02 9.09 - - 24.31 95.00 5.01 0.95 102.5 118.6 12.86
2016-17 CHI 2 2 .428 .423 12.08 16.28 14.24 41.99 12.95 5.30 1.48 19.47 92.31 14.31 0.88 116.4 100.0 22.95
2017-18 NOP 9 9 .474 .457 3.21 19.63 11.71 47.45 25.16 2.01 0.52 18.57 147.70 12.68 1.01 103.4 107.0 15.96
2019-20 LAL 16 0 .553 .537 4.06 17.26 10.71 37.73 20.81 2.79 0.53 18.30 153.88 9.54 1.18 115.6 109.8 17.90
2020-21 LAC 13 0 .472 .443 2.19 15.39 9.00 30.83 19.37 1.17 1.34 15.43 139.91 9.47 1.04 109.9 118.6 11.14
CAREER   134 105 .490 .462 5.05 14.29 9.76 41.08 17.00 2.63 0.46 21.04 141.88 9.36 1.09 106.9 105.3 18.67

More Rajon Rondo NBA Playoff Stats »

NBA All-Star Weekend Competitions

Eastern All-Star Fan Vote Selection - 2013
Eastern All-Star Coaches Selection - 2010, 2011
Eastern All-Star Replacement Selection - 2012
Rising Stars Challenge Participant - 2008
Skills Challenge Participant - 2012

* Since the 1946-1947 season

NBA All-Star Game Stats - Totals

2010 East 1 0 20 4 2 3 .667 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 1 0 1 5 1 0 2 1
2011 East 1 0 20.6 6 3 5 .600 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 2 0 2 8 0 0 2 0
2012 East 1 0 15.6 2 1 3 .333 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 2 2 8 0 0 4 1
TOTAL   3 0 56.1 12 6 11 .545 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 3 2 5 21 1 0 8 2
AVERAGES   3 0 18.7 4.00 2.00 3.67 .545 0.00 0.00 .000 0.00 0.00 .000 1.00 0.67 1.67 7.00 0.33 0.00 2.67 0.67

More Rajon Rondo NBA All-Star Stats »

NBA Rising Stars Challenge Stats - Totals

2008 Sophomores 1 1 18.2 6 2 5 .400 0 0 .000 2 2 1.000 0 3 3 6 3 0 2 0
TOTAL   1 1 18.2 6 2 5 .400 0 0 .000 2 2 1.000 0 3 3 6 3 0 2 0
AVERAGES   1 1 18.2 6.00 2.00 5.00 .400 0.00 0.00 .000 2.00 2.00 1.000 0.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 2.00 0.00

More Rajon Rondo NBA All-Star Stats »

NBA Summer League Stats - Per Game

2006-07 BOS Las Vegas 5 5 32.2 10.40 4.40 7.80 .564 0.20 0.40 .500 1.40 2.00 .700 1.20 2.80 4.00 5.80 2.20 0.40 1.80 6.00
CAREER     5 5 32.2 10.40 4.40 7.80 .564 0.20 0.40 .500 1.40 2.00 .700 1.20 2.80 4.00 5.80 2.20 0.40 1.80 6.00

NBA Summer League Stats - Totals

2006-07 BOS Las Vegas 5 5 161 52 22 39 .564 1 2 .500 7 10 .700 6 14 20 29 11 2 9 30
CAREER     5 5 161 52 22 39 .564 1 2 .500 7 10 .700 6 14 20 29 11 2 9 30

NBA Summer League Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team Location GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2006-07 BOS Las Vegas 5 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 .313 3.22 1.22 0.26 3 2 .600 0.54 0.22 0.76
CAREER     5 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 .313 3.22 1.22 0.26 3 2 .600 0.55 0.23 0.78

NBA Summer League Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team Location GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2006-07 BOS Las Vegas 5 5 .599 .577 4.92 10.31 7.76 26.23 17.18 3.30 0.92 13.76 176.41 6.00 1.33 124.3 101.8 18.90
CAREER     5 5 .599 .577 4.92 10.31 7.76 26.23 17.18 3.30 0.92 13.76 176.41 6.20 1.33 124.3 101.8 19.04

More Rajon Rondo NBA Summer League Stats »

NBA Preseason Stats - Per Game

2010-11 BOS 7 7 26.3 7.86 2.86 6.29 .455 0.14 0.43 .333 2.00 2.71 .737 1.14 2.00 3.14 7.71 2.14 0.43 2.71 2.43
2011-12 BOS 2 2 24.9 11.00 4.00 9.50 .421 0.00 0.00 .000 3.00 4.00 .750 0.00 2.50 2.50 7.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 2.00
2012-13 BOS 8 8 30.0 10.88 4.25 9.88 .430 0.25 0.75 .333 2.12 2.75 .773 0.62 3.62 4.25 8.25 1.12 0.12 3.88 2.12
2015-16 SAC 6 6 23.4 5.67 2.33 4.67 .500 0.33 1.67 .200 0.67 1.67 .400 0.50 3.00 3.50 5.17 1.50 0.17 2.17 0.83
2016-17 CHI 5 5 25.8 8.20 3.60 7.40 .486 0.40 1.80 .222 0.60 1.20 .500 0.80 5.20 6.00 6.80 0.60 0.40 4.00 2.00
2017-18 NOP 2 2 19.2 5.50 2.50 5.00 .500 0.50 1.50 .333 0.00 0.00 .000 0.00 2.50 2.50 4.00 1.50 0.00 1.00 0.50
2018-19 LAL 4 4 22.6 4.00 1.50 3.50 .429 1.00 1.25 .800 0.00 0.00 .000 1.25 3.00 4.25 8.75 1.00 0.00 2.75 2.25
2019-20 LAL 3 2 19.7 8.67 3.33 7.67 .435 1.33 3.33 .400 0.67 0.67 1.000 0.33 2.00 2.33 3.33 0.67 0.00 3.00 1.67
2020-21 ATL 1 0 18.7 3.00 1.00 4.00 .250 1.00 3.00 .333 0.00 0.00 .000 0.00 3.00 3.00 7.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
2021-22 LAL 6 0 16.7 3.00 1.17 2.33 .500 0.67 1.17 .571 0.00 0.00 .000 0.00 4.17 4.17 3.33 0.33 0.00 2.33 1.17
CAREER   44 36 23.9 7.11 2.80 6.18 .452 0.48 1.27 .375 1.05 1.52 .687 0.59 3.25 3.84 6.34 1.20 0.18 2.86 1.73

NBA Preseason Stats - Totals

2010-11 BOS 7 7 184.3 55 20 44 .455 1 3 .333 14 19 .737 8 14 22 54 15 3 19 17
2011-12 BOS 2 2 49.9 22 8 19 .421 0 0 .000 6 8 .750 0 5 5 14 6 0 6 4
2012-13 BOS 8 8 240 87 34 79 .430 2 6 .333 17 22 .773 5 29 34 66 9 1 31 17
2015-16 SAC 6 6 140.2 34 14 28 .500 2 10 .200 4 10 .400 3 18 21 31 9 1 13 5
2016-17 CHI 5 5 129 41 18 37 .486 2 9 .222 3 6 .500 4 26 30 34 3 2 20 10
2017-18 NOP 2 2 38.4 11 5 10 .500 1 3 .333 0 0 .000 0 5 5 8 3 0 2 1
2018-19 LAL 4 4 90.2 16 6 14 .429 4 5 .800 0 0 .000 5 12 17 35 4 0 11 9
2019-20 LAL 3 2 59.1 26 10 23 .435 4 10 .400 2 2 1.000 1 6 7 10 2 0 9 5
2020-21 ATL 1 0 18.7 3 1 4 .250 1 3 .333 0 0 .000 0 3 3 7 0 1 1 1
2021-22 LAL 6 0 100.3 18 7 14 .500 4 7 .571 0 0 .000 0 25 25 20 2 0 14 7
CAREER   44 36 1,050 313 123 272 .452 21 56 .375 46 67 .687 26 143 169 279 53 8 126 76

NBA Preseason Stats - Misc Stats

Season Team GP GS Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2010-11 BOS 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 .301 2.84 0.79 0.43 7 0 1.000 0.37 0.38 0.75
2011-12 BOS 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .400 2.33 1.00 0.42 2 0 1.000 0.04 0.18 0.21
2012-13 BOS 8 8 2 0 0 0 0 0 .355 2.13 0.29 0.28 3 5 .375 0.18 0.23 0.41
2015-16 SAC 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 .209 2.38 0.69 0.36 5 1 .833 0.09 0.20 0.29
2016-17 CHI 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 .275 1.70 0.15 0.16 1 4 .200 -0.10 0.12 0.02
2017-18 NOP 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .188 4.00 1.50 0.00 0 2 .000 0.06 0.03 0.09
2018-19 LAL 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 .261 3.18 0.36 0.00 1 3 .250 0.10 0.09 0.18
2019-20 LAL 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .169 1.11 0.22 0.09 1 2 .333 -0.04 0.06 0.02
2020-21 ATL 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .216 7.00 0.00 0.00 0 1 .000 - - -
2021-22 LAL 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .122 1.43 0.14 0.00 0 6 .000 -0.10 0.01 -0.09
CAREER   44 36 2 0 0 0 0 0 .253 2.21 0.42 0.25 20 24 .455 0.51 1.12 1.63

NBA Preseason Stats - Advanced Stats

Season Team GP GS TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2010-11 BOS 7 7 .525 .466 5.73 8.47 7.21 47.07 26.63 4.04 1.35 17.39 152.47 8.87 1.25 108.8 92.6 20.34
2011-12 BOS 2 2 .488 .421 - 11.43 6.00 67.81 21.04 6.68 - 27.10 117.11 6.94 1.16 94.2 78.5 25.40
2012-13 BOS 8 8 .491 .443 2.78 12.88 8.40 47.15 25.90 1.93 0.35 23.30 153.64 5.36 1.10 96.7 100.7 16.91
2015-16 SAC 6 6 .525 .536 2.29 13.22 7.86 34.94 28.63 3.14 0.59 14.04 110.00 5.35 1.21 98.5 97.1 15.86
2016-17 CHI 5 5 .517 .514 3.21 19.91 11.75 41.71 33.53 1.11 1.18 19.29 120.87 1.98 1.11 87.9 102.6 13.12
2017-18 NOP 2 2 .550 .550 - 15.79 7.26 35.85 16.67 3.74 - 13.94 83.33 8.44 1.10 109.7 102.7 19.23
2018-19 LAL 4 4 .571 .571 5.99 13.20 9.75 51.78 44.00 1.93 - 11.00 122.86 12.36 1.14 106.6 103.8 15.30
2019-20 LAL 3 2 .544 .522 1.61 11.91 6.21 26.08 27.37 1.57 - 21.65 183.48 -3.78 1.13 89.3 102.7 10.69
2020-21 ATL 1 0 .375 .375 - 15.47 7.29 51.30 20.00 - 5.38 10.64 58.33 17.56 0.75 103.9 119.5 11.95
2021-22 LAL 6 0 .643 .643 - 24.32 12.31 28.54 50.00 0.90 - 11.29 107.14 -0.64 1.29 84.0 111.4 8.72
CAREER   44 36 .519 .491 2.77 14.30 8.72 42.15 29.48 2.43 0.65 17.48 151.38 5.47 1.15 97.1 100.8 16.03

More Rajon Rondo NBA Preseason Stats »

NBA Training Camp Experience

2006 NBA Training Camp - Boston Celtics
2007 NBA Training Camp - Boston Celtics
2008 NBA Training Camp - Boston Celtics
2009 NBA Training Camp - Boston Celtics
2010 NBA Training Camp - Boston Celtics
2011 NBA Training Camp - Boston Celtics
2012 NBA Training Camp - Boston Celtics
2013 NBA Training Camp - Boston Celtics
2014 NBA Training Camp - Boston Celtics
2015 NBA Training Camp - Sacramento Kings
2016 NBA Training Camp - Chicago Bulls
2017 NBA Training Camp - New Orleans Pelicans
2018 NBA Training Camp - Los Angeles Lakers
2019 NBA Training Camp - Los Angeles Lakers
2020 NBA Training Camp - Atlanta Hawks
2021 NBA Training Camp - Los Angeles Lakers

NCAA Career

College: Kentucky (2006)

NCAA Season Stats - Per Game

2004-05 Kentucky Fr 34 34 25.1 8.06 3.00 5.88 .510 0.29 0.97 .303 1.76 3.03 .583 0.59 2.26 2.85 3.47 2.56 0.24 2.03 1.85
2005-06 Kentucky So 34 28 31.0 11.18 4.32 8.97 .482 0.53 1.94 .273 2.00 3.50 .571 1.09 5.06 6.15 4.91 2.03 0.15 2.32 2.06
CAREER NCAA DI   68 62 28.1 9.62 3.66 7.43 .493 0.41 1.46 .283 1.88 3.26 .577 0.84 3.66 4.50 4.19 2.29 0.19 2.18 1.96

NCAA Season Stats - Totals

2004-05 Kentucky Fr 34 34 854 274 102 200 .510 10 33 .303 60 103 .583 20 77 97 118 87 8 69 63
2005-06 Kentucky So 34 28 1,054 380 147 305 .482 18 66 .273 68 119 .571 37 172 209 167 69 5 79 70
CAREER NCAA DI   68 62 1,908 654 249 505 .493 28 99 .283 128 222 .577 57 249 306 285 156 13 148 133

NCAA Season Stats - Misc Stats

Season School Class GP Dbl Dbl Tpl Dbl 40 Pts 20 Reb 20 Ast Techs HOB Ast/TO Stl/TO FT/FGA W's L's Win % OWS DWS WS
2004-05 Kentucky Fr 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 .244 1.71 1.26 0.52 28 6 .824 1.67 2.05 3.72
2005-06 Kentucky So 34 3 0 0 0 0 0 .358 2.11 0.87 0.39 21 13 .618 2.76 1.89 4.65
CAREER NCAA DI   68 3 0 0 0 0 0 .301 1.93 1.05 0.44 49 19 .721 4.42 4.00 8.42

NCAA Season Stats - Advanced Stats

Season School Class GP TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% TOV% STL% BLK% USG% Total S % PPR PPS ORtg DRtg PER
2004-05 Kentucky Fr 34 .550 .535 2.42 9.22 5.84 25.79 21.70 6.25 1.10 18.81 139.56 1.21 1.37 105.9 88.3 18.12
2005-06 Kentucky So 34 .526 .511 4.07 18.70 11.43 31.40 17.93 3.98 0.53 21.23 132.61 3.20 1.25 110.2 94.5 20.45
CAREER NCAA DI   68 .536 .521 3.26 14.10 8.71 28.77 19.51 4.99 0.78 20.14 135.25 2.32 1.30 108.3 91.4 19.37

NCAA Awards & Honors

Second Team All-SEC (Coaches) - 2006
SEC All-Freshman Team - 2005
CBE Classic Lexington Regional MVP - 2006

G League Career

G League Transactions

Jan 15, 2014 - The Boston Celtics assigned Rajon Rondo to the Maine Red Claws.
Jan 15, 2014 - The Boston Celtics recalled Rajon Rondo from the Maine Red Claws.
Dec 17, 2018 - The Los Angeles Lakers assigned Rajon Rondo to the South Bay Lakers.
Dec 18, 2018 - The Los Angeles Lakers recalled Rajon Rondo from the South Bay Lakers.

More G League Transactions »

High School Basketball Career

Prep/High School: Oak Hill Academy [Mouth of Wilson, Virginia]

High School Special Event Stats

2004 McDonalds All-American 1 15:00 14 7 10 .700 0 1 .000 0 0 .000 4 4 2 0 3 0
2004 Jordan Classic 1 32:00 12 3 9 .333 0 0 .000 6 8 .750 0 5 4 0 0 2

Prep/High School Awards & Honors

Parade All-American Second Team - 2004

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the age of Rajon Rondo?

Rajon Rondo is 38 years old.

What is the height of Rajon Rondo?

Rajon Rondo is 6-1 (185cm) tall.

What is the weight of Rajon Rondo?

Rajon Rondo is 180 lbs (82kg).

What is the birthday of Rajon Rondo?

Rajon Rondo was born on Feb 22, 1986.

Which hand does Rajon Rondo player with?

Rajon Rondo is right-handed.

What position does Rajon Rondo play?

Rajon Rondo plays the PG position.

What was the pre-draft team of Rajon Rondo?

Rajon Rondo was drafted out of Kentucky.

What high school did Rajon Rondo attend?

Rajon Rondo attended Oak Hill Academy in Mouth of Wilson, Virginia.

What AAU team did Rajon Rondo play for?

Rajon Rondo played AAU basketball for Derek Smith All-Stars (KY).

What nationality is Rajon Rondo?

Rajon Rondo has a United States nationality.

Where was Rajon Rondo born?

Rajon Rondo was born in Louisville, Kentucky.

What is the jersey number of Rajon Rondo?

Rajon Rondo last wore the #9 jersey number.

Who is Rajon Rondo's agent?

Rajon Rondo's agent is Bill Duffy.

How many NBA seasons has Rajon Rondo played?

Rajon Rondo played 16 seasons in the NBA.

What are the career averages of Rajon Rondo?

Rajon Rondo had career averages 9.8 points, 4.5 rebounds, 7.9 assists, 1.6 steals in 957 games.

What are the career totals of Rajon Rondo?

Rajon Rondo had career totals of 9,337 points, 4,349 rebounds, 7,584 assists, 125 blocks, 1,518 steals in 957 games.

How many teams has Rajon Rondo been on?

Rajon Rondo played for 9 NBA teams in his career - Atlanta Hawks, Boston Celtics, Chicago Bulls, Cleveland Cavaliers, Dallas Mavericks, Los Angeles Clippers, Los Angeles Lakers, New Orleans Pelicans, Sacramento Kings.

When was Rajon Rondo drafted?

Rajon Rondo was drafted in the 1st round (#21 overall) of the 2006 NBA Draft by the Phoenix Suns.

What is Rajon Rondo's career high in points?

Rajon Rondo averaged a career high 13.7 points per game in 2012-2013.

What is Rajon Rondo's career high in rebounds?

Rajon Rondo averaged a career high 6.0 rebounds per game in 2015-2016.

What is Rajon Rondo's career high in assists?

Rajon Rondo averaged a career high 11.7 assists per game in 2011-2012.

What is the career PER of Rajon Rondo's?

Rajon Rondo had a career PER of 15.7.

How many championships has Rajon Rondo won?

Rajon Rondo has won 2 NBA championships.

How many times did Rajon Rondo win All-NBA Defensive First Team?

Rajon Rondo won All-NBA Defensive 1st 2 times.

How many All-Star teams has Rajon Rondo been on?

Rajon Rondo is a 4x All-Star.

What is Rajon Rondo's Facebook account?

Rajon Rondo's Facebook account is rajonrondo.

What is Rajon Rondo's Instagram account?

Rajon Rondo's Instagram account is @rajonrondo.

What is Rajon Rondo's X (formerly Twitter) account?

Rajon Rondo's X (formerly Twitter) account is @rajonrondo.